Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race

Released in 2015, The Ridonculous Race is a Spin-Off of the Total Drama series. Whereas the regular Total Drama series spoofs Survivor, this show spoofs The Amazing Race.

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Eighteen teams, each consisting of two contestants, compete against each other to win C$1,000,000. As the teams travel all over the world, they must complete a set of challenges and beat the other teams to the designated Chill Zone in order to stay in the race. Should a team manage to be the last one to reach the Chill Zone, they will be eliminated (unless it's a non-elimination leg, in which case said team still has another chance).

It ran from September 7, 2015 to October 9, 2015 on Cartoon Network in the United States and from January 4, 2016 to February 15, 2016 on the Canadian Cartoon Network channel.

Tropes used in Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race include:
  • Adorkable: Noah (of all people!) can be this whenever he's around his crush, Emma.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Let's see, there's Carrie's crush on Devin, who's already in a relationship with someone (at least until later on in the show), then there's Junior's crush on Carrie (which doesn't go anywhere since Junior is too young for Carrie), and then there's Noah's crush on Emma (though it's later subverted in this case as Emma also develops feelings for him later on). Finally, Brody likes MacArthur, but she doesn't feel the same way (until the ending where the Surfer Dudes win, that is).
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Dwayne Sr. often embarrasses his son, Junior.
  • Arc Fatigue: In-universe; MacArthur mentions in "Last Tango in Buenos Aries" that the Best Friends' romance arc has dragged on for way too long and that they should just kiss each other already, which they eventually do.
  • Artifact of Doom: The Ice Dancers get hit with a streak of bad luck when Josee collects a cursed volcanic rock while they're in Hawaii. They later return it when the Goths tell them what it is and what it does.
  • The Big Damn Kiss:
    • Noah and Emma finally kiss just after Don announces Noah and Owen's elimination in "Got Venom?"
    • After a very long Will They or Won't They? arc all season, Carrie and Devin finally kiss in "Last Tango in Buenos Aries."
  • Bilingual Bonus: As stated on the Total Drama Wiki, the phrase each of the teams must say to get their next tip ("Vinsamlegast gefðu mér mina travel ábending") translates to "Please give me my next travel tip."
    • Also doubling as Getting Crap Past the Radar, the phrase Dwayne says to the lady ("Vinsamlegast gefðu mér mina travel ásdenting") translates to "Please give me my travel, asshole," which earns him a slap to the face.
  • Comically Missing the Point:
    • During the caricature drawing challenge in "French is an Eiffel Language," Carrie's caricature of Devin is rejected because of how sexualized he is. When Devin himself sees what Carrie has drawn, he just assumes it was rejected for being "too realistic."
    • When Owen notices how strange Noah has been acting in "Hawaiian Honeyruin," he assumes that Noah's dying. It takes Kitty flat out telling him that Noah just has a crush on her older sister, Emma, for Owen to finally get it.
  • Deadpan Snarker: There's Noah, of course, but Emma, Junior, Sanders, and even the host, Don, also fit the bill nicely.
  • Delayed Reaction: Spud tends to not react to stuff until a good amount of time has passed. For example, in "Down and Outback," he screams, "AAAAHHHH, A MOUNTAIN!" after he and Rock crash into a mountain.
  • Ditzy Geniuses: The Geniuses lose in "Mediterranean Homesick Blues" by spending a lot more time writing their calculations in the sand than actually building a sand repilca of the Palace of Versaille.
  • An Elimination in the Limelight: With some exceptions, if a team gets more screen time compared to the others in an episode, expect them to be eliminated at the end of that episode.
  • The First Cut Is the Deepest: We don't know for sure if Jake was Emma's first love, but given that their breakup from three years before the start of the show has left Emma wary about forming a romantic relationship with anyone else, it otherwise seems to fit the nature of this trope nicely.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Kitty and Emma, respectively. This is reversed when Emma's love for Noah begins to distract her from the game.
