
WhiteBladeZero, better known as WhiteBlade or WBZ, is a YouTube machinimator and let's player. He is a gamer who has made some moderately popular series', such as Smash Bros. Zero and Day in Whiteblade's Life. He is also near the end of a Let's Play for Paper Mario (the original Nintendo 64 version) and recently finished one for Sonic Unleashed. He also recently began a Pokemon Yellow one, where he appeared in person for the first time in Episode One.

Yo yo, YouTubers! WhiteBladeZero here...

WhiteBladeZero provides examples of the following tropes:
  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Not really his fault, but during his Let's Play of Paper Mario, he occasionally will start explaining something and get distracted by a battle. Luckily, he cuts out the battle and resumes the explanation...unless another enemy attacks him.
  • Berserk Button: He really doesn't appreciate people saying Smash Bros. Zero is a ripoff of Smashtasm.
    • He also despises people who say "First comment!" or anything of the sort on his videos, blocking anyone who does so, no matter who they are.
    • The character Whiteblade hates insults (see Beware the Nice Ones).
    • Captain Falcon in Whiteblade's Life does not like people making fun of him. ROB exploits this to knock him out.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: In Day in Whiteblade's Life, Whiteblade himself is usually cheerful, but insulting him can have dire consequences.
  • Catch Phrase: "Yo yo, Youtubers! White Blade Zero here!" Word of God states this was not meant as a Catch Phrase, but that doesn't stop him from saying it.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Some of the characters from his series' are this. PokeNinja from Whiteblade's Life especially...
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Whiteblade in Whiteblade's Life getting his Berserk Button pressed and beating the crap out of Pervio.
    • In an unrelated short, ROB defeating the supposedly invincible Captain Falcon.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: ROB throwing the note on Whiteblade's face in Whiteblade's Life.
    • Whiteblade and ROB's discussion during a game.

Whiteblade: "If I [went easy on you], you'd be nothing but spare parts!"
ROB: "I'm gonna BE spare parts if this keeps up..."

    • During the first episode of his Pokemon Yellow let's play after failing to say 'snatches': "I don't even know what I'm saying!" The way he says this just makes it.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Whiteblade from Whiteblade's Life himself.

"Let me guess. You had an oil leak."