It wasn't that she had so much character, thought Mrs. Pollifax, but rather that always in her life she had found it difficult to submit.

The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax

Mrs. Pollifax wondered why, when she was being her most serious, people found her so amusing.

The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax

"You haven't been planting seeds of insurrection, have you, Duchess?"
"Well, it's a change from planting geraniums," she retorted.

The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax

"I have a flexible mind — I believe it's one of the advantages of growing old," she explained. "I find youth quite rigid at times."

The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax

"You look like a nice old lady. Really nice. Really kind, sweet, gentle. You are not nice," he added.
"Now that," said Mrs. Pollifax, "is one of the nicest complements I've had from a professional."

The Elusive Mrs. Pollifax

Henry Guise sounded even more aggrieved today than on his previous call; he was saying, "This Pollifax looked such a gentle, harmless little lady, you didn't tell me she was violent."
Bishop cut in eagerly to say, "You've found her? She's safe? She's all right?"
"That," said Carstairs coldly, "was my assistant speaking. Are you telling me, Guise, that you found Mrs. Pollifax?"
"Found her!" he said indignantly. "She hit me over the head and knocked me out. If Mr. Vica hadn't walked his guest to the front gate and found me I'd have frozen to death by morning. What kind of person is this dame, anyway?"
"Accomplished," said Carstairs dryly.

Mrs. Pollifax and the Second Thief