The oldest currently surviving Science Fiction Magazine, Analog has been around since 1930. Under its original title Astounding Stories it was originally designed as a rival to Amazing Stories.

From 1938 to 1971 it was edited by the influential John W. Campbell, who encouraged more mature stories with a strong element of plausible science.

Campbell did not like the name Astounding; he changed the logo to read Astounding Science Fiction, and for a time insisted that the main title be de-emphasized in favor of the subtitle. Finally in 1961 Campbell changed the magazine's name to Analog, fading down the old title and fading up the new over a 12-month period while retaining the initial "A". (However, for legal purposes the original title is still retained in the magazine's indicia.)

For most of its history the magazine has been digest-sized. In the early 1960s Analog switched to bedsheet-size for 12 issues but it proved too expensive. More recently the magazine has increased its page size (along with current stablemate Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine) to an intermediate between digest and bedsheet.

Analog frequently publishes new authors, including then-newcomers such as Orson Scott Card and Joe Haldeman in the 1970s, Harry Turtledove, Timothy Zahn, Greg Bear, and Joseph H Delaney in the 1980s, and Paul Levinson, Michael A Burstein, and Rajnar Vajra in the 1990s.

One of the major publications of what fans and historians call the Golden Age Of Science Fiction and afterward, it has published much-reprinted work by such major SF authors as E. E. "Doc" Smith, Theodore Sturgeon, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, A. E. van Vogt, Lester Del Rey, and many others.

A full list of its contents can be found at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database.

The Other Wiki has a lengthy article on it.

Tropes used in Analog include: