After War Gundam X/Characters
Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description. Please provide at least a few words telling how these characters differ from other characters with the same tropelists. |
The following are the characters of After War Gundam X and the tropes they embody.
Garrod Ran
- Voiced by Wataru Takagi
Son of a military mechanic who didn't survive to see his birth that became a Street Urchin and skilled thief (well above petty pickpocketing) after the death of his mom to bandits left him orphaned. After succeeding at a job to "rescue" a girl from a group of Vultures and being double crossed by his employer, he flees with a girl into an abandoned facility to find the Gundam X.
- Accidental Pervert: He's watching over Tiffa during the Dolphins arc. Then, unaware of his presence, she strips naked and goes skinny-dipping with the 'phins. Whoops? (She doesn't catch him, though.)
- Badass Normal: The original series, Zeta and Double Zeta all starred (potent) Newtypes as leads, G starred a guy who could kick a building in the air without a mobile suit, and the main character of Wing was a geneticly augmented, but Garrod is a normal human supported by Newtype supporting cast, rather than the other way around.
- Born on the Fourth of July: Born on the day of the apocalypse.
- Character Development: He has to learn to be less reckless and interact better with others as time passes.
- Dogged Nice Guy: A little, towards Tiffa.
- Early Teen Hero: He's fifteen but looks pretty young for his age.
- Experienced Protagonist: A rare case of overlap with Kid Hero. The Apocalypse can do that.
- Expy: He and Judau Ashta have a fair bit in common.
- Falling Into the Cockpit: Finds the Gundam X by accident and pilots it in desperation. Unlike most examples, his backstory means he has at least basic understanding of how to pilot a mobile suit.
- Green Eyes[context?]
- Hot-Blooded[context?]
- Kidanova: Both Tiffa and Ennil have feelings for him. Some fans would add Pala as well.
- Loners Are Freaks: His inability to connect adequately with people causes him quite the trouble at first; Ennil is one of them, as she genuinely liked Garrod before It Got Worse...
- Lovable Rogue[context?]
- The Messiah[context?]
- Street Urchin: He's hinted to have spent some time as one after he lost his father and only relative at an early age.
Tiffa Adill
- Voiced by Mika Kanai, Playing Against Type [1]
A quiet girl Garrod was hired to "rescue" from Jamil's vultures for men that ultimately wanted to kidnap her for "research" . After her and Garrod escape, she voluntarily joins Jamil's group.
- Barrier Maiden: As a Newtype.
- Betty and Veronica The Betty to Ennil's Veronica
- Blue Eyes: Representing innocence.
- Character Development: Similarly to Garrod, Tiffa has to gradually learn that she can't be alone all the time.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Tiffa temporarily lets her Rapunzel Hair down and loose when possessed by Lucille Lilliant
- Fainting Seer She can see the future. And almost anything she sees is, well, not pleasing. After Tiffa helps Garrod use the Satellite Cannon for the first time, she has an epic Heroic BSOD; Jamil explains to Garrod that this happened because she, among other things, can sense the pain and death of people in the battlefield. OUCH.
- Friend to All Living Things and Innocent Fanservice Girl: Newtype dolphins ring a bell?
- Ill Girl: Played with. Though Tiffa's a bit delicate, the one time she was seriously about to die happened when Olba Frost, right after her Heroic BSOD in the beginning, injects her with poison.
- Hime Cut[context?]
- Letting Her Hair Down: Only once, though: when possessed by Lucille's spirit.
- The Messiah[context?]
- Mysterious Waif[context?]
- Rapunzel Hair[context?]
- Precognition: The bulk of Tiffa's powers.
- Seers: Her other one.
- Shrinking Violet and Shy Blue-Haired Girl
- Proper Lady: As she starts shredding her phobia of people away.
- Soul Jar: For Lucille, briefly.
- Wise Beyond Their Years[context?]
Jamil Neate
- Voiced by Kenyuu Horiuchi[2]
A former young UNE pilot who (alongside other pilots) failed to stop the Colony Drops that caused the setting's post-apocalyptic nature. 15 years after this event, he captains the Vulture (scavenger) ship the Freeden as part of a personal mission to find and protect Newtypes from those who would exploit them.
