
Overwatch is a task force that was initially formed to protect innocents during the Omnic Crisis, but developed into something far greater as the years went by. Initially founded by Jack Morrison, Gabriel Reyes, Ana Amari, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Torbjorn Lindholm, and Mina Liao, the organization has since expanded into a massive United Nations-sponsored peacekeeping task force dedicated to upholding law and order worldwide.

Or at least, it was. Thanks to a combination of Reyes' poorly thought-out murder of a Talon leader putting the spotlight on Overwatch's shady black ops organization Blackwatch, Reyes himself airing Blackwatch's dirty laundry and exposing records of illegal torture, assassination, and coercion to the public, and Reyes also trying to overthrow Commander Morrison in a devastating battle that destroyed Overwatch's Swiss HQ, the organization was forcibly disbanded with its surviving agents forced to make a living of their own as private peacekeepers or vigilantes. And in the wake of its destruction, the terrorist organization Talon has become more powerful than ever.

But in the words of one Angela "Mercy" Ziegler: Heroes never die. Thanks to Reaper making a botched attempt at trying to obtain the names and locations of Overwatch agents so he could have them murdered, former Overwatch member Winston has bucked protocol and issued a Recall for Overwatch to reunite. And indeed, several agents have answered, showing that another chapter in the organization's history is about to begin...


"Imagination is the essence of discovery."

Voiced by: Crispin Freeman

Despite being a super-intelligent, genetically altered gorilla, Winston is one of Overwatch's brilliant scientists.

Tropes exhibited by Winston include:

  • Apes in Space: Winston used to lived in the Horizon Lunar Colony and was this. Though his gorilla contemporaries became killer space apes.
  • Badass Baritone: What else would you expect from a talking gorilla voiced by Crispin Freeman?
  • Badass Beard: The facial fur of his Yeti skin is styled to look like an impressively bushy, wild beard.
    • Badass Mustache: Meanwhile, his Safari and Explorer skins give him a scholarly mustache.
  • Berserk Button: Has two major ones: breaking his glasses which are a keepsake from his father figure, as well as calling him a monkey. Being the asshole the he is, Reaper has triggered both on separate occassions.
  • Big Fun: His physique is as portly as one would expect from a gorilla, and he's also something of a self-described party animal along with being a generally nice guy.
  • The Big Guy: Winston is this, one of the reasons why some of his friends, like Lena, calls him this.
  • Dropped Glasses: In some fights, Winston drops his glasses, or rather they get punched off of his face.
    • This triggered his "Primal Rage"
  • Even Heroes Have Heroes: The original Dr. Winston was this to Winston. The scientist told him stories about the human race's ingenuity, integrity, and feats of heroism, inspiring him to become a hero himself as an adult.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Winston created Lena's Chronal Accelerator, used one of the Emergency Pod G-42 just to make a makeshift rocket, and what would become Tracer's pulse bombs, just to name a few.
  • Genius Bruiser: Not only is he an 800 pound gorilla with all the strength that entails, but he's also an incredibly intelligent scientist responsible for saving Tracer when she found herself lost in the timestream.
  • The Hermit: When Overwatch fell, Winston went on to live in the seclusion of the abandoned Watchpoint Gibraltar, where he longs for heroism to return. Thankfully, Reaper breaking in ensures that will.
  • Hulking Out: Two words: "Primal Rage."
    • Zig-zagged. Winston has control of his "Primal Rage" and he can activate it by himself. He doesn't have to break his glasses to do this, but he has been know to slip into it involuntarily.
  • In-Series Nickname: Winston's close friend Tracer nicknamed him "Big Guy."
    • Various characters, like Jesse McCree call Winston "Monkey" or "The Monkey."
  • The Lab Rat: During his early days in the Horizon Lunar Colony, Winston assisted the scientists' experiments.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Not an overly powerful example thanks to his Tesla Cannon's low damage output, but his Jump Pack is an incredibly mobility option that lets him launch himself across the map, and he's incredibly dangerous to Tracers, Genjis, and Widowmaker that get caught alone by him.
  • Lightning Gun: His Tesla Cannon.
  • Limit Break: Primal Rage, which turns Winston into a red-skinned berserker with hellish glowing eyes. While it's active, his Jump Pack's cooldown is barely existent, allowing him to constantly leap from place to place in rapid succession while sending his opponents flying with devestating punches, all while having his already impressive health cranked up to ludicrous levels. It's not too practical for killing people with his fists alone, but is best used for launching enemies into bottomless pits or simply keeping them off the point.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: The student of Dr. Winston continues to studies and puts his skills to good use, there's too many examples, but one of them is designing the Chronal Accelerator to help Tracer stay put in time, when other scientists fail to figure out what's wrong.
  • Powered Armor
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: When Winston was a young gorilla, he was adorable.
  • Shoo Out the Kids: Winston then tells both Brian and Timmy to go for cover during Widowmaker and Reaper's attack on the Numbani Museum.
  • Super Intelligence: He was one of the gorillas that has increased rapid brain development from gene therapy, to the point that Dr. Harold Winston took him under his wing and taught him science and told stories about human ingenuity.
  • Smart Gorillas Wear Glasses
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Peanut butter. He happily chows down on jars of the stuff, and gets excited when people mention it.
  • Tragic Keepsake: The glasses that Winston keeps are from his second father figure, Dr. Harold Winston, who died due to the Horizon Lunar Colony gorilla revolt.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Whenever he's in his "Primal Rage" mode: you can kill him, but good luck killing something with 1000 health that can swat you across the map with a single blow.
  • You Are Number Six: The Big Guy was known as "Specimen 28."

