• His decision to make a History of Power Rangers Series. OK, so on the surface it doesn't seem like much, but it's the fact that he's Doing It for the Art makes it so awesome. How? Well, to start things off, he made an original opening showing all the Power Ranger teams fighting monsters as well as a sliding effect of All of the power ranger members and series logos (aside from Power Rangers Samurai, since that's so new) with tight editing making it seem really professional in scope. Next and more importantly, he not only chooses to take a serious-analysis approach (see his crowning moment of funny for his thoughts on that idea), but he's willingly subjecting himself to full on Archive Panic twice. He admits that he didn't rewatch all the Zordon Era episodes but after the first 293 episodes, he's willingly watching 266 hours of Power Rangers just for the fun of learning what went on in Power Rangers after he stopped watching. That is just Awesome!
    • Speaking of the opening, he kept good on his promise and revised it to include Samurai after the Gold Ranger joined the cast. And the new opening is even more awesome than the first one.
  • It was only a brief praise moment, but from Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, there's his mentioning of the filler episode "The Rescue Mission". He describes it as "Essentially an Aliens ripoff, but for a kids show, it's simply spectacular." Lewis despite his love of the show was not always keen to handing out open praise, but to give it such high praise is pretty awesome to hear.
  • The opening of the Power Rangers Wild Force videos, with Lewis very firmly making his case that the "History of Power Rangers" series has no set schedule and constantly complaining about how long it's taking for the next update only makes the series seem like a chore, yet remains perfectly calm with zero profanity.
  • Coming up with a detailed explanation of the meaning behind Tommy's Battle in the Center of the Mind in Power Rangers Dino Thunder that fits perfectly with the evidence given and is actually a quite moving piece of character development.
  • Berating an extremely sexist line from the SPD pilot.
  • Someone on the boards made the jaw-dropping statement that the franchise should never have a female red ranger, because the fans wouldn't accept it. Linkara's reply:

It's not different anywhere. Sexist people exist all over. And my point remains: "sexist people wouldn't like it" is not a valid justification for saying there shouldn't be one. Being open-minded does not mean you sacrifice your own opinions, either. And even then, I see no reason why I should be open-minded to people who are CLOSED-minded. The idea of judging a leadership position by one's gender when the position does not require one to be a specific gender is an irrational, hateful thought process. If you want to listen to that position, fine, but there's no reason why it should be given any serious thought beyond that and I would argue against it every time. The presence of a uterus, the presence of breasts, the presence of a womb, the presence of a vagina, and the lack of a penis has nothing to do with the ability to lead a team of multi-colored superheroes against threats demonic, alien, or otherwise. THAT is the end of the discussion.