Agent Pendergast/Characters
This is the Character Sheet for the Agent Pendergast series of novels.
Main characters
Special Agent Aloysius Xingu L. Pendergast
Eccentric FBI Agent with a keen interest in Serial Killers. Originally from New Orleans, he spends most of his time in New York where he owns a luxury apartment and inherited an old mansion. Was the Only Sane Man of a rich and unusual family, of which he is now the last member left alive. Doesn't have much regard for his superiors - or conventional investigative methods.
- All a Part of the Job
- Awesome McCoolname
- Awesomeness By Analysis
- Badass
- Badass in a Nice Suit - Never seen without one of his three dozen identical hand-tailored black Italian suits, except when in disguise.
- Cultured Badass
- Breakout Character
- Catch Phrase - "A very bad habit, but one I find hard to break."
- Crazy Prepared
- Eccentric Millionaire - Doesn't work for the money. He also mostly talks in a Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness fashion, drives a Rolls Royce, has a Zen garden inside his apartment, and looks like an undertaker. Let's just say he always sticks out.
- Fish Out of Water - Almost anywhere he shows up. And he loves it.
- Gentleman Detective - From Louisiana.
- Guile Hero
- Heroic Albino - Except he's not really an albino.
- Interdisciplinary Sleuth
- Major Injury Underreaction
- Martial Pacifist - Who sometimes uses all kinds of weird Tibetan martial arts.
- Master of Disguise - Which is a real feat, considering his very distinguishing looks.
- Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught
- Obfuscating Stupidity - On occasion.
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist - Though he still enlists the help of Nora, or others, if he encounters problems.
- Omniglot
- Parental Substitute - To Corrie.
- Playing Drunk
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right - All the time. What's more, he pulls his friends and helpers into it.
- Sharp-Dressed Man - Hell, he even gets manicures.
- Weapon of Choice - A .45 Les Baer.
- What You Are in the Dark - A theme examined over the course of the books. Pendergast starts out (apparently) excelling at everything he does, but some Moral Dissonance begins popping up around him by the time of Dance of Death, and then he comes close to Jumping Off the Slippery Slope in Fever Dream. He's definitely moving deeper into Anti-Hero territory the longer his story gets.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Lieutenant Vincent D'Agosta
Pendergast's friend on the NYPD who helps and serves as a sidekick on most of his cases.
- The Confidant - To Pendergast.
- Friend on the Force
- Grumpy Bear
- Hot-Blooded
- Jerkass Facade
- Precision F-Strike
- The Watson
Dr. Nora Kelly
- Fiery Redhead
- Happily Married - To Bill Smithback.
- Hot Scientist
Bill Smithback
- Brilliant but Lazy - Occasionally gives off this vibe.
- Constantly Curious - And it does come back to bite him.
- Going for the Big Scoop
- Happily Married - To Nora Kelly.
- Intrepid Reporter
- Killed Off for Real
- Messy Hair
Dr. Margo Green
Captain Laura Hayward
Constance Greene
- All Girls Want Bad Boys
- Antiquated Linguistics
- Born in the Wrong Century - Quite literally.
- Corrupt the Cutie - Courtesy of Diogenes.
- Fish Out of Water
- The Ingenue - Before she Took a Level in Badass.
- Proper Lady
- Purple Eyes
- Really 120 Years Old
- The Smart Guy
- Strange Girl
Other characters
Diogenes Pendergast
- Awesome McCoolname
- Ax Crazy
- Being Tortured Makes You Evil
- It's Personal
- Mismatched Eyes
- Wicked Cultured
- Worthy Opponent - To his older brother Aloysius.
Helen Esterhazy Pendergast
- Action Girl - Went on a lion hunt with her husband.
- The Lost Lenore
- Posthumous Character