• GIRL YOU KNOW IT'S GIRL YOU KNOW IT'S GIRL YOU KNOW IT'S... (Unfortunately, there don't seem to be any videos on YouTube that aren't either dubbed over or butchered.)
  • "But you could have heard a pin drop - when Johnny stopped and locked the door..." [1]
  • In "Dinosaurchestra Part 3" by Lemon Demon, the time machine which the narrator used to go back to the late Cretaceous period and start a rock band with dinosaurs can't make the return trip, and then..."What's that rock way up in the sky?"
  • In the Gorillaz video for "Stylo", when 2-D and Murdoc realize that they are being chased and shot at by none other than Bruce Willis.
  • In the song "Get My Gun" by D12, Eminem angrily threatens a fan with a gun:

Wassup, bitch?! (cocks gun) Autograph this! (click) ...Oh, shit.

  • In "Der Erlkönig", the boy is increasingly terrified (and justly so) each time he tries to get it through to his father that the Erlking is after him [the boy].
    • More or less mankind's reaction in the final verse of "Iron Man" when the titular time traveler, after being sealed away for centuries, is reawakened and proceeds to kill everyone.