/wiki/Zeta Playscreator

ZetaPlays has one mission: to Let's Play every NES, SNES, and Genesis game at random, using the Wheel of Crap - A program he designed himself to randomly select games from a library of thousands of games.

Suffice to say he won't be done anytime soon. According to Zeta's official website, he has 2,473 games left and he is only 32% done. As of 27MAR12, His site reads as 28% done (Lost Progress = Fernin's Fault)

He doesn't necessarily finish each game he plays: games he doesn't finish are labeled "Let's Not Play" or "Let's Briefly Play".

Tropes provided by Zeta include:

  • Arch Enemy: The Popcorn Organization. Zeta has fought many enemies that use popcorn as weapons leading him to the realization that there is an evil Popcorn Organization behind those attacks. However the Organization's motives for this are unclear.
  • Call Back: In his LP of The Misadventures of Flink Zeta used the "Plok voice" upon seeing a flag pole.

Zeta: (In Plok voice) Are we going to be looking for flags again? I sure hope not.

  • Cluster F-Bomb: Zeta swears. Frequently. Though due to Memetic Mutation, he prefers "Hookers" over the traditional F Bomb.
    • The old guy from Kid Niki, literally, and was promoted to mascot as a result.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Digital Piracy Is Evil: Inverted in that emulators help Zeta make it through games by allowing him to use save states.
    • Not to mention that buying every NES, SNES, and Genesis game in existence would cost a lot of money.
  • Epic Fail: In great quantity. Zeta claims to have lost his childhood skill in video games.
    • One fun pack was titled "Watch Me Herp So Hard I Derp"
  • Forgot About His Powers: While Zeta is not afraid to use save states to progress, he tends to forget to make them... until after he's died and realized just how far back the last one was.
  • Looks Like Jesus: Zeta's long hair has that impression on people.
  • Mood Whiplash: In Minecraft - Dock Supercave (3/3), after exploring a particularly crazy cave and heading back home, Zeta decided to crouch behind a tree and then peak out from behind the tree to create a dramatic ending. However, Zeta accidentally threw a piece of meat instead of crouching. This results in Zeta getting angry at the pork.
  • Names to Run Away From: Meet the ASSRAPE Family
  • Oh Crap: His reaction to Section Z being chosen by the Wheel. Why? He said the game is virtually impossible and some of the comments are saying that the game just keeps going on and on.
  • Plain Name: PETE, HERO OF LEGEND
  • Running Gag: Virtually all of the Wheel of Crap mascots - Particularly, the Hooker Punch guy.
    • Also the unusual ratio of bad games to good games for the Sega Genesis.
    • Finding coves and pitfalls in Minecraft.
  • Save Scumming: When Zeta isn't forgeting to make save states, he occassionally does this during tough boss battles and the like.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Zeta, frequently.
  • Tempting Fate: In Let's Play Minecraft Chapter 1 Part 1 Zeta says that he isn't going to be in danger anytime soon. It turns out that he spawned close to a skeleton dungeon.
  • Very False Advertising: When he plays Richard Scarry's Busytown, the game makes a point of stating that it's the BEST GAME EVER! Zeta thinks otherwise.
  • When Trees Attack: An unusual variation with completely normal trees appears in Otogirisou when scary music starts playing when a forest is in the background. Zeta states he is afraid that the trees will "grow" at him.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Birds: Some of Zeta's worst enemies, some of them are the Goddamned Birds, others are Demonic Spiders.