Shout-Out/Web Comics

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This page lists Shout-Outs seen in Web Comics.

Works with their own pages

8-Bit Theater


Red Mage: Go ten, Go ten, go!
Thief: I'm more of a Gohan guy.


Red Mage: Black Mage, initiate Plan 9.
Black Mage: From Outer Space?
Red Mage: The same.

    • From the same strip:

Kary: I'm living fire. You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?
Red Mage: You know, for a second there, yeah, I kinda did.


Red Mage: Love, hate, clouds, *thud*.

  • This strip makes another Family Guy reference - one Black Mage hilariously subverts.
  • The Final Boss, Chaos, has Fomortiis' head.
  • When Red Mage tells Fighter to "Make your swords as things unto chainsaws", the card he uses to do it is an Exalted charm-tree card; the name and effect refer to a (now fixed) exploit with Exalted's Glorious Solar Saber charm where you could theoretically conjure a sword capable of making infinite attacks in a single second, which fans affectionately called the Glorious Chainsaw Method.
  • The strip where Dr Swordopolis asks Fighter "Did you choose the sword, or did the sword choose you?" is titled "A Shout-Out to All You Web-Heads Out There", presumably referencing J. Michael Straczynski's "Did the spider choose you?" storyline.
  • In the Epilogue, Akbar's Not-Useless Tools has among its implements for sale a buster sword and gunblade, while one of the notices Fighter reads on the quest board is a recruitment notice for SOLDIER (Black Mage's response? "Lame").
  • And than there was this comic which referred to the too short-lasting Ninth Doctor Who along with the famous Sixth.
  • There's also the title of episode 158: Unfamiliar Ceiling

Girl Genius

Other works


"He's done no severe crime. technically, he was a good angel. But lust is not a good quality. Leads to jealousy. Leads to anger. Leads to violence.


Akuma: Nice costume, but Kane doesn't wear a mask anymore...
Undertaker: I'm not Kane. I'm The Undertaker! And don't you dare say "I don't look like him!"


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  1. That said, this gets far less excessive after his first appearance, as he gets a more varied moveset thanks to his specialty.