Hammond/Wrecking Ball

"Do not anger the hamster."

Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker/Jonathan Lipow

Hammond was one of the test subjects from the Horizon Lunar Colony, but instead of a gorilla like the others, he's a super-intelligent hamster. After escaping the colony during the gorilla uprising, he crash-landed near Junkertown, Australia, and became a mech battle champion in the Scrapyard after turning his escape pod into a combat vehicle. He has since left Junkertown and wanders the Earth in search of adventure.

Tropes exhibited by Hammond/Wrecking Ball include:
  • Ace Pilot: He may be an adorable little hamster, but Hammond's skills at mech combat are second to none, and made him a beloved celebrity around Junkertown for it.
  • Badass Adorable: Being a hopelessly adorable little ball of fluff doesn't stop him from kicking ass on the battlefield.
  • Badass Baritone: The Wrecking Ball mech has an incredibly deep voice.
  • Balloon Belly: More than a few of his sprays show him looking absolutely spherical after eating tons of food.
  • Black Bead Eyes
  • Curious as a Monkey: A near-literal example due to growing up among hyper-intelligent apes, Hammond was infamous among Horizon staff for his love of escaping confinement so he could explore the colony. His natural curiosity also led to him learning how to be a mechanic, among other things.
  • Foreign Cuss Word: Hammond can curse, but the Wrecking Ball mech refuses to translate hamsterese profanity.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Hammond fixes and builds his own spaceships and weapons.
  • Grievous Harm With A Body: If you use Grappling Claw to build up Wrecking Ball's speed, it can send enemies flying and hurt them in the process. It can also come crashing down on enemies from above, and hurt them this way too.
  • Killer Rabbit: Underestimate this cute lil' critter at your own peril, lest you get swatted off the map by a Grappling Claw slam. Or get stuck in the middle of a Minefield. Or get lit up with machinegun fire. Needless to say, Hammond is very deadly.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Hammond is easily the most agile of the Tank heroes: Not only is the Wrecking Ball mech's rolling speed faster than any other tank's walking speed, but his Grappling Claw ability lets him swing across stages like Spider-Man. This makes him perfect for hit and run tactics by ambushing enemies, causing chaos, and escaping while leaving them disoriented and damaged for the rest of his team to pick off.
  • Limit Break: Minefield, where Hammond scatters a bunch of explosive mines around him. They're a perfect "fuck off" tool that can keep enemies off a point or the payload, since they do a ton of damage to whoever triggers them and force the player to either slowly shoot them down one-by-one, or ignore until they naturally vanish. They're also good tool for instantly killing an unaware low-mobility hero who's been annoying Hammond's team if he triggers Minefield right next to them.
  • Little Stowaway: When Winston escaped the colony during the gorilla uprising, Hammond attached an escape pod of his own to the gorilla's.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He's a tiny hamster who pilots a (relatively) big mech.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: He's a cute and fluffy hamster.
  • Secret Identity: While Hammond was fighting in the Scrapyard, he went by the name of "Wrecking Ball."
  • Sphere Factor: Some of Hammond's emotes have him using his mech like this.
  • Sobriquet: Wrecking Ball.
  • Super Intelligence: As a result of gene therapy, Hammond's intelligence grew, as well as his curiosity and mech assembling skills.
  • Walking the Earth: Hammond travels the world, and hopes to have all sorts of fun adventures after his stint as a Scrapyard fighter.
  • You Are Number Six: The little hamster dude was known as "Specimen 8."


"Our world is worth fighting for."

Voiced by: Elise Zhang

Mei is a climate scientist and one of the eco-Watchpoint members.

