"You're not talking about getting home anymore, you are talking about fucking war on God! ...well fuck that! I have seen what happens to the proud when they take on the Throne!"
Loki, Dogma
This is not war. It is PEST CONTROL!
—One of the Daleks talking about their annihilation of the Cybermen, Doctor Who

"Dracula, Belmont just took down Werewolf!"
"Uh, Succubus is gone too."

"Don't worry Dracula, I'll take him d -- ohp, wait, nope, nope, Belmont's got me in a headlock, ohp, nope, nope, he's using the holy whippin', and uhm, um, sucks up snuff I'm dead."

Red Mage: It shoots fire from its mouth and bleeds acidic lava! Run for your pathetic lives!
Red Mage: Our weapons are useless! Reliance upon them is death!

Red Mage: It has exposed its fleshy underbelly to me in the form of its digestive tract!
Episode 455, Eight Bit Theater
I trained and struggled my whole adult life for this battle, and that sad sack of bones went down faster than a kobold with a lung infection.
Roy Greenhilt, The Order of the Stick
We're talking about four machines. You can't call this mess a "war"; this is a "one-sided butt-kicking fiasco".
AEU Big Shot, Mobile Suit Gundam 00
So, this is how our fight turned out: the part of the mission where we lured them away went really well, but then... well... you see... then it was over in two seconds. One second each.

Nove: Wasn't Dieci on the receiving end of Nanoha-san in that mode?

Dieci: I didn't even last ten seconds against her, though.
Sorry, I saw an opening that just seemed to scream out 'attack.' So, I did. Ha!
Goku, Dragonball Z, after one-shotting Recoome

He wants to taste the curb! He wants to taste the fucking curb!

"You've been working out."

"No. It is only that in this time and this place, I am no longer holding back."
Thor prior to flattening Iron Man.
"Give your threats to those willing to obey, or too cowardly to fight back, not me. Or learn once the difference between a god of thunder... and a mortal man in a metal suit."
Thor after flattening Iron Man.
"Come on, that was not a boss fight, not by any stretch of the imagination-- he walked into my fist."
Proton Jon, Episode 4 of his Superman 64 Let's Play.
"It's been ten years since anyone spoke of my fights because no one has walked away from them in that time."
"This isn't a war. It never was a war, any more than there's war between man and ants."
The Artilleryman, The War of the Worlds
""Two million dead in the first day, another 7 million by the end of the first week, every defense annihilated, all our forces on the run. Regrouping... Somewhere... Reports are coming in from other major cities. It's a well-coordinated attack, and so far it's been damned effective."
Major Coates on the Reaper invasion, Mass Effect 3
"It'll be the Seven Hour War all over again... except this time we won't last seven minutes!"
Eli Vance, referring to the Combine

"YOU GET THE COUNT VLAD TEPES AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE: In the field of posting elaborate tortures, uncivilised acts against humanity, and not knowing the meaning of the words 'Cruel and Unusual'."