- Badass
- Cheerful Child: When young. But after the Colony Drop, he becomes...
- Broken Bird: As an adult, and one of the rare male examples.
- Composite Character: Mix one part Zeta-era Amuro Ray, one part post-Zeta Kamille Bidan, one part Quattro Bajeena and one part Bright Noah in a blender and set to liquefy. Add Hotblooded Sideburns to the result.
- Dark and Troubled Past[context?]
- Deuteragonist
- A Father to His Men[context?]
- Good Scars, Evil Scars Has one across his eye, covered by his shades)
- Hotblooded Sideburns: He had those even as a kid!
- Somewhat subverted, as he's not that Hot-Blooded on the outside. Played straight when he overcomes his cockpit phobia and returns to piloting MS.
- Kid Hero Used to be one... and it psychologically scarred him to the point that he simply could not pilot a mobile suit for 15 years.
- Likes Older Women: Somewhat in his backstory. Unfortunately, All Love Is Unrequited. And she was was sealed in a capsule.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran[context?]
- Sixth Ranger: When he returns to action.
- The Stoic[context?]
- Sunglasses at Night: He ditches his Cool Shades at series' end, though.
- Supporting Leader[context?]
- Team Dad[context?]
- Zen Survivor[context?]
Sala Tyrrell
- Voiced by Yumi Kakazu (Debut role)
A description of the character goes here.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: Uses it at least once against Garrod.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: She showed jealousy towards Tiffa at first and was rather curious about what Lucille meant for Jamil, but she eventually got over it.
- Good-Looking Privates
- Magic Skirt
- Playing Against Type: This was the debut role of a then barely teenaged Yumi Kakazu. Yes, THAT Yumi Kakazu.
- Sexy Secretary
- Subordinate Excuse: To Jamil
- Team Mom: Tries to be this, but doesn't always succeed.
Roabea Loy
- Voiced by Takumi Yamazaki<rerf>Who also played George de Sand in Mobile Fighter G Gundam
A mercenary who pilots a Gundam Leopard that signed onto the Freeden temporarily, then more permanently when it was short-staffed following an incident that left it short two pilots.
- Alliterative Name: In Japanese and some older translations.
- Badass Long Hair
- Bishonen
- The Casanova: Though an admirably well-intentioned one.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Is a Casanova, yeah, but he genuinely cares for every single girl he pursues: a Girl Next Door, an Ill Girl, a dead lady who gave him his Gundam and is hinted to be his first great love, the Femme Fatale from La Résistance who is shot to death and perishes in his arms, Sala whom he'd rather let go to Jamil, the guy she loves, than losing her friendship and respect and Ennil whom he hooks up with in the end.
- Gatling Good: The Leopard Gundam comes equipped with two of these—one on the wrist and the other carried as a weapon.
- Ladykiller in Love: He eventually gets hit with this.
- The Lancer: To Garrod, in battle.
- Lightning Bruiser: The Leopard is very fast, and very heavily armed/armoured. What stops it from reaching Game Breaker status is that it cannot fly.
- More Dakka: With built in gatling guns, grenade launchers and missiles, Roy's Leopard is set to do some damage.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Why settle for bullets, when you can also unload every conveivable missile type on the planet.
- Second Love: With/to Ennil
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: With Witz.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Due his unusual name which also runs into the l/r problem, and never making it into the crossovers that were officially translated, his name proved to be quite a puzzle prior to the release of official subtitles in 2016. Roybea Roy? Loybea Loy? Roybea Loy? Loybea Roy?
- Walking Armoury: Even for a Gundam, the Leopard is loaded for bear.
Witz Sou
- Voiced by Kazuya Nakai (Debut role, even! He really put his gunz on...)
A mercenary pilot attached to the Freeden who uses the Gundam Airmaster to raise money for his family, who don't know his profession.
