Shrek SuperSlam is a 2005 3D four-player Fighting Game developed by Shaba Games and published by Activision. Based on the Shrek franchise, it is considered a rare example of a good and fun licensed game that gained a cult following among Shrek fans and even saw play in fighting game competitions.

The story mode uses a literal Excuse Plot: Donkey and Dragon's kids are still up and active late one night, and when Shrek tries to tell them fairy tale stories to make them sleep, the babies accidentally burn the book. Fiona suggests to the others to make up and tell stories of their own, laying the foundation for the premise of the fights. The battles feature destructible environments and a meter that players can fill up to execute Slam attacks - Super Moves that ragdoll the target around the stage for maximum destructive impact.

Tropes used in Shrek SuperSlam include:
  • Adaptational Badass: Basically every playable character that's already appeared in the movies. At the lower end of the sliding scale are Fiona and Shrek, both already-strong ogres (with Fiona being a Badass Princess well beforehand), with Gingerbread Man and Pinocchio on the higher end due to their absolute lack of combat prowess.
  • Based on a Great Big Lie: Played With. The stories Shrek and friends tell were intended to be made-up, but by the end of the Story Mode, the group's arguing between themselves about which ones were real.
  • Cute Witch: Luna.
  • Excuse Plot: Invoked. The Story Mode fights are the result of stories invented by Shrek and his friends to entertain Donkey and Dragon's children.
  • Evil Genius: The Puppetmaster is a Palette Swap of Pinocchio who can create puppet replicas of the other characters.
  • Evil Knockoff: Frankenstein-like versions of Shrek and Fiona are created by the Puppetmaster in Chapter 8, and he gangs up with them to attack Puss-In-Boots.
  • Fartillery: Shrek can use his farts for his Slam attack.
  • For Science!: The Puppetmaster's motivation for kidnapping and experimenting on people.
  • Here We Go Again: At the end of story mode, Shrek tells the narrator to shut up or the ogre will beat him up. This makes the babies wake up again.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: Puss's infamous Puppy Eyes technique from Shrek 2 is used as this in his Slam attack.
  • Hypocritical Humor:
    • Donkey says nobody will fall asleep hearing stories in the intro of Story Mode. Shrek merely has to say "once upon a time", and he's out like a light.
    • In "K.N.I.G.T.H.S.", Donkey says he committed no crimes before outright confessing to a series of misdeeds.
  • Late Arrival Spoiler: Donkey and Dragon's Hybrid Children only appeared in the very last seconds of Shrek 2.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed:
    • The game's version of Quasimodo is inspired by Kurt Cobain, based on the hair, rebellious rock-star attitude, and a stage theme which sounds suspiciously like "Smells Like Teen Spirit".
    • Invoked In-Universe with Shrek and the gang telling stories about themselves and others.
  • No Ending: None of the stories have any conclusion of their story lines, at best the player character cheering after defeating his opponent.
  • Palette Swap: Every character has multiple skins.
  • Puppy Eyes: Puss uses this before he charges at his enemies for his Slam attacks.
  • Shaped Like Itself: Shrek(the ogre) discusses with Donkey at the story mode's ending, saying that Donkey's stories are making him look like an ogre.
  • Show Within a Show: The story mode is a bunch of false, but supposedly true according with their narrators, bedtime stories being told to the baby donkey-dragons. At the end of it, the adults begin to fight between themselves for their obvious lying nature.
  • The Dreaded: The moment Gingerbread Man shows up in the cowboy story, the bargoers immediately run away.