• Ringo's strange musical fantasies from episode four.
    • Not only from episode four, the fantasies happen in almost all episodes she appears.
  • The penguins are this in spades, seriously - whether it's from #1 peeking under a waitress' dress or #3 dressing up in a wig, they're guaranteed to make you laugh at least once an episode.
    • Your mileage will vary regarding the penguins. A lot of what they do is either a blatant mood-killer (like #2's flatulence problems in the middle of a conversation), or just Dude, Not Funny (like #1 stealing panties, or attempting to use a rectal thermometer on a nurse).
  • Himari playing out a rather...racy-sounding fantasy with her cabbage rolls.
  • In episode 14, as Ringo cries while calling herself an idiot for trying to sound cute when she tried to talk to Shouma.
  • Episode 15. Yamashita's train of thoughts. 'Nuff said.
  • Episode 16's Survival Strategy has to be the best and most hilarious one so far. It starts with possessed!Himari holding up a sign saying "Survival Strategy!" and ends with her taking striptease pictures of Masako's maid Renjaku!
    • Lets not forget how she explains her intentions entirely in haiku, and Renjaku replies in (failed) haiku as well.
    • And then we have pretty much all of Esmeralda's interventions in that episode, specially when she tries to suffocate a small fire with a hose.
    • MR. PRESIDENT!!!
  • Episode 17's interaction of the penguins and a octopus.