Jeff: Well, I like Aquaman; he can breathe underwater and talk to fish!

Melvin: Yeah, cool! He has all the same powers as SpongeBob.
Jeff Dunham, Spark of Insanity

"I'm saddened your Sea-King isn't here."

"You're lucky our Sea-King isn't here!"
Justice League of America, "Welcome to the Working Week"

"As new as I am to learning about superheroes, everything that is well known to everyone else -- like the fact that Aquaman is regarded as kind of lame -- is new and hilarious. I read a bit about Aquaman growing a beard and having a harpoon hand and living in a cave and talking to spirits or something, and thought, how can anyone not like this guy? This crazy dude living under the water. Anyway that is the only version of Aquaman that I am really into."

Batman's got an attitude, everybody takes him seriously
And Superman never made any money, well try to tell that to DC

All the other members of the Justice League

Say I have useless super powers and make fun of me

But I know there will come a day

When they're gonna stare in slack-jawed wonder as they hear me say


I am Aquaman and nobody better mess with me

I may be nothing to you but I am a king beneath the sea

Let's see you get by underwater as well as I do on the ground

I am Aquaman and you better not mess around

There are days I swear I would rather have

The proportionate strength of a praying mantis

Than be the last lost noble prince

Of the undersea kingdom of Atlantis

Batman's got the Batmobile, Diana's got her invisible jet

It seems like everybody else can fly, even Samurai

but a stupid seahorse is all I get

Green Arrow's sharp but I couldn't be any duller

My orange costume's uglier than any other color

I'm not as tough as Batman or as cute as Gleek

I'm a little taller than The Atom but smaller than Apache Chief


Clark Kent wouldn't be the same if he didn't have his Lois Lane

Green Arrow's got his Black Canary

Even millionaire Bruce Wayne has [[Ho Yay that thing on the side

with his ward Dick Grayson]]

But there's just one girl that I would marry

[[Wonder Woman Wonder Woman!

All the world is waiting for you

And the magic that you do

In your satin tights

Fighting for our rights

And the old red, white and blue!]]

Batman signed a movie deal though you know he doesn't need the cash

And all the second-rate superheroes get TV shows

even the pre-Crisis Flash

But not me, I guess that I don't rate

My comic book's been cancelled more than Doctor Fate

I know that I'm no Brainiac but I'm no fool

I know not even Peter David can make me cool

Ookla The Mok, "Arthur Curry"

Superman can fly and can stop a speeding bullet, Batman has gadgets and crime fighting machines, The Flash runs so fast he can catch a falling baby: I can talk to some fish. Yeah, I'll go have a chat with some fish.

Spider-Man spins webs and he always senses danger, The Hulk can break through 100-ton steal beams, Iron Man's suit can defeat a whole army: I can talk to some fish. Yeah, I'll go have a chat with some fish.

CHORUS: Fish, fish, fish! Fish are really boring! Complain about the weather and they never fall asleep. Fish, fish, fish! Don’t have any feelings. They can't turn their heads, won't make eye contact with me, with me.

Captain America (comics) is a super soldier, Thor is a magic Norse god, Wolverine heals faster than he's injured. I can talk to some fish. Yeah, I'll go have a chat with some fish.


The Motion Sick: Aquaman's Lament