This Life was created by Amy Jenkins and revolved around a group of young lawyers sharing a house. Debuting in 1996, it drew attention for its rather relaxed attitude to sex (especially homosexual sex) and drug taking.

The housemates:

  • Milly: Solicitor, in a relationship with Egg. Cheats on him with her boss.
  • Egg: In a relationship with Milly. Starts off as a solicitor before quitting and getting a job in a cafe.
  • Miles: Barrister, bit of a dick. Secretly in love with Anna.
  • Anna: Barrister, her desire to succeed is matched only by her ability to screw up. Secretly in love with Miles.
  • Warren: Barrister, gay, loses his job over an incident in a public toilet.
  • Ferdy: Motorcycle courier, somewhat confused about his sexuality. Has a one-night stand with Warren and rejects him. Moves into the house when Warren goes abroad.

A ten-year reunion special was broadcast in 2006. Reactions were less than positive, with most feeling the special was a poor shadow of the original series. The fact that the plot, which had the cast going to stay at a country house in the aftermath of a funeral, was a little too close to the plot of Peter's Friends didn't help matters much.

Tropes used in This Life include: