• Complete Monster: Bullseye, Purple Man, Copperhead, Coyote, Muse, and Mr. Fear all qualify for this.
  • Growing the Beard: Under Frank Miller.
  • My Real Daddy: Frank Miller or Brian Michael Bendis.
  • The Woobie: Ol' Hornhead tends to border on this.
    • Borders? His mother abandoned him, his father was murdered by the mob, his life is a complete mess from his superheroics, he's had his identity exposed and his life destroyed by the Kingpin, the women he's loved always meet a brutal end if they don't betray him first, and if he ever does find happiness, it will almost certainly be taken away in the most vicious manner possible very quickly. Matt doesn't border on Woobie status, he's bought a freakin' house and had his mail forwarded there.
    • Stoic Woobie: Matt. As mentioned, his life is hell but he'll pretty much never wangst about it.
    • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Elektra