Eric and the Dread Gazebo

The Tale of Eric and The Dread Gazebo is an old legend of tabletop gamer lore, passed down from the early days of Dungeons & Dragons.

Quiet! It's sleeping!

The story goes: At one point, our faithful heroes stand before a white gazebo. After dealing with monsters called fantastic names like githyanki and rakshasa, Eric thought he had the gazebo monster's number. Hilarity Ensues.

The original short story can be read here or here. There is also a retelling of this story done in the style of a radio play. However, the proper way to learn of the Dread Gazebo is through Oral Tradition, as each retelling of the story is becomes more embellished.

Tropes used in Eric and the Dread Gazebo include:

It could have been worse; at least the gazebo wasn't on a grassy gnoll.