Transformers Animated/Tear Jerker

"Shut me down. I want to sleep again."

    • And the first time he shuts down, with Ratchet reassuring him that he's still a good person.
    • Everything about Omega Supreme. Everything.
  • Prowl's Heroic Sacrifice in Endgame Part 2. I defy any fan to watch his "I'm sorry, Jazz, I have to do this" face before he lets himself be absorbed by the Allspark and not at least desperately want to cry. Made even worse by Jazz calling to him that they'll find another way, and then his final act to save Optimus. *weeps*
    • I actually can't look at a shot of him smiling without tearing up.
      • What makes his smile so much more symbolic and poetic is how he does it. Pretty much every episode before has him either pull off a simple, normal smile (which is rare) and a smug grin. Cue the last episode when he dies and pulls that particular smile which he has never done before. It culminates all the Character Development he got (the selfish, stoic loner to a willing soldier and loyal friend) and works perfectly for his Heroic Sacrifice. When I saw that smile, I was devastated, but ultimately satisfied.
    • I am normally pretty stoic when it comes to movies and such. It takes a lot to make me cry. Yet watching Prowl's death scene brought on the waterworks like I couldn't believe. No audible sobbing, but lots and lots of tears. It's official. Every time I watch the scene, I tear up. Every. Single. Time.
    • The part that upset the most was Starscream's death. I really liked him, especially in Transformers Prime and I thought he was so cool. His fearfulness of how he went was quite upsetting. Also, in deleted never made it past the drawing board found in Allspark Almanac 2, Wreck-Gar kicks it.
  • I still can't stand to watch Blurr's death. How crazy is it to spend an entire week distraught over the death of a cartoon character who was only around for three episodes anyway? But still...
    • I agree that Blurr's death is hard to watch. Especially considering he was betrayed by someone he thought he could trust and just that it must have been so traumatic to be trapped between two walls and literally crushed into a cube. Especially since he's all about speed. I can imagine that being trapped and unable to run freely like he was able to was horrifying.
    • In Allspark Almanac 2, Dugbase's entry said that he, Blurr and Wheelie were a Power Trio because of their unique speach patterns (or lack thereof). Now they're just a duo
    • It's implied that he's still alive, since his colors hadn't actually faded to black and white. This either makes the entire thing better or much worse.
  • Optimus’ final flashback in “Along Came a Spider”. Not totally because of Elita’s death, but because of Sentinel’s reaction. Oh dear God. After watching their none-too-subtle characterizations as boyfriend / girlfriend before it all started to go down the toilet, the way they had each other’s back while fending off the spiders, the way he covered Elita’s and Optimus’ retreat… The way Sentinel screamed her name as she fell… That is the cry of a man whose heart is about to be broken in the worst way, and to this day I still can’t watch that episode without wanting to cry and/or hug the poor guy.
    • Blackarachnia in the episode warranted some hugs too. It must have been unbearably painful for her to live for such a long time in such a disoriented state, and you can't really blame her for switching alliances and not trusting Optimus. And by the end of "Along Came a Spider" she looks off into the moon, crying alone.
    • Add to that the eventual follow-up. In "Predacons Rising," Sentinel learns that Elita survived... as the organic and twisted Blackarachnia. While disgusted by her organic body, in the end, the whole experience clearly hits him hard. You can really feel for the guy when he walks off by himself with such a defeated look on his face.
  • Ratchet in "The Thrill of the Hunt" summing up his war experiences:

"It's not that I don't want to remember. I have to remember… for those who can't."

  • When Bumblebee rushes to help an out-of-control teenage Sari, while she screams for him to stay away... and accidentally stabs him. The looks of disbelief and anguish on both of their faces are just heart breaking. Later, Ratchet gets one when he has to stop Sari in a way that almost kills her. Made even worse when remembering that the first thing Bumblebee said upon waking up was "Where's Sari?", followed by him trying to get up to find her. I and my younger sister started BAWLING.
  • No mention of "Lost and Found"? How about Ratchet's confession to Sari (after she tried to sabotage the ship) that the Autobots had to leave Earth or else the humans, including Sari at the time would be wiped out by the Decepticons. The one that hits is his saying that he would never forgive himself if that were to happen in a quiet voice.