These things about Scrooge McDuck Universe are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.

  • Adaptation Displacement: Panchito's horse, Señor Martinez actually comes from old American newspaper strips written in the 40s which, while popular in some countries, were never reprinted in English until after the publication of The Three Caballeros Ride Again
  • Anvilicious: Some of the stories (especially War of the Wendigo) move into this territory.
  • Complete Monster: P.J. McBrine may be the only character to have tried to murder the ducks right after succesfully begging them to save his life (in "The Great Wig Mystery" [dead link]).
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Several
  • Epileptic Trees: How Ludwig von Drake is related to Donald is quite a mystery. He is apparently Donald's uncle, but this would make him either Scrooge's brother or Grandma's son, neither of which seems likely since he is Austrian. Don Rosa has offered the possible explanation that he is married to Scrooge's sister, Matilda.
    • Some German comics have Daisy calling him "Uncle".
  • Fetish Fuel: Magica de Spell according to several Youtubers, for one)
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Keep 9/11 in mind when you see this [dead link]. I mean, come on! He called it the "Twin Office Towers," for Pete's sake!
  • Germans Love David Hasselhoff:
    • Rockerduck seems to appear more frequently in Italian comics than Glomgold ever did in American ones.
    • The Beagle Boys' grandfather appears much more frequently in Italian stories, but that version of the character appears to be solely based on the "Grandpa Beagle" from "The Money Well" and not on Blackheart Beagle from "The Fantastic River Race." Some of the versions make him more kind.
  • Memetic Mutation
    • Within this wiki: Scrooge has hatesex.
    • It's popular on 4chan to photoshop a certain image of Donald to scenes of carnage and destruction.
  • The Scrappy: Gladstone Gander in the comics. Bubba the Cave Duck & Tootsie the Triceratops in DuckTales (1987).
  • The Woobie: Ms. Emily Quackfast. One thing that does mostly remain consistent is her really low salary. Also Webby on DuckTales (1987).