- Ace Pilot: The Airmaster's plane mode is generally emphasized more than its mecha mode, and his jacket is clearly designed to resemble an aviator's.
- The Big Guy: In battle.
- Dead Little Sister: Better said, dead father and little brother.
- The Dutiful Son: Has problems with his mother because he refuses to be one.
- Hot-Blooded
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Even if he does get tense with his family over disputes on his mom remarrying, and his choice of profession he does leave them mobile-suit sized stash of gold he drops off to his family so they can have a good life until he comes back home.
- Transforming Mecha
- The Worf Effect: Designated punching bag to establish a threat is actually dangerous, presumably since the Airmaster has the lightest armor of the three main Gundams.
Toniya Marme
- Voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi
A largely unremarkable member of the Freeden's bridge crew until the start of the second half when she meets Ennil El in a city and the two, not knowing who the other is, become friends. The pain of "losing" her friend to Ennil El's extreme reluctance to join the Freeden causes a great emphasis to be put on her character
- Bridge Bunny
- Cool Big Sis (to Tiffa and Garrod)
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Ennil El.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Shipper on Deck: Actively supports Garrod's romantic attempts towards Tiffa.
Shingo Mouri
- Voiced by Daiki Nakamura
A description of the character goes here.
- Bridge Bunnies
- Mission Control
- Nice Guy
- Non-Action Guy
- Ridiculously Average Guy
- Shipper on Deck: Garrod/Tiffa fanboy.
Dr. Techcs Farzenberg
A pre-war doctor who serves as ship's doctor on the Freeden.
- Badass Pacifist: While he takes his profession's oath to "do no harm" seriously, he and Ennil manage to incapacitate and escape from the UNE forces at one point, using a faux Fan Service scene.
- Frontier Doctor
- Non-Action Guy
- Improbable Age: He's 36, but was a doctor 15 years ago.
- The Medic
- Spell My Name with an "S": Sometimes "Tex" in earlier translations.
- Warrior Therapist
Kid Salsamille
- Voiced by Motoko Kumai
A description of the character goes here.
- Cross-Dressing Voices (his seiyuu is Motoko Kumai, who also voiced Li Syaoran)
- Gadgeteer Genius
- His Name Really Is "Barkeep": While the characters know, the audience is likely to not pick up on the fact that kid is his given name unless they read the credits.
- Mr. Fixit
- Non-Action Guy
- Shipper on Deck: Another Garrod/Tiffa shipper.
- The Smart Guy
- Teen Genius: Would be an example, were he not twelve.
Ennil El
- Voiced by Chieko Honda,[3] Playing Against Type
The Earthborn daughter of a surviving SRA officer who became a mercenary following his death. Initially joins an attack on the Freeden seeking revenge on Garrod for spurning her, she has an odd habit of running into the Freeden as it travels the world.
- Action Girl
- Alliterative Name
- Badass Normal: Besides being a non-Newtype in a show with them, her signature machine is a customized Jenice, and she manages to be a very tough opponent it it.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Tiffa's Betty.
- Broken Bird
- Crazy Prepared: Hid a flashbang in her Victoria Secret Department at some point in case she'd ever need it.
- Distaff Counterpart: To Ramba Ral. See expy, below.
- Expy: Blue machine? Bonds with a protagonist over drinks? Connections to the Space Colonies due to her father being a high-ranking war hero? Ennil is either this series's equivalent to Ramba Ral or her Disappeared Dad Nada El was this series's equivalent to Ramba Ral.
- Femme Fatale
- If It's You It's Okay: Despite her outward appearance, is very selective of her sexual interests. Had a genuine sexual interest in Garrod, and due to his hideously awful trust issues and missing Tifa, he pulled a gun on her instead. Took her quite awhile to get over that.
- Ms. Fanservice: Dark Action Girl style before her Heel Face Turn.
- Reformed but Rejected: Upon learning her new friend was a former enemy of Garrod, Toniya pushes her to join the Freeden's crew but Ennil El's fear of suffering this leads her to keep passing up the chance.
- Sixth Ranger
- Stripperiffic
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With Toniya.