  • Gasshole:
    • Owen, naturally.
    • MacArthur farts loudly and proudly on a couple occasions.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: As mentioned above, they managed to get away with saying the word "asshole" in "Bjorken Telephone" by having Dwayne say it in Icelandic.
  • The Ghost:
    • Though she never appears in the show proper, Geoff sometimes mentions his girlfriend Bridgette.
    • Devin's girlfriend, Shelley, is never shown onscreen.
    • Emma's ex-boyfriend, Jake, like Shelley and Bridgette, is mentioned on a couple occasions, but never shown.
  • Good Cop, Bad Cop: Of the Police Cadets, Sanders is the more level-headed of the two and is rather by-the-book, making her the Good Cop, while MacArthur is very abrasive and impulsive, and isn't afraid of bending the rules if it means they can win the game, making her the Bad Cop.
  • Handicapped Badass: After her arm gets injured in "How Deep is Your Love," Sanders becomes this for the remainder of the series.
  • Heroic BSOD: Noah suffers one from the end of "Maori or Less" through the end of "Little Bull on the Prairie" when Emma temporarily breaks up with him at the end of the former episode.
  • Multiple Endings: Like its parent series, the last episode has two possible outcomes depending on which team fans in a particular country voted for. In this case, the winners are either the Surfer Dudes or the Police Cadets.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • Emma has this reaction throughout "Little Bull on the Prairie" after her breakup with Noah causes Noah's episode-long Heroic BSOD.
    • Happens to MacArthur in "How Deep is Your Love" when she lets Sanders fall down a hole to try to catch up with the other teams, which results in Sanders' arm becoming injured.
  • Oblivious to Love:
    • Devin is pretty oblivious to Carrie's obvious crush on him. This is later reversed when Devin develops feelings for Carrie around the same time Carrie finally gives up on him.
    • When Noah first falls in love with Emma, Emma is too focused on winning to notice this. It isn't until Noah saves her from falling to her death in "Hello and Dubai" that she realizes he's in love with her and begins to return his feelings.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: Noah suddenly acting nicer and being all goo goo-eyed at Emma greatly worries Owen until he realizes that Noah is in love with her.
  • Precocious Crush: Junior has one on Carrie, but Devin tells him in "My Way or Zimbabwe" that he's too young for her.
  • Security Blanket: During the first few episodes, Owen brings his teddy bear, Beary (named so because he's a bear) to help him cope with flying. Though Owen ends up eating him out of fear in "Brazilian Pain Forest," so then Noah involuntarily becomes his new security blanket.
  • Shipper on Deck: Kitty and Owen (once Kitty clues him into it) for Noah/Emma.
  • Spoiled Brat: Taylor of the Mother and Daughter team is both rich and quite rude to her mother, Kelly.
  • Toilet Humor: It wouldn't be a Total Drama series without it. While it's toned down slightly in comparison to the main series, there's still plenty of moments where someone farts (usually, it's Owen who does this) or vomits.
  • Troubled Fetal Position: Noah does this after Owen uses the toilet while they're trying to find a way out of the Geelong Prison in "Shawshank Ridonc-Tion."
  • Unrequited Love Switcheroo: Carrie finally gets over Devin in "Dude Buggies." In that same episode, Devin starts pining for her, but she doesn't return his feelings until "Last Tango in Buenos Aries."
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Happens fairly often, as per usual in a Total Drama series.
  • Wacky Parent, Serious Child: Dwayne often does strange and (at least in Junior's eyes) embarrassing things in an attempt to convince his son that he's cool, while Junior is Wise Beyond His Years and is easily one of the more logical characters in the whole Total Drama franchise.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Inverted; Dwayne tries to impress his son, Junior, throughout the race, though he often just ends up embarrassing Junior when he doesn't mean to. They finally become closer than ever in "Maori or Less" and "Little Bull on the Prairie," though they end up getting eliminated in the latter.