• Hex's Heroic Sacrifice in Season 4.
    • "Take care of him for me..." *sniffle*
  • The ending of "Web World Wars", after Bob is shot into the web.
  • Two moments from "Game Over":
    • The scene where Dot is weeping after destroying Megabyte's fleet.
    • The ending. Made even worse by everybody's shocked silence after they hear the words "GAME OVER. THE USER WINS.", only to have it broken by Dot's grief-stricken scream.
    • Surprisingly, Slash gets a minor moment when he laments the way things have been going in Mainframe lately.

"Bob always stopped us before we could do anything really bad. Now, nobody does."

  • The moment where Enzo, now Matrix, is reunited with Dot is a tear-jerker of a heartwarming sort.

"Uh, hi..... sis."