- Woman in Black: Or dark blue?
- Yandere: Driven to violence against Garrod over him spurning her.
Pala Sys
- Voiced by Miki Nagasawa
A description of the character goes here.
- Action Girl
- Genki Girl
- Plucky Girl
- Shorttank
- Spell My Name with an "S" Pala, Paula, Perla...?
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With Tiffa.
- Wrench Wench
Carris Nautilus
A Newtype from the snowy land of Fort Severn. When the Freeden's crew came to protection from forces that would abuse Newtypes, he turned out to be hostile intent on killing them. Carris is actually a Cyber Newtype created by the crazed Omnicidal Maniac Professor Dorat.
- The Atoner
- Bishonen: Since his face is less detailed in the show itself compared to official art, the only thing that clearly tells viewers he's male is a brief shirtless scene.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: Or start out that way in his case.
- Blue Eyes
- Crossdressing Voices: Both his original VA (very blatantly) and the replacement used in crossover titles following her death.
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger: Joins the Freeden crew when they go into space.
- Ill Boy: He is an artificial Newtype, and boy does it suck to be one. He does, however, seem to accept his fate by series' end.
- Playing Against Type: Yuko Mizutani.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: To Garrod
- Suicide by Cop: Attempted, by pointing an unloaded gun at Garrod in an attempt to atone for his sins. He gets better
- The Smart Guy: When he joins the group.
- Super Soldier
- Teens Are Monsters: At first.
- Tyke Bomb
- Utopia Justifies the Means
Lucille Lilliant
- Voiced by Mika Kanai. Yup, Tiffa's seiyuu. Justified in-story: when she takes control of Tiffa's body, her thoughts and psychic link to Jamil are heard in Tiffa's voice.
Jamil's newtype commanding officer, who he had a crush on, during the war. She is discovered forcibly comatose and stored underwater in a pod by the Freeden.
- Alliterative Name
- And I Must Scream: Kept inside a capsule, in a forcibly induced coma, for 15 years.
- Barrier Maiden
- Cool Big Sis: To young Jamil
- Fan Disservice: She's seen naked during the whole time she's been locked inside her capsule. While Lucille's extremely beautiful and we don't see stuff usually related to Fan Disservice (fluids, blood, Guro, etc.), it's not fanservicy because as mentioned above, she's basically unconscious all the time and the circumstances surrounding her nudity are terrible..
- Girl in a Box
- Grand Theft Me: A rare heroic example.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Hair of Gold: Was a beautiful blonde woman.
- Hime Cut
Lancerow Dawell
A description of the character goes here.
- The Ace
- Anti-Villain
- Badass
- Badass Long Hair: Check out that ponytail.
- Bishonen: A less extreme case than many on the show.
- Char Clone: Averted. He's got a lot in common with MSG Char, but lacks the blond hair, sunglasses/mask, and jackassery associated with most of them.
- Evil Redhead
- Expy: Of Char Aznable. Specifically, his Mobile Suit Gundam incarnation. Take a look at the Febral.
- Also a Palette Swap of Treize Khushrenada.
- Good-Looking Privates
- Significant Green-Eyed Redhead
- Heel Face Turn
- Punch Clock Villain
- The Rival: To young Jamil
- Worthy Opponent: To Jamil and Garrod, albeit briefly.
- Zen Survivor
Major Nomoa Long
A leftover SRA member intent on revenge against the UNE (meaning all virtually remaining humans) who serves as Mayor of Fort Severn.
- Driven to Suicide: With his project in ruins, Nomoa decides to kill himself rather than surrender to Garrod.
- Evilutionary Biologist
- For Science!
- High-Class Glass
- Lack of Empathy
- Mad Scientist: He's the one behind the Cyber Newtype project in this universe, making Carris what the is today.
- Majorly Awesome: Averted hard.
- The Man Behind the Man: To Carris.
- Manipulative Bastard: Preys on Carris' hopes of saving the world in order to get him to do what he wants.