Tropes exhibited by Mei include:
  • Abnormal Ammo: Mei's gun shoots ice and snow.
  • Anime Chinese Girl
  • Badass Adorable: She may be adorably shy and nerdy, but she's not a woman to be trifled with. Just ask anyone who's met their end at the hands of her infamous freeze ray/icicle combo.
  • Barrier Warrior: Mei's Ice Wall is an important part of her kit, since the enormous wall it erects can block enemy shots, protect your team from certain ultimates, and separate the enemy team if used correctly.
  • Big Beautiful Woman: She's definitely on the heftier side of things, with her Pajamei skin showing that she has a bit of a tummy. But not only is she still adorable, but her big boobs and big butt give her a lot of sex appeal. Her Honeydew skin in particular really goes out of its way to draw attention to her incredibly thick thighs.
  • Determinator: In the "Rise and Shine" short, Mei is determined to get 9 years worth of climate data back to civilization and what's left of Overwatch or die trying.
  • Diary: Winston advises her to write a journal about her experiences at the Antarctica Eco-Watchpoint and publish it.
  • Freeze Ray: Her Endothermic Blaster.
  • Limit Break: Blizzard, where she tosses Snowball out and has him freeze everything around him in a very, very wide radius. It's essentially Mei's freeze ray on a far bigger and more deadly scale.
  • Living Relic: Mei woke up nine years later to find that her fellow scientists are gone, same with Overwatch, and she's the only one left alive.
  • Lone Survivors: Just her and Snowball.
  • Mecha-Mooks: Mei can deploy Snowball to form Blizzard. A move which brings in snow and wind in a radius, just to freeze foes solid.
  • Older Than They Look: Mei's appearance hasn't changed much, because she's been in cryostasis for almost a decade. She's technically 40, but went into the ice at 31, and looks quite a bit younger than either age.
  • Prim and Proper Bun
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: Mei-Ling Zhou was part of one of Overwatch's eco-Watchpoints, which is located in Antarctica.
  • Robot Buddy/Security Blanket: Snowball, nuff said.
    • According to the writers, the hovering robot is more than a robot buddy...Snowy is Zhou's security blanket.
  • Shout-Out: Her mug's design was that of a baby murloc.
  • Sole Survivor: Out of her fellow Eco-Watchpoint scientists that were stranded, Mei's the only one that lived and breathe for another day.
  • Walking the Earth: Mei chose to continue her studies on climate alone and travels around the world to resurrect the eco-network and find out the threats to the earth's ecosystem.


"Cheers, love! The cavalry's here."

Voiced by: Cara Theobold

Lena Oxton was a hot shot pilot and part of Overwatch.

Tropes exhibited by Tracer include:
  • Ace Pilot: According to one of the shorts, Lena is a fearless pilot. Before she joined the Overwatch program.
  • Adventurer Outfit: Lena sports a patriotic bomber jacket.
  • Amplifier Artifact: Tracer can use the Chronal Accelerator to speed up her time or slow it down.
  • Back from the Dead: In-universe. Everyone thought that Lena Oxton died while doing Overwatch's experimental flight program until she reappeared several months later.
  • Chaotic Good: She's describe as a "force of goodness", even if it means lawbreaking.
  • Flash Step: Her blinking abilities.
  • Heroine Wants Redhead: Lena just scored with Emily.
  • Intangible Woman: Since Lena suffers from "chronal disassociation", disappearing for hours, even days, and can't maintain her physical form. This makes her a "living ghost."
  • Genki Girl: Lena is the happiest and quickest out of all the characters.
  • Girls Love: In the Tracer: Reflections comic, Tracer's love interest Emily is shown and the two share a kiss at the end.
  • Goggles Do Nothing
  • Mascot: An real life example, she's the mascot for the actual Overwatch game.
  • Power Limiter: The Chronal Accelerator, which keeps Tracer grounded to the present.
  • Shout-Out: Lena's Blink references to a Warcraft mage spell which has a similar function, and is itself based on a similar Dungeons & Dragons spell that dates back to the late 1970s.
  • Sensual Spandex
  • Ultimate: Pulse Bomb
  • Vigilante Woman: When Overwatch disbanded, Tracer uses any opportunity to fight crime when it presents itself.
  • The Runt At the End: Lena Oxton was the youngest out of all the pilots that were recruited to the Overwatch flight program.
  • Sobriquet: Tracer.

Ana Amari

"Everyone must find their cause."

Voiced by: Aysha Selim

Ana Amari was one of Overwatch's original founders and uses her talents to defend Egypt and those she cares about.

Tropes exhibited by Ana Amari include:

  • Bounty Hunter: When Overwatch fell, Ana became a bounty hunter, until the recall.
  • Combat Medic: Ana has two weapons, the Biotic Rifle's darts and Biotic Grenades, that earns her the "Combat Medic" title, since they can also heal her allies and restore their health.
  • Cool Old Lady
  • Good Parent: Ana is this towards Pharah.
  • Eyepatch of Power: After loosing her right eye, Ana now sports this.
  • Eye Scream: She lost her right eye, thanks to her not sniping Widowmaker first. Because, Ana peered through her periscope and realizes that Widowmaker and the dead Amélie Lacroix are one and the same. Also, that the latter killed Gérald.
  • Faking the Dead
  • Friendly Sniper: Ana is one of the best snipers that Egypt had produce and she's utterly one of the nicest guy anyone meets.
  • Happily Married: To Sam, who is a Native American Canadian.
  • Healing Shiv: Her Nanos and other weapons are this, plus her sniper rifle can do double duty: put foes to sleep and heal allies.
  • We Thought You Were Dead: The whole world assumed that she died during the failed rescue.
    • Some of the reactions from her friends, like Soldier 76, were thinking this.
  • Instant Death Bullet: She survived when Widowmaker shot her, the reason why Ana didn't shoot first to save the day, was because she realizes that Widowmaker was the presume dead, Amélie Lacroix.
  • Ultimate: Nano Boost
  • Lone Survivor: Ana survived the failed hostage rescue mission out of her unit, since Widowmaker "one shot, one killed" them all.
  • Mama Bear: Ana got this nickname, because she takes care of whatever troops she's assign to.
  • No One Should Survive That: In universe, out of the unit that Widowmaker killed. Ana was the few survivors, but the whole world thought she was one of those victims.

