All My Children/Tear Jerker

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Tear Jerkers in All My Children include:

  • When Robin Scorpio reunited with her mother Anna Devane (both from sister soap General Hospital), after thinking Anna had been killed when Robin was a child, only to have to seperate again because of the people trying to kill Anna.
  • The tributes to the late Eileen Herlie and James Mitchell were certainly heartbreakers, particularly Eileen's knowing that Thorston Kaye (Zach Slater) wrote a poem in her honor.

Zach: Now who will lead our Carnival
And who will make us stronger
Who will mend our broken sleep
When she is here no longer

For whose part do we stand and bow
What stories do we tell
And will we memorize the day
When great and greatness fell

Say will this valley overcome
And will these shadows fade
And will we lift our eyes to see
The beauty that she made

The disappearing last of her
That leads to worlds unknown
Has left a path to softly tread
When sadness wanders home

I’ll meet thee where the highland winds
Divide wild mountain thyme
Where I will be forever yours…and you forever mine.

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