Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Lost fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Page Reconfiguration in Progress: Fan Fic Recommendations is being split into pages for each individual series, so help is needed to classify each entry into the appropiate category, and to format it according to the template.

Author and Websites

None yet.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Dear Mister Sawyer by Zebediah

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • An AU look at the Lost crew. Sawyer - excuse me, Mr. Ford - is an English teacher, and Walt is his student.

Fairytale by intastella burst

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Kate's romances. Gorgeously lyric. Put here because it's more about Kate than any of the men.

Forward Flashes by Skylar

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • AU. Everyone gets off the island. No one likes it.

Ghosts marching by Hecate81

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • "So you think our ghosts are marching against us? That's bullshit, John."

Hope by Lirazel

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • This is part of why I loved Lost: this group of people brought together by hardship who managed to form a community and stuck with it.

I See No Foe by Sombra Alma

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Aaron fic: "He never sees him come, and he never sees him leave. It happens like this: Some nights, Aaron is woken by the sound of a guitar."

Requiem by Khaman V

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • "In his efforts to serve Jacob, Ben Linus sacrifices both the tattered remnants of his innocence and any last hope for a normal life. But service will demand even more of him than he expected when he is drawn into a most dangerous game of cat and mouse."

The Unloved by 16years

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Teresa Cortez and Margo Shephard bond.

We're All in the Dance by Mr. Pooch

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • "That first night, there's fear and love, desperation and hope. There's the sky and the stars, waves on the beach. 'All I know is/ we're all in the dance.'"

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

A Twisted Fairytale by sweetsouthernbell.

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Jack/Kate, Charlie/Claire
  • AU. Jack and Kate meet up in jail.
  • Given that I'm a Skate shipper and the state of the shipping wars in this fandom, the fact that I'm reccing it at all makes it incredible. Has a bit of an O. Henry feel.

In Hiding by Leah Kate

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Sawyer/Kate
  • "After being rescued from the island, Sawyer tries not to think about the fact that he's partly responsible for Kate's arrest - until the night she climbs through his window looking for shelter."
  • This is a Skate fic. Fantastic in every way, including the sequel, On the Road.

Another Thirty Years by Fantasy Cat

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Sun/Jin
  • An AU set after the revelation of Not-Locke. Sun finds Jin.

Canaries by mnemosyne23

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Charlie/Claire
  • I struggled over whether to put this here or in Gen, because this isn't just a fic about Charlie/Claire; it's a fic about their effect on everyone else.

Christmas Crash by Timeloopy

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Very, very, very Skatey.
  • Sawyer skids on black ice and crashes into Jack.

Chasing Pavements by Little Miss Bones

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Hurley/Libby
  • AU. Timeloops are screwy.

100 Days by Kodama

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Sawyer/Kate
  • AU. "Kate Austin is a master thief in the underworlds of a post-apocalyptic London. With the whole world against her only one man stands by her side..."

The far side of the ocean

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • James/Juliet
  • AU. James and Juliet leave the island to live life.

Indigo Junction by javajive

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Sawyer/Kate
  • "There are rumors she might be in Bali. And although he doesn't know whether he will find her or if he really wants to - he looks her up."

Origin Stories by toestastegood

  • Recommended by Maridee
  • Kate/Kevin/Sawyer
  • "By day, Kevin Callis is an unnoticeable police officer, up-holding the law and too committed to his job to hold down a relationship; by night, The Captain emerges to help where the law can't. When he becomes entangled in the plot of a pair of supervillains, the line between his two identities begins to blur."