Soldier: 76

"We're all soldiers now."

Voiced by: Fred Tatasciore

Jack Morrison was one of the original founders of Overwatch.

Tropes exhibited by Soldier: 76 include:

Brigitte Lindholm

"I will prove myself!"

Voiced by: Matilda Smedius

One of Torbjorn's kids, Brigitte eventually became Reinhardt's squire.

Tropes exhibited by Brigitte Lindholm include:


"Heroes never die."

Voice by: Lucie Pohl

Dr. Angela Ziegler is Overwatch's brilliant healer, scientist, and peace advocate.

Tropes exhibited by Mercy include:
  • Actual Pacifist: Dr. Ziegler is not just a scientist and healer, she's also a staunch peace advocate. Even disapproving Overwatch's militaristic approaches.
  • Auto Revive: Mercy has this ability, Resurrect, to bring KO allies back, complete with full health gauges.
  • Boyish Short Hair
  • Combat Medic: Dr. Ziegler even has her trusty Caduceus Blaster at her side and is not afraid to use it.
  • Deceased Parents Are the Best: This is what made Angela go the peace keeping route. Since her parents were taken by the war.
  • Flight: Angela's Valkyrie suit gives her flying abilities.
  • Guardian Angel: While not technically a literal heavenly being, Mercy is this to her team and Overwatch.
  • Labcoat of Science and Medicine: When Angela's not wearing her angel armor, she wears this for lab and science reasons.
  • Healing Shiv: Her Caduceus Staff may appear intimidating, but it's use to heal allies.
  • Holy Halo: It's part of Dr. Ziegler's angelic costume theme.
  • Hot Witch: Dr. Ziegler's Halloween costume.
  • The Medic: Becoming the head surgeon at a very prominent Swiss hospital and pioneering in a scientific field of applied nanobiology are just some of Mercy's accomplishments that capture Overwatch's eyes.
  • Peek-a-Bangs
  • Punch-Packing Pistol: The Caduceus Blaster
  • Punny Name: "Angela Mercy"
  • Sobriquet: Mercy.
  • Ultimate: Valkyrie
  • Walking the Earth: Whenever there's a country affected by war, Dr. Ziegler is there healing in the front and healing the injured innocents.

Jesse McCree

"Justice ain't gonna dispense itself."

Voiced by: Matthew Mercer

Jesse McCree is a former Overwatch member, who is now an outlaw, and does his own justice.

Tropes exhibited by Jesse McCree include:


"I Play to Win."

Voiced by: Charlet Chung

Hana Song (aka D.VA) is a young South Korean idol, who is also part of MEKA.

Tropes exhibited by D.va include:
  • Ace Pilot: Thanks to MEKA recruiting Hana (and other skilled gamers), her gaming skills are needed to pilot the MEKA units.
  • Asian and Nerdy: Wears this to a "T", even is a Gadgeteer Genius to boot.
  • Celebrity Is Overrated: Even though Hana became a rising hero in South Korea and being in MEKA, she doesn't let the fame get to her head and STILL hangs around her childhood friend, Dae-Hyun.
"It's overrated, Dae."

Torbjörn Lindholm

"Build 'em up, break 'em down."

Voiced by: Keith Silverstein

Torbjörn Lindholm is a brilliant engineer and one of the founding members of Overwatch.

Tropes exhibited by Torbjörn include:

  • Badass Grandpa: He's old enough to have grandchildren and is still a force to be reckoned with.
  • Cool Old Guy: While he can be a cantankerous old grump, Uprising shows that he's still perfectly capable of being chummy and friendly to his friends.
  • The Engineer: He's considered to be one of the greatest engineers to have ever lived, which played a part in him getting a spot on the original Overwatch strike team.
  • Eyepatch of Power: At some point he lost an eye, and wears a red metal patch over its socket. In his Barbarossa and Blackbeard skins, it's replaced with a stereotypical pirate eyepatch.
  • Fantastic Racism: Torbjorn's hatred for Omnic-kind burns hotter than the flame of his forge. Considering that it stems from his worst fears of robot intelligence becoming horribly true during the Omnic Crisis, it's hard not to blame him.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: It's to the point that during Overwatch's height, all their weapons and equipment can be traced right back to Torbjörn Lindholm's workshop.
  • Handicapped Badass: Losing an eye and an arm has made him no less formidable over the years.
  • Happily Married: Torby is happily married to Ingrid and has a ton of kids.
  • I Owe You My Life: Torbjörn feels this way towards Reinhardt, since he rescued him during Operation: White Dome. Torby requested the German to name his daughter.
  • Limit Break: Molten Core. Originally, it gave him and his turret a massive power boost, but after his 2018 rework, he launches several globs of molten steel that turn any floors they land on into hazards. Like with Hammond's minefield, it's a decent weapon but it's best used as a utility to keep the enemy team away from the point/payload.
  • Mr. Fixit: He can build and fix things. Later on, Torby feeling that he's responsible went on a quest, determined to prevent his inventions from falling into the wrong hands.
  • Properly Paranoid: Torby distrusts anything with Artificial Intelligence, his peers just dismissed this as Lindholm being "too paranoid"...Until the Omnic Crisis happened.
  • Shorter Means Smarter
  • Shout-Out: Torby's appearance resembles the dwarves from World of Warcraft and in a more recent example, Dell Conagher.
  • Robot Arm
  • The Turret Master

Reinhardt Wilhelm

"Justice will be done."

