"Colonel Haken has a hook for a hand, a scar on his face, an evilly waxed moustache, and wears a monocle. Oh, and he's a Nazi. Really, what more needs to be said? (Hint: He's a bad guy.)"
Irregular Webcomic, the Cliffhangers cast page
"Am lonely. Saruman maybe not so unattractive after all. If only were not for giantly flaring nostrils and huge clawlike fingernails... Okay you'd think I might have figured out he was evil before."
The Very Secret Diary of Gandalf the Grey

"...Okay, no, he's totally a bad guy. Is that a spoiler? I don't think it's a spoiler. Look at that thing. It probably ate a puppy for breakfast right before it burned down an orphanage and talked loudly on a cell phone at a restaurant."

"In addition to the Starfleet personnel, there are also a few guys here who just scream out "Guest Alien Villains of the Week". They're gray-faced, with sinister looking hoods, and faces that look like the result of too many Botox injections. Darth Maul was less obviously a villain than these guys."
The Agony Booth, talking about the Son'a in their recap of Star Trek: Insurrection
"Darth (Maul) wears black boots, a black cloak, a black shirt, has a red lightsaber, wears red and black face paint, and has horns. He is EVIL."
"Why don't you just draw a twirly mustache on her and get it over with!"
"Hi! I'm Bob EVIL!"
Mike Nelson, introducing the (not-yet-revealed) villain of Time Chasers
Are there really a lot of people named Dr. Hell? You could not have a name that shouted "Hey look, I'm evil" louder if you tried.
"I'm not one to the judge by appearances, mind you, but it's obvious this surly guy is bad news."
The Agony Booth, talking about Ruber in their recap of Quest for Camelot

TV Reporter: His victims have included businessmen, Asian immigrants, the elderly, and in one case, a sexually-assaulted child.

Film Brain: Oh, real tasteful! Just in case you didn't get he was the bad guy!
"Did anyone else notice the lightning?"
Timmy Turner when he first met Vicky, The Fairly OddParents: Abra-Catastrophe!
"What did you call me, fairy? Nobody calls me a loser. NOBODY! Behold... Fists of iron... Eyes of fire... Wit as sharp as a sword. Hahahah... not to mention pretty, too!"
Lord Darkar describing himself, Winx Club

Icy: Did you see that?
Stormy: Yeah. Ugly.
Darcy: And to think we were crushing on him!
Stormy: I know. First, Darkar, and now Baltor!

Icy: I really have to admit, we have no taste in guys.
Winx Club, for when the Trix are talking about Baltor's One-Winged Angel transformation sequence into a red demon.
"Okay, yes. He dragged a Great Old One up in chains from Hell itself to serve him! But that doesn't make him evil! Wh-wh-why would you think that?"

Finn: I can't shake this weird feeling about Ricardio. I think he's... a villain!

Jake: Why? Is it because his face is so foldy and dramatic?
Adventure Time, "Ricardio the Heart Guy"
"Walking stick, spiky hair, twirly mustache - he's a villain alright."
—Hreidmar's examine text in RuneScape
"This guy is giving off a murderous vibe! Even getting close to him makes my skin crawl..."
"Christ, movie, we get it! He's a bad guy! We spotted that before the massive racist tirade he just did! He couldn't be more transparent if he started twirling his moustache!"
Film Brain, Bad Movie Beatdown on The Condemned