• "One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach, all the damn vampires." * gets a root beer; credits roll*
  • "Death by stereo!"
  • From The Thirst: "Vinyl. Still shreds."
  • Edgar's defeat of Peter Lieber by spraying him with water, and then blessing it to make it Holy Water.

Edgar: Hac Sanctus unda quod per vestri Precious Cruor, lavo totus meus sins O Senior.
[[[Beat]]. Peter realises the water he's been drenched in has just been blessed & turned into Holy Water.]

Edgar: FUCK YOU!

  • Michael pointing out to the head vampire "I didn't invite you, asshole!"
  • Michael's fight with David. Especially when David tries to coax him into becoming a full vampire.

 David: Stop fighting me Michael. I don't wanna kill you. Join us.
Michael: NEVER!!!
David: It's too late, my blood is in your veins.
Michael: SO IS MINE!!!

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