Voiced by: Darin De Paul

Reinhardt Wihelm was a champion of a bygone age and one of Overwatch's original founders.

Tropes exhibited by Reinhardt Wilhelm include:

Balderich's final words is "Be their (the team) shield."

  • Glory Days: The short "Honor and Glory" shows an older Reinhardt reminiscing of the old, glory days, and his own regrets as a crusader.
  • Old Soldier
  • Physical Scars, Psychological Scars: A now elderly Reinhardt has a scar running down on his face and an injured eye. And he blames himself for battle of Eichenwalde's aftermath.
  • Redeeming Replacement: After the Battle of Eichenwalde, Wilhelm joined Overwatch to go in the late Balderich's stead and redeem himself.
  • Retired Badass: During his late fifties, the Overwatch higher ups forced Reinhardt to retire from combat operations.
  • Shockwave Stomp: Reinhardt using Rocket Hammer, slamming it into the group, and knocking down all the foes in front of him.
  • Ultimate: Earthshatter


"Even if I sacrifice my body, I will never sacrifice my honor."

Voiced by: Gaku Space

Genji Shimada is the youngest of the Shimada Clan.

Tropes exhibited by Genji include:
  • Back From the Dead: Dr. Ziegler and the rest of Overwatch saved Genji's life, after Hanzo left him for dead (Hanzo thought he killed his younger sibling).
  • Black Sheep: Despite loving martial arts, Genji is hardly interested in embracing the Yazuka business.
  • Cyborg: Even though Genji is still human, his appearance is more robot.
  • Deceased Father is the Best: Averted. The minute his father died, Genji refused to take a more active role in the Shimada's empire. This made the rest of the clan furious enough to plot against him (They already see Genji as a liability).
  • Handsome Lech: In his younger days, Genji had a playboy lifestyle, which is befitting for a rich guy like him.
  • I Call It "Vera": Genji's katana is named Ryū Ichimonji.
  • Journey to Find Oneself: Genji is also trying to find his inner self and also come to terms, which is why he went on a road trip.
  • Katanas Are Just Better
  • Stock Ninja Weaponry: Genji's tool kit: 'Shuriken and katana.
  • Offing the Offspring: The rest of the Shimada Clan tried to do this on Genji, but he survived the assassination attempt.
  • One-Way Visor
  • Ultimate: Dragonblade
  • Walking the Earth: Genji left Overwatch to find the meaning of life and to come to terms with him being half-human/half-cyborg.


"It's good to be back."

Echo was an Omnic, who has a history with Overwatch, especially McCree and her creator, Dr. Mina Liao, a Singaporean scientist and one of Overwatch's founders.

Tropes exhibited by Echo include:


A mysterious terrorist organization and Overwatch's rival.


"Only through conflict do we evolve."

Voiced by: Sahr Ngaujah

Doomfist (real name Akande Ogundimu) is a mercenary, who believes that plunging the world into countless wars will make humanity stronger.

Tropes exhibited by Doomfist include:
  • Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: He used to trained in Dambe, Gidigbo, wrestling, and other modern combat methods. Akande Ogundimu's later path shows his ambition and arrogantness.
  • Bald Black Leader Guy: Akande became one of the leaders of Talon and is an evil version of this trope.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Doomfist does this in several of the battles that he is in, also he uses not fighting, time, and patience to his advantage.
  • Cultured Badass: Akande's intelligence and charisma helped him in life, but he also loves competitive martial arts.
  • Deceptive Disciple: The minute Akande finds out that his mentor, Adeyemi, seems only content to smuggling. Ogundimu kills him, steals his mentor's doomfist guantlet, and took Talon to greater heights.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: Usually walks around bare foot, unless there's some formal outing.
  • Ground Pound: Whenever Doomfist does Seismic Slam, slamming the ground to knock any foes close to him.
  • Hand Cannon
  • Handicapped Badass: He lost his right arm during the Omnic Crisis, which doomed his martial arts career.
  • He Cleans Up Nicely: Doomfist wears a white tuxedo with a rose lapel in the Doomfist: Masquerade comic.
  • Rocket Punch: A rare cyborg version, Doomfist lunges forward, knocking an foe backwards.
  • The Social Darwinist: Doomfist's reasons for wanting to start wars was this, believing that plunging the whole world into a huge conflict will make the whole human race stronger.
  • Sobriquet: Doomfist.
  • The Sponsor: Akande funds Moira O'Deorain's scientific endevours.
  • Ultimate: Meteor Strike
  • Walking Shirtless Scene


"One shot, one kill."

Voiced by: Chloe Hollings

Widowmaker is one of Talon's most ruthless assassin and sniper. Also, her actual name is Amélie Lacroix.

Tropes exhibited by Widowmaker include:

To Moira:"I don't feel - that's the point, isn't it?"



"Everything can be hacked...And everyone."

Voiced by: Carolina Ravassa

Real name: REDACTED. Sombra is Talon's best hacker.

