EXTERIOR, NIGHT: Utena is on her way back to East Hall from the Secret Forest, looking tired and confused.
UTENA: Man, what the hell was that all about? Oh well. Forget about it. Go to bed.
ANTHY and SILENT BOB appear from behind the archway ahead of her. UTENA pauses, puzzled. SILENT BOB puts down a soapbox, which ANTHY then climbs up onto.
ANTHY (clearing throat importantly): Attention, current winner of the dueling cycle. My name is Anthy Himemiya, and I am the Rose Bride. Until further notice, me and Silent Bob will be hanging with you. That is all.
SILENT BOB: (nods)

UTENA: ... ?!
Benjamin "Gryphon" Hutchins, EPU Forums, 9/24/01, as a result of putting his new Silent Bob action figure up on his mantle next to his Anthy figure

"I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never, ever possibly destroy us."
"Good thinkin', Rei. ... Wait a second, you didn't have a childhood."
-- from Angelbusters by Ivan Reitman and Hideaki Anno (1985)
(Actually Gryphon and Chad Collier, EPU Forums, 7/25/02)

T-1000: [holds up a photo of John Connor] Have you seen this boy?

Wayne: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

"STOP RIGHT THERE! How dare you take that direct, probing question and provide a straightforward answer! I am Sailor Vorlon! I fight for love! I fight for vagueness! On behalf of the hyena in the bathtub, I shall cloud responses and triumph over obviousness -- AND THAT MEANS YOU!"

"...Holy crap, Serena, that was the most screwed-up thing I've ever heard you say."
Lord Ilmartello!, EPU Forums, 7/8/02

I was slumped on a rock in Gorgoroth, feeling dangerously out of phase with my surroundings. Something ugly was about to happen. I was sure of it. The cave looked like the site of some disastrous zoological experiment involving whiskey and giant spiders. My gardener was sprawled nearby, utterly insensate, surrounded by torn leaves and fragments of lembas bread. Our attorney was kneeling stark naked in the corner, vomiting into Sam's pack, thinking he was actually outside.
"Ach. It's this damned mescaline," he guttered, wobbling unsteadily toward me. "Why does they have to makes it so pure, precious?"
I grunted and threw a rock at my gardener. "Get up, you pig!" I yelled. "We have to get moving!"
"We should leaves him here," our attorney said. "Nasty fat 'obbit, he only slows us down."
"We can't do that!" I protested. "Without him, who's going to carry the stash?"
"He'll get us arrested, he will, gollum," our attorney said.

"Any more talk like that and I'll put the fucking leeches on you," I said.
—Excerpt from Fear and Loathing in Mordor: A Savage Journey to the Dark Heart of Middle-earth (Gryphon, EPU Forums, 1/16/07)

Burgermeister Meisterburger: I, Burgermeister Meisterburger, take care of a baby? Outrageous! What's its name?
Grimsby: This is the only clue, sir. [holds out a name tag] It says, "Claws".

sfx: snikt