Examples of characters that are Older Than They Look in Web Comics include:

  • Parodied in the NSFW adult Webcomic Ghastly's Ghastly Comic with the character Chibi Sue, a 36-year old woman who appears to be under twelve due to being from a Super-Deformed race.
  • In Questionable Content, Amir turns out to be about ten years older than he looks.
  • in Errant Story: Meji, age seventeen, looks twelve (she's a half-elf). All kinds of angsting and insecurities ensue.
  • In The Order of the Stick, Pompey the half-elf is approximately sixteen both mentally and physically; chronologically, he's forty-three, and complains about being called "kid" when it's revealed that he's taking orders from a (human) 21-year old.
    • Vaarsuvius has two elf children, aged twenty-six, who look and act like small kids and are currently in kindergarten. Both of these are the result of long elf lifespans.
    • Also Redcloak, who still looks like a goblin teenager thanks to the Crimson Mantle despite being over fifty (which, for a goblin, is beyond venerable age).
  • Also a Real Life one, since it's from a Journal Comic, but Shazzbaa from Today Nothing Happened looks a lot younger than her current age at least since she was eighteen.
  • Nearly everyone in Earthsong.
  • Made fun of in Shape Quest, when it is revealed how old Clark is.
  • Hanna (of Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name) is twenty-four. Believe it or not.
  • Greg, boyfriend of Kili in The Dragon Doctors, is really 60 but looks about 20-something. However, he's not alone, as apparently quite a lot of people are able to purchase rejuvenation in the setting.
  • Ozy and Millie: Locke is actually Millie's father and in his world, everyone ages backwards. He's actually just a few years away from death.
  • Weijuaru of Juathuur. The thing is... he's a shift user.
  • The T-Girls of Jet Dream are chronologically in their 30s or 40s, but appear to be young women in their early 20s. When the former men of the Thunderbird Squadron were turned into girls by Virus-X, the effect also rejuvenated them.
  • Vinci, of Vinci and Arty, is often mistaken for a child, in spite of being well into adulthood.
  • Miho of Megatokyo has stated outright that she's older than she looks (about seventeen), though Largo thinks she's ancient.
  • Mr. Raven of El Goonish Shive looks fifty-ish, but he's old enough to have taught one of his current student's mother (herself about forty). At one point, we see him unconscious, and he actually looks younger, implying he has some sort of illusion spell going to make himself look older. Oh, and he's an elf.
    • Grace is 18. Not all that implausible, but this has caused some in-story surprise when people found out that she's the oldest person among the main cast.
  • Nina Delacroix of Eerie Cuties looks and acts like the comic's Token Loli, but she's the same age (14) as her friends and in high school.
  • Angela from Queen of Wands and Punch an Pie. She doesn't seem to mind it much, because hey, ordering off the kid's menu is cheaper and you get to color on the placemats.
  • Torg and Riff of Sluggy Freelance had been old enough to drink for multiple years (They had been giving each other beers for Christmas) at the start of the comic in 1997. Their comic makes note of major holidays, making Comic Book Time and real time correspond to a rough degree. But despite the fact that those two should be close to 40 years old now, neither they (nor anyone else in the strip) has noticeably aged.
  • Captain Kaff Tagon in Schlock Mercenary is an athletic man who looks roughly in his late 30s at most, and it's revealed in Book 10 that he was 48 all this time, turning 49 during the events of this book. Para Ventura is revealed to be 18 in a conversation with Kevyn but looks more like she's 12.

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