No examples of Blatant Lies in Music here!

  • The Rasputina song "Our Lies" exemplifies this trope, with the singer variously claiming that she was never conceived, the bones in her face weren't there all along and that she loves your coffee cake.
  • Shaggy's song "It Wasn't Me", about a man caught in flagrante delicto by his girlfriend, has a Blatant Lie as its title. And the advice given is, basically, lie blatantly; just issue a flat denial ignoring any evidence to the contrary:

"But she caught me on the counter." "It wasn't me."
"Saw me bangin' on the sofa." "It wasn't me."
"I even had her in the shower." "It wasn't me."
"She even caught me on camera." "It wasn't me."
"She saw the marks on my shoulder." "It wasn't me."
"Heard the words that I told her." "It wasn't me."
"Heard the scream get louder." "It wasn't me."
"She stayed until it was over."

"Darling dear, what have you done?
Your hands and face are smeared with blood."
"The chaplain came and called me out
To bleed and to butcher his mother's sow."
"But darling dear, they found him dead
This morning on the riverbed."

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