A Scanner Darkly/Trivia

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
    • Who knew Cell was also a morally ambiguous police officer?
    • That rehab guy that Bob/Fred was talking to at the end of the film? That's Chiyo's Dad.
  • Typecasting: The whole cast fits this trope. Who better to play a closed circle of stoners who sit around and shoot the shit than Woody Harrelson, Robert Downey Jr, Keanu Reaves, Winona Ryder and Rory Cochrane of Dazed and Confused fame. You also have crazy conspiracy theorist Alex Jones making a cameo as a crazy conspiracy theorist. Honestly, it wouldn't be surprised if the psychiatrists in the movie were actually accredited psychiatrists. Could also be seen as Meta Casting.