Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS/Recap/S1/E12 Link the Circuit

Link the Circuit
A story from Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS
Preceded by: Neutralized
Followed by: Playback
Original release date: August 2, 2017
Central Theme:
Synopsis: Accompanied by Firewall Dragon, Playmaker musters every last ounce of his strength to fight against Revolver's Varreload Dragon. Playmaker vows to get revenge for the incident that happened in the past, while Revolver plots to eradicate Ignis. The two's beliefs shall now clash, with their two dragons facing off against one another!
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  • An Arm and a Leg: Revolver gets his right arm bitten off by Ignis, but it regenerates shortly after he logs out of Link VRAINS.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Dr. Kogami says that if they cannot retrieve Ignis, than they will have to start preparations for their final plan.
  • He Knows Too Much: Downplayed; the higher-ups of SOL Technology Inc. are shown to be fully aware of the the incident 10 years ago and plan to remove Akira from his current position before he gets 'too curious' by promoting Kitamura - an apparently ambitious individual - to his position (most likely by using his more recent failures as an excuse).
  • I Gave My Word: As promised, Revolver hands over the removal program, required to delete the virus planted inside of Aoi/Blue Angel, to Playmaker after losing.
  • Internal Reveal: Downplayed; while not much is elaborated on, it is still the very first time Akira (as well as Ema/Ghost Girl, who even lampshades it) hears of the incident from Yusaku's past ten years ago. The higher-ups of SOL Technology Inc. still believe that even that is too much and swiftly opt for demoting him before he starts to ask questions about it.
  • Manly Tears: Akira gets very emotional after Aoi wakes up from her coma.