Accidental Pun/Quotes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Mr. Daidoji: Who the Hell are you?!

Hel: [chuckles]

Batman: Grimm wouldn't be the first hood to ape old movies.
Nightwing: "Ape".

Batman: Sorry. Unintentional.

Bella: [I]t may be that you should avoid simultaneously being around me and sharp objects.

Emmett: Edward is a sharp object.

Bella: Point. Uh, no pun intended.
"That wasn't a joke. That was an unfortunate coincidental pairing of words."
Angry factory lady, Drake and Josh
"Oh god, that was a pun! 'What's up with this ceiling?'. What's wrong with me? I'd punch somebody in the mouth if they said that to me."