Tropes exhibited bySombra include:
  • Action Girl
  • Break the Cutie: Because of the Omnic Crisis, she ended up as a poor Mexican orphan.
  • Celebrity Is Overrated
  • Child Prodigy: Sombra outdid the other kids with her hacking skills.
  • Child Soldier: At an early age, during the Omnic Crisis, she was left an orphaned, she survived by using her hacking skills and computer knowledge.
    • Played straight with thousands of nameless children who are made orphan from the Omnic Crisis. But no none of them has Sombra's gift.
  • The Cracker: The rare female version of this.
  • Cyborg: Sombra became this for "Hack the planet" reasons.
  • EMP: Sombra uses this to discharge discharges an electromagnetic energy in a huge radius. This can destroy the foes' barriers, shields, and even hacking those caught in the blast.
  • Hacked by a Pirate: This is what Sombra does mainly, her victims are not just turrets, but the other Heroes. - This is not helped much, since the whole futuristic world of Overwatch relies heavily on robots, computers, and other technological advances. It's more evident, since her logo is a cutesy pink-purple-ish skull.
  • I Know Your True Name: She asks Zarya how does she know that her real name is Olivia Colomar.
  • Invisibility Cloak: Sombra has "Stealth" were she can become invisible.
  • I Was Never Here: To some people, groups, and governments, she's nobody and doesn't exist.
  • Knowledge Broker: She knows everyone's life stories, including their dark secrets, because of her hacking expertise, eventually going after bigger targets: governments, politicians, and corporations.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Along the way, Sombra finds that people are easily manipulated. She takes advantage of this.
  • The Nicknamer: Sombra called the guy/group that hacked back at her "The Conspiracy."
  • Paranoia Fuel: Mainly of Sombra's half-Spy's existence. She could be lurking around the corners and out of sight, waiting to hack, and can set up her own emergency teleporters to save her from danger.
    • When she unleashes her EMP Ulimate, everyone and everything caught within its radius is hacked!
  • Screaming Warrior: Whenever Sombra decloaks, she shouts, "I'M HERE ALONG!"
  • Sobriquet: Sombra.
  • That Girl Is Dead: After upgrading, REDACTED is dead and Sombra is born.
  • Ultimate: EMP

Moira O'Deorain

"Science will reveal the truth."

Voiced by: Genevieve O'Reilly

Moria is one of Talon's top scientists, does things For Science!, and healer of the group.

Tropes exhibited by Moira O'Deorain include:


"Death walks among you."

Voiced by: Keith Ferguson

Reaper is a mysterious mercenary who hangs out with Talon and has just as mysterious origins.

Tropes exhibited by Reaper include:


"There's no obligation for the universe to make sense to you."

Voiced by: Boris Hiestand

His real name is Siebren de Kuiper and Overwatch's resident astrophysicist...Or rather, used to be.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Antonio Bartalotti is a businessman and one of Talon's top members.

Tropes exhibited by Antonio include:

Neither Groups

These characters' alliance are to their best friends, family, or part of a different group(s) and organizations.


"My business, my rules."

Voiced by: Jennifer Hale

Real name Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe. She's the illustrious leader of the Deadlock gang.

Tropes exhibited by Ashe include:

  • Action Girl
  • Arms Dealer: Elizabeth Ashe smuggles weapons and other military stuff.
  • Beauty Mark
  • The Call: After meeting Jesse McCree, Elizabeth found her true calling of being the friendly neighborhood gangster.
  • Cowgirl
  • Combat Stilettos
  • Explosion Propulsion: Ashe can fire Viper onto the ground just to jump.
  • It's a Long Story: Michael Chu confirmed that both Ashe and McCree never dated, but their relationship is very complicated.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Whenever her B.O.B gets broken, she can repair and/or upgrade him.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: When Elizabeth was a little girl, she was this. Since both her parents are business consultants and coaches for international CEOs.
  • My Way or the Highway: In her origin vid's end, she states that she has one rule that Deadlock Rebels must follow "My way."
  • Parental Neglect: Her parents hardly paid any attention to Elizabeth...Save giving her a good education and handing her every opportunity to succeed.
  • The Promise: One better keeps their word around Elizabeth...

"Or you break your word, there'll be hell to pay."



"It's a perfect day for some mayhem."

voiced by: Christopher L. Parson

Junkrat (real name: Jamison Fawkes) is an Australian anarchist mercenary.

Tropes exhibited by Junkrat include:

"...Knows the Omnics can't be trusted."



"I'm a one-man apocalypse."

Voiced by: Josh Petersdorf

Roadhog (aka Mako Rutledge) is Junkrat's bodyguard and close friend.

Tropes exhibited by Roadhog include:


"With every death comes honor. With honor, redemption."

Voiced by: Paul Nakauchi

Hanzo Shimada is the oldest of the Shimada brothers.

