All Just a Dream/Quotes
All that we see or seem —"A Dream Within a Dream," Edgar Allan Poe
Ha ha, it was all a dream, everybody! ... those who have been irritated by this plot have been rewarded with the most irritating sort of ending that narrative has to offer.
Bender: But I destroyed the technology of the world! I ran on the beach and felt the sand between my foot-cups! —Futurama, "Obsoletely Fabulous"
You beat the game, yeah, dude you were supreme —BrentalFloss, on the ending of Super Mario Bros. 2
Michaelangelo: Bebop and Rocksteady, as good guys?! —Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, "Rhinoman" (which, contrary to Raph's thought, wasn't a dream)
Homestar Runner: And when your puppet show gets canceled after three seasons... —Homestar Runner, Hremail 2000.
Can this still be real or some crazy dream?
Wait, you're telling me I went through all that mental anguish over a dream? What a cheat!
—Darkwing Duck, Darkwing Duck, "Dead Duck"
Peter: You've calmed down since this morning. —FoxTrot (it turns out to really be a dream, though)
Yay it was all a dream everything is ok phew that was lucky.
"What happened to the graphics? What the-? What?! WHAT?! IT WAS ALL A DREAM?! What the fuck! You LIED to me! TITTYCOCKS! Wake the fuck up, I'm gonna kick your fuckin' ass! Stop that snorin', I'm gonna slap the shit outta you! Fuckin'- yeah, yeah! Look at me when I'm talking to- no, don't close your eyes! *sob* Everything I know is a lie!"
—The Furious Famicom Faggot, reacting to the ending of Super Mario Bros. 2