The Last Mystical Legend Of The Fantastic Fantasy Trigger Star (almost always shorted to Trigger Star) is a defunct parody/fantasy webcomic by Interrobang Studios.

An epic quest... with BOOBIES!

It follows the exploits of Avocado Guacamole, who seeks revenge on the Evil Overlord Black Licorice for destroying his porn collection[1]. He assembles a team of adventurers to aid him on this quest, but runs into the problem of having neither the money to hire top notch mercenaries nor the charisma to attract higher level adventurers. So he has to make due with the Character Bargain Bin and signs on:

The strip abruptly ceased updating at some point between 2012 and 2013, and as of mid-2020 the original website is displaying an "account suspended" notice.

Tropes used in Trigger Star include:

Breadbun: ...And then there are rainbow mages.
Avocado: They practice everything?
Breadbun: No, they're homosexuals. Their magic makes everything fabulous.
Avocado: Zounds!

  1. and his entire home village, but mostly the porn thing