Johnny Bravo

Johnny is actually a great martial artist

He is just to much of gentleman to ever hit a lady.

  • We know that from his dodging attacks while pretending to be an antenna and the mail sorting slap of doom
  • In the pilot episode, Johnny does state that he is the only man to master every form of martial art in the world (before promptly getting squashed by a sumo wrestler, as sumo is the only art that he is still studying).

Johhny is much smarter than he acts

His use of the Fascinating Eyebrow and tendancies as a Deadpan Snarker suggests that he's actually quite intelligent. He simply acts dumb because life is a lot easier that way. He can live at home, rent-free, never have to pay for anything, never have to have a job, and the law of averages suggests that there is some woman out there who will actually like him as the slacker himbo he is. Basically he's looking for a woman to hold him to the same standards his Mother does, and the really sad (or awesome, depending on your point of view) thing is that he eventually will find one.

  • The one he found was a vampire I think
    • The lady in the Valentine's Day special genuinely liked him, too, but she turned out to be a spy and broke it off for Johnny's safety.
  • This may explain his Flanderization in later seasons.. He had to act even stupider to make sure his facade was never broken.

Aron City is a refuge to super-strong former models.

Think about it, every woman Johnny meets (also a lot of men that he meets) is incredibly strong and incredibly beautiful. Practically no one works in that town, probably because they already have plenty of money left over from their modeling days. The citizens who work were probably not so successful as the ones who don't need to work, or they may just enjoy keeping busy. Former supermodels probably take refuge there so the paparazzi don't bother them.

  • Considering his looks, Johnny could also be one of them.

Johnny Bravo is an alternate Jonny Quest that ended up with his mother instead of his father

Think about it

Johnny is actually Aaron Presley.

The fact that he sounds like Elvis isn't a coincidence.

Johnny is Duke Nukem's Mirror Universe counterpart

Black shades, check. Blond , check. Big Muscles but a total wuss, check. Attempts to hook up with every hot chick ends up with heavy injuries whereas Duke Nukem has women making lines to have sex with him, yeah, I say he matches pretty well.

Duke Nukem is Johnny's father.

Duke passed on all the good looks genes but none of the badass or sex god genes.

Johnny is Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo's Mirror Universe counterpart

Black shades, check. Blond, check. Obsession with hair, check. Random stuff happening, check. Reversed outfit colors, check.

Johnny Bravo is the way he is because of his Disappeared Dad.

He's a Momma's Boy because his mother worked to the bone to raise him, and his overly macho-ness and desire to pick up girls is because that's what a real man should do.

Pops is Johnny's Pops (Dad)

  • This misght actually make some since seeing how much the two characters have in common.

Johnny is somehow related to Albert Wesker.

"Hey there baby, would you mind if I completely saturated your globe?"

Johnny's hair cream is like 90% bull semen

I saw There's Something About Mary and that got me thinking, how could all of Johnny's hair stick up that way. and alot of hair care products, and skin creams use a little bit of the stuff.