Absurdly Cool City

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

In fictional settings, authors often decide to make great cites for their work. In "classic" sci-fi the city served as a common trope to be used to represent whatever society that existed. Then, when animated, drawn or otherwise shown, a Design Student's Orgasm usually occurs.

This comes in two flavors, although "shiny and awesome" is prevalent unless the work is a set in a Crapsack World. This sort of city is often the capital of The Federation, The Alliance, The Empire, or The Republic. It's usually a City of Adventure.

Examples of Absurdly Cool City include:

Shiny and Awesome

Anime and Manga

Comic Books



Live-Action TV

Video Games

Web Comics

Western Animation

Dark and Gritty

Comic Books

  • Gotham City from Batman, especially post-earthquake when the city looks like a mash up of the 1930s, Gothic London and a Modern city.



  • Ankh-Morpork from Discworld, though most of its dark has turned into grime and might occasionally become part of something served in a bun.

Both Shiny and Gritty


Tabletop Games

  • Warhammer 40,000 has quite a lot. Eldar cities and the Dark Eldar capital of Commorgah are both very impressive (the former are Crystal Spires and Togas style cites housed inside Craftworlds, spacecrafts the size of small moons, the latter is a Dark Towers and Spikes style city located inside the Webway). Humans have numerous heavily populated worlds with impressive looking cities, but the grand price goes to Holy Terra, seat of the Imperium. The Imperial Palace alone covers most of what used to be Eurasia.

Web Comics

Western Animation

Real Life


Shiny, Gritty, or both?