Afro Samurai/YMMV
General Examples
- Designated Hero: Afro
- Designated Villain: Justice. Especially in the manga.
- Jerkass Woobie: Afro
- The Scrappy: Ninja Ninja.
- Ethnic Scrappy: Ninja Ninja Is a likely an aversion of this. He is the repressed side of Afro, also voiced by Samuel L. Jackson and thus is intentionally different. Also, he is often more help than harm, as in the anime it is hinted that Afro would be lacking sanity if not for him.
- Stoic Woobie: Afro
Manga-Only Examples
- Moral Event Horizon - You may think that it doesn't get much worse than using a young boy as a human shield against a group of ninjas, until Afro uses the dead boy's crippled sister as a shield against a man toting a minigun.
Anime-Only Examples
- Evil Is Sexy: Sio
- Jerkass Woobie: Sio
- Motive Decay: How exactly Sio plans to avenge herself on Afro changes throughout the movie, for no discernable reason.