Tropes exhibited by Hanzo include:
  • The Archer
  • Double Jump: Hanzo's ability Lunge is this.
  • Journey to Find Oneself: Hanzo stated in some in game lines that he wants to find his own honorable path.
  • Ronin: Hanzo is the futuristic version of this.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: Well, he's only wearing one kimono sleeve.
  • Summon Magic: Using Dragonstrike, Hanzo pulls a Yuna, summoning a Spirit Dragon, which devours any foes in it's path.
  • Take a Third Option: In game dialogue whenever Hanzo fights a Talon agent, he refuses to join them.
  • Ultimate: Dragonstrike
  • Walking the Earth: Hanzo Shimada travels internationally, just to restore his honor, perfecting his warrior skills, and give his past ghosts much needed rest.



Voiced by: Chris Metzen

Bastion used to fight in the Omnic Crisis, now he's just a wondering Omnic.

Tropes exhibited by Bastion include:
  • The Last of His Kind: It was shown in his hero short shows that Bastion was all that was left of the Battle automations.
  • Older Than He Looks: He's a 30 year old robot.
  • Regenerating Health: Self-Repair, though Bastion can't do a thing in this mode.
  • Robot Names: Bastion's real name was SST Laboratories Siege Automaton E54.
  • Sentry Gun: Bastion is this and a walking machine gun.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: "The Last Bastion" shows that the robot has some form of PTSD. The slightest sounds that reminds him of machine gun firing will set him off.
  • Team Pet: Ganymede is only friend.
  • Ultimate: Configuration: Tank


"Your safety is my primary concern."

Voiced by: Cherrelle Skeete

Orisa is Numbani's guardian.

Tropes exhibited byOrisa include:
  • Badass Automaton: Efi Oladele re-program Orisia to not just be Numbani's protectors, she gave the OR15 a heart.
  • Blank Slate: After being reprogrammed, Orisa began her journey to learn and be a protector of Numbani.
    • She has her inventor pal, Efi, to help and guide her.
  • Computer Voice
  • I'm Your Biggest Fan: Orisa enjoys Lúcio's music.

"I am sure she would love to. She is a big fan of your music. As am I."



"Come on, let's bring it together!"

Voiced by: Jonny Cruz

Lúcio is world famous Brazilian musician who wants to inspire social change through musics and actions.

Tropes exhibited by Lúcio include:
  • Break the Cutie: Santos grew up in a poor and crowded favela in Rio de Janeiro, which plunge into hard times after the Omnic Crisis.
  • Cool Shades
  • Deflector Shield: Santo's Sonic Amplifier can emits a protective "Sound Barrier" that briefly protects both him and nearby allies with personal shields.
  • Disco Tech: All of Lúcio's tech that he uses for healing or fighting is dependent on stolen Vishkar Corporation disco techo.
  • Even Heroes Have Heroes: Lúcio Santos is a fan of Hana Song, to the point that he knows enough of the esports scene to start a conversation with her.
  • The Medic
  • La Résistance: Lúcio formed a rebel group to resist against the Vishkar Corporation.
  • Rollerblade Good
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps
  • Sonic Amlifier: This weapon can knock down foes with a sound blast or hit them with sonic projectiles.
  • Ultimate: Sound Barrier
  • Up to Eleven: Amp It Up is when Santo increases the volume of his speakers, which gives his songs boosted effects.


"Together we are strong."

Voiced by: Dolya Gavanski

Aleksandra Zaryanova is currently one of the world's strongest women and was a former athlete.

Tropes exhibited by Zarya include:


"The true enemy of humanity is disorder."

Voiced by: Anjali Bhimani

Satya Vaswani is one of Vishkar Corporation's most prize architechers.

Tropes exhibited by Symmetra include:


"I will protect the innocent."

Voiced by: Jen Cohn

Fareeha Amari (aka Pharah) is Ana's daughter and a proud soldier.

Tropes exhibited by Pharah include:


"True self is without form."

Voiced by: Feodor Chin

Tekhartha Zenyatta is an Omnic monk and a former student of Tekhartha Mondatta.

Tropes exhibited by Zenyatta include:
  • Energy Balls: The Orbs of Destruction, Orbs of Harmony, and Orbs of Discord, which Zenyatta uses to blast foes, heals allies, or increase the injuries of the foes.
  • Levitating Lotus Position
  • Ultimate: Transcendence
  • Walking the Earth: Zenyatta is searching for spiritual enlightenment.
  • Warrior Monk: Zenyatta will set aside his peacefulness to fight, just to protect those that are innocent, whether they're human or Omnic.


"No dying on my watch."

Voiced by: Benz Antoine

Jean-Baptiste Augustin is a combat medic and ex-Talon agent.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

  • Badass: Due to his military training and unique skills, Augustin even takes on and kills his former Talon friends, who were assigned to assassinate him.
  • Break the Cutie: Due to the Omnic Crisis, 30 million Haitian children are orphaned, including Jean-Baptiste.
  • Combat Medic: One of its many poster boys.
  • He Knows Too Much: Talon sics their operatives on him and wants the combat medic dead. Because Augustin knows too much.
  • Heel Face Turn: Though not a villainous, Augustin decided to ditch Talon, the minute he found out that the organization is just another war hungry group. Just like the ones that decimated his city.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps
  • Walking the Earth: Jean-Baptiste Augustin jumps from place to place around the world, since he wants to stay under the radar from Talon's watch.

Minor Characters

Those who have small roles, whether they're neutral, part of Overwatch, Talon, or not.

