Buford: She gives me the willies...
Phineas: ...Little Suzy Johnson gives you the willies?

Buford: You don't know, man. You don't know!
Phineas and Ferb, "One Good Scare Ought To Do It!"

Gabe: I did punch a baby once, in anger. In my defense, the baby was being kind of a dick.

Tycho: Yeah, I don't know what that baby's problem was.

Everyone's going to be free
But they'll have to agree to be free
They'll have to agree to be less free than me
'Cos I rule the world you see
So wait for the army of kiddie winkies
And terrible tiny tots
In armoured school buses
Firing poison pea-shooters
And sinking their milkteeth into your thighs

Delapsus resurgam! When I fall I shall rise!
10CC, "I Want to Rule the World"

Ladd: You...You're not really a child, are you?

Czeslaw: Glad to see you understand so quickly. Now, if you can kill all of those passengers for me...
It is total propaganda that all children are good and innocent.
Symus, Cwen's Quest

"Is he not beautiful?" she cried. "Is my son not beautiful, as fair as the summer sun?"

These were her last words.
"I hope to meet you again, Flit-oniisan... (gives a Psychotic Smirk) if you survive long enough, that is."
Desil Galette, Gundam AGE

Gabe: These are babies that lie. Babies that cheat. And yeah, babies that kill.
Tycho: How can a baby do those things?

Gabe: Man, you're asking me to get inside the head of some crazy-ass, fucked-up baby. I don't want to go there.
"The look on your face when a toddler rips your heart out and shows it to you? Priceless."
Richard, Looking for Group

What do I treasure most of all I possess?
It isn't fame or fortune, I must confess.
It's not a house, it's not a book, it's not a precious stone.
It's just a little curly head that I call my own.

Just take a look, ah, that's my boy.
Why, he's his daddy's little pride and joy.
The keeper of the keys to my heart.
Now, what's he gonna do with that poison dart?

Just take a look, ah, that's my lad.
Why, I'm in Heaven when he calls me 'Dad.'
He's all in life I'll ever desire.
See how cute, he sets the mailman on fire!

Little rascal, with his tousled hair,
Always seems so full of life.
Tiny footsteps, scampering here and there.
Just see how proudly he carries that knife!

When he's not giving Daddy a hug,
You'll find him pouring acid on the rug. Cute!
He's just an angel with an axe for a toy.
Ha ha, that's my boy.

Oh, just take a look, ah, that's my child.
Why, to call him bright would be just putting it mild.
He'll talk to you in words just as plain.
See how clear he says, "Derail the train!"

To me that little scamp can do no wrong.
He comes a-running when I call. Look at that!
He's so busy-busy all day long.
Now who's he gone and cemented up inside that wall?!

He falls in love with anything live.
He wants a colt for Christmas - Colt .45!
I'm mighty proud to call him my son.
Ha ha, look at him load that gun. Got his own little shoulder holster!

I'm mighty thankful for what I've got.
But I'm sure glad he's such a lousy shot.

Take a look -- missed me! That's my boy!
Stan Freberg, "That's My Boy

(Castle node "updates" child-catching clanks)
Agatha: They see them as children? Really?
Dimo: Dot makes sense. De kiddos here gets op to all kinds ov mischief.
Agatha: They're riding spiders and firing crossbows!
Dimo: Hy blames de parents.

Girl Genius Second Journey, Vol.4 Page 024