- Officer and a Gentleman: Subverted. Nomoa has the rank and the look one associates with this (complete with High-Class Glass), but is one of the most flat out evil characters in the show.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Since the SRA colonies were all subject to Colony Drop, virtually all remaining humans are (to him) UNE, even the residents of Fort Severn.
- Revenge: Seeks vengeance on both United Nations Earth and the Space Revolutionary Army for abandoning him and ignoring his research.
- Smug Snake: As standard for Gundam's evil scientists.
Shagia Frost
- Voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass Longcoat
- Beta Test Baddie: He's a Category F Newtype and resents everyone with greater talents and stronger Psychic Powers.
- Big Bad: Takes on this role by the end. At times he and Olba seem to be a Big Bad Duumvirate, although Shagia is undoubtedly the senior partner.
- Bishonen
- Blue Eyes
- The Chessmaster
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Probably the biggest example in the whole Gundam franchise, which is saying a lot.
- Combination Attack: He and Olba do this frequently.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: His love for his brother is one of his few humanising traits.
- Final Solution: All Newtypes must die.
- Freudian Excuse The reason why he and Olba wanted to start a war that would kill everybody? They're mad at the world for being considered worthless failures, as they were born as Category Fs and not "proper" Newtypes. This leads them to despise the very concept of Newtypes as inherently superior humans.
- I Just Want to Be Special: A part of his Freudian Excuse.
- Karma Houdini:He's crippled but still alive at the end.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Kills the only two people who really wanted a war.
- Nietzsche Wannabe
- Psychic Link: With Olba.
- The Resenter: Towards Newtypes and all those who support them.
- Sibling Team
- Smug Snake: Whether Shagia is one of these, or a genuine Magnificent Bastard is a matter of some contention among the fanbase.
- The Starscream
- Teens Are Monsters: He's 19.
- Those Two Bad Guys: Initially this is how he and Olba come off. They're actually far more dangerous than that.
- Villainous Breakdown: AND HOW!
- War for Fun and Profit: Shagia sees the war as a way to quietly exterminate all Newtypes and those who believe in them, making himself and Olba look better in comparison.
Olba Frost
- Voiced by Nozomu Sasaki
A description of the character goes here.
- Ax Crazy[context?]
- Beta Test Baddie: He and Shagia feel that the existence of Newtypes has led to their own talents being overlooked.
- Big Brother Instinct: Inverted: he's the younger one.[4]
- Bishonen[context?]
- Blue Eyes[context?]
- Combination Attack: Often.[context?]
- The Dragon: To Shagia; at times they're closer to a Big Bad Duumvirate, though with Olba as the junior partner.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Shagia is probably the only person on earth that Olba gives a damn out.
- Final Solution: Like Shagia, Olba wants a Newtype genocide.
- Freudian Excuse[context?]
- I Just Want to Be Special[context?]
- Karma Houdini: Survives the end of the show unscathed, although he does have to watch his brother get crippled.
- Nietzsche Wannabe[context?]
- Psychic Link: With Shagia
- Psycho Supporter: Of his brother. In addition to being an Axe Crazy Nietzsche Wannabe, Olba's brother complex is so strong that he more or less subordinates his entire identity towards making his brother's dreams become a reality.
- The Resenter: Of Newtypes, their fans, and the rest of the world.
- Sibling Team
- Smug Snake[context?]
- Teens Are Monsters: Also 19.
- Those Two Bad Guys: Initially this is how he and Shagia come off. They're actually far more dangerous than that.
- Undying Loyalty: To his older brother.
- War for Fun and Profit
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Really, really wants to have his beloved older brother's approval.
- Yandere: Apparently, one of the rare male examples. Could be a case of Never Live It Down, though.
- Back to After War Gundam X
- ↑ She normally plays Genki Girl characters. Meaning, she would've normally played Pala or maybe even Toniya here.
- ↑ Who also played Mashmyer Cello from Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
- ↑ aka Elpeo Puru from Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
- ↑ Nozomu Sasaki even got sick of saying the phrase "nii-san" (big brother) when the series finally ended.