Balderich von Adler

"Be their shield."

Voiced by: Piotr Michael

Balderich von Adler was the leader of the Crusaders and Reinhardt's teacher.

Tropes exhibited by Balderich von Adler include:



Emily is currently[when?] Lena Oxton's girlfriend.

Tropes exhibited by Emily include:



Voiced by: Evelyn Duah

Athena is the AI computer that's friends with the Overwatch crew.

Tropes exhibited by Athena include:

Gérard Lacroix


Gérard Lacroix is one of the members of Overwatch.

Tropes exhibited by Gérard Lacroix include:


"B.O.B, do something!!"

B.O.B is Ashe's loyal Omnic butler.

Tropes exhibited by B.O.B include:

  • Arm Cannon: B.O.B. can unleash these from both of his arms.
  • Badass Mustache: He has one of the Omnic variety.
  • Battle Butler
  • Bodyguarding a Badass: B.O.B has been guarding Elizabeth ever since she was a kid, yet Ashe can hold on her own in a fight.
  • A Friend in Need: The omnic butler is this to Ashe, ever since she was a kid.
  • Fun with Acronyms: B.O.B. whole initials stand for "Big Omnic Bodyguard" or "Big Omnic Butler."
  • Iconic Item: B.O.B.'s tiny bowler hat.
  • Parental Substitute: The Omnic butler kinda filled this role, because Elizabeth's parents are too busy to spend time with her.
  • Sentry Gun: Like Bastion, B.O.B. is also a walking version of this whenever he whips out his machine guns from his arms.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: B.O.B. only wears a robotic vest and pants. Except during Ashe's Origin short, when he wore a raincoat.

Katya Volskaya


Voiced by: Gulmira Mamedova

Katya Volskaya is a huge political-ish figure who is beloved by Russia and CEO of Volskaya Industries.

Tropes exhibited by Katya Volskaya include:

Dr. Harold Winston


Voiced by: Greg Chun

Dr. Winston is one of the many scientists of the Horizon Lunar Colony.

Tropes exhibited by Dr. Harold Winston include:


"That was awesome!"

Voiced by: Kyle Harrison Breitkopf

A museum visitor and Brian's younger brother.

Tropes exhibited by Timmy include:


"That's all there is..Everybody knows Overwatch got shut down.

Brian is a museum visitor and watches over his little brother.

Tropes exhibited by Brian include:
  • Heroic Bystander: Brian took Doomfist's gauntlet out of the display, so Widowmaker wouldn't steal it.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Brian's the blue one.
  • Megaton Punch: Using Doomfist's gauntlet, Brian punches Widowmaker across the museum.
  • Wait Here: He orders his younger brother to stay in one spot, while he pulls a quick thinking stunt.



Voiced by: Brigitte Kali

Alejandra is just a normal girl, whose mother worries about her.

Tropes exhibited by Alejandra include:

Training Bot


Voiced by: Aaron Phillips

The training bot is from the tutorial mode, teaching the new recruits how to be good Overwatch/Talon/Blackwatch agents.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



Voiced by: Johnny Yong

Dae-Hyun is one of the Mobile Exo-Force and Hana Song's mechanic.

Tropes exhibited by Dae-Hyun include:
  • Asian and Nerdy
  • Childhood Friend: Dae-Hyun knows Hana Song long before the glitz and glamour, since they both knew each other as kids.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Dae-Hyun has the skills to fix the D.Va mech and other machines (like a hoverbike that he used own).
  • Watch the Paint Job: Hana entered Dae-Hyun's hoverbike in a race, but she destroyed it by overloading it's reactor.
"You mean the one you wrecked?"
  • You Are Not Alone: Dae-Hyun tells Hana this, even trying to get Hana to open up a bit to sharing her burden. But's its hard for her to even ask for help.

Efi Oladele


Efi is a kid genius inventor from Numbani.

Tropes exhibited by Efi Oladele include:
  • Child Prodigy: Efi already gotten achievements in robotics and artificial intelligence.
    • The young Numbanian has done all of this by the age of eleven.
  • Fan: She loves Lúcio's music.
  • Gadgeteer Genius
  • A Girl and Her Robots: As indicated in an in-universe interview and Orisa's origin trailer, Efi Oladele has a lot of these mechanical friends.
  • Meaningful Name: Efi's surname, Oladele, is Yoruba Nigerian and it suggests were her ancestors are Yoruban.
    • Also, Efi's surname means "wealth has come home." In English.

Sojiro Shimada

Sojiro Shimada was the Shimada Clan's leader and the father of Hanzo and Genji.

Tropes exhibited by Sojiro Shimada include:
  • Arms Dealer
  • Doting Parent: He loves his sons, even excusing Genji's carefree lifestyle.
    • Sojiro protected his sons while he was alive, when he died all hell broke loose for both Hanzo and Genji.

Fictional Characters

These are characters that are found to be fictional in Overwatch-verse.

Dr. Junkenstien


Full name Dr. Jamison Junkenstein, was once a mad scientist who lived in Adlersbrunn.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Witch of the Wilds


Hailing from Adlersbrunn, the Witch of the Wilds is a long time admirer of Dr. J's work.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

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