Junichi Tachibana
Voiced by: Tomoaki Maeno |
Our male protagonist, Junichi's heart was broken two years ago when he was stood up by a girl on their supposed Christmas Eve date. Now a high school sophomore, he spends his days in his closet planetarium and mostly spending time with his two good friends, Masayoshi Umehara and Kaoru Tanamachi.
- Accidental Pervert
- All Men Are Perverts: He and Umehara indulge a lot in porn magazines, with them sharing items between their Porn Stashes.
- Audience Surrogate
- Character Development: He grows from a hopeless guy to a better person for his chosen girl.
- Player Character
- Primal Fear: He is deathly afraid of heights.
- Second Year Protagonist
- Unlucky Everydude
Haruka Lovely Morishima
Voiced by: Shizuka Itou |
School idol Haruka has been confessed to by countless men, all of whom she rejected. She likes cute things, but has a soft spot for puppies. Her best friend is the captain of the school's Swim Team, Hibiki Tsukahara.
- The Beast Master: She can control puppies to do her bidding, and it's absolutely cute.
- Blue Eyes
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: With Hibiki.
- But Not Too Foreign: She's a quarter British from her mother's side of the family, thus the "Lovely" in her name. It should be noted that Lovely is not her mother's maiden name, it's a middle name given to her by her British grandfather.
- Covert Pervert: Haruka loves swimming, swimsuits, and girls wearing swimsuits. The latter always causes her to get booted off the swimming pool area by Hibiki.
- In the latest Manga Adaptiation focused on her, she admits to be willing to share a bath together with both Miya and Junichi.
- Cuteness Proximity: Towards dogs and Miya, despite the latter's hostility towards her, even goes as far as subjecting her to Marshmallow Hell in one episode.
- Genki Girl
- Gratuitous English: Has a habit of sprinkling English phrases here and there.
- Happily Married: Her Best Game Ending and anime epilogue, even bordering on Sickeningly Sweethearts.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Hibiki, although her heterosexuality is often up in the air.
- Ms. Fanservice: Further enforced by her carefree, fun-loving personality.
- Perpetual Smiler: It's hard to catch Haruka without a huge smile on her face... except when you make her extremely jealous/angry.
- Princess Curls: A rare variant -- her straight hair curls near the tips.
- Rule of Three: Whenever Haruka participates in the Miss Santa contest, she always wins, thus making the victory her third in a row dating back to her freshman year.
- School Idol
- Sempai-Kohai: With Junichi, who calls her "Morishima-senpai".
Kaoru Tanamachi
Voiced by: Rina Sato |
Junichi's good friend from middle school. Kaoru works at a family restaurant as a waitress to help support her single mother. Had the distinction of being nicknamed as The Nuke/Warhead of Kibitou in middle school due to her Hot Bloodedness.
- Disappeared Dad
- Fan Service with a Smile: She works as a waitress part-time.
- Good Samaritan: Very willing to help strangers.
- Gratuitous English: Only second to Haruka.
- Hot-Blooded
- Megaton Punch: Usually/Exclusively done to Junichi.
- One of the Boys: Goes with Junichi and Umehara to check out a Hot Librarian chick.
- Second Year Protagonist
- Shorttank
- Tsundere: She is technically a romance anime incarnation of Mikoto Misaka without superpowers.
- The Tease: Among other things, she bites Junichis ear within two minutes since beginning of her arc in anime, and asks "did it felt good?"
- Unkempt Beauty: There's a reason why she's called "Sex Hair" and this is it.
- Zettai Ryouiki: In her waitress uniform.
Sae Nakata
Voiced by: Hiromi Konno |
Miya and Ai's classmate. Sae had only studied at exclusive all-female schools in her life until she transferred to Kibitou High in her first year, making her incredibly shy around men.
- Buxom Is Better/Gag Boobs: Repeatedly lampshaded (by a milk carton at one point) and poked fun at. Enjoyed by Miya thoroughly.
- The Cutie: She's described as "fluffy-looking" by other characters.
- Does Not Like Men: More accurately, is intimidated and afraid of men... until Junichi comes along.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita: Her outfit in the final episode of her arc.
- Everything's Better with Penguins: Her arc's epilogue.
- Fan Service with a Smile: She finally gets a job in a Maid Cafe.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Happily Married/Babies Ever After: Her epilogue in SS+, where she's pregnant with her second child.
- Hot Mom
- Second Year Protagonist: In SS+.
- Sempai-Kohai: Calls Junichi "Senpai".
- Shout-Out: The penguin suit, which is probably also a Mythology Gag to those who are familiar with the original game, as the penguin suit also has a baby penguin attached and one of the possible endings with Sae in the game is her getting pregnant.
- Shrinking Violet
- Yaoi Fangirl: Interestingly is a fujoshi despite her shyness around males.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A, present in her school uniform and Elegant Gothic Lolita outfit.
Ai Nanasaki
Voiced by: Yukana |
A freshman on the Swimming Team and a classmate of both Miya and Sae. A very calm and humble girl, she is seen as her team's ace swimmer.
- A-Cup Angst: She's actually got a decent rack, but Junichi's tactless comments about Sae's larger breasts in front of her and Miya certainly unsettled her.
- Second Year Protagonist: In SS+.
- Sempai-Kohai
- Skirt Over School Swimsuit
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Tsurime Eyes
- When She Smiles, all of Junichi's problems just go away.
Rihoko Sakurai
Voiced by: Ryoko Shintani |
A second year and Miya and Junichi's childhood friend obsessed with eating and dieting. She is also a member of the Tea Club.
- Big Eater
- Book Dumb
- Buxom Is Better
- Childhood Friend Romance: Unlucky in the first season. Ultimately Victorious in SS+.
- The Ditz/Dojikko: One of her Image Songs is even titled "DJK".
- Girl Next Door
- Second Year Protagonist
- She's All Grown Up: While Junichi has known her since childhood, he seems to have noticed her ample chest only recently.
- Weight Woe: She isn't as fat as she thinks.
Tsukasa Ayatsuji
Voiced by: Kaori Nazuka |
A second year and Class Representative of Junichi's class, as well as the committee head of the Founder's Festival Committee for the current year. She is hard-working, takes on jobs no one wants to do, and is generally an outstanding student. She is very popular due to this, and teachers find themselves relying on her more often than not... except this turns out to be but a facade for a meaner side.
- All There in the Manual: The anime fails to elaborate on the contents of her diary and the reason she dislikes her sister Yukari.
- Becoming the Mask: At the end of Episode 23, and it is not a good thing. Reversed in the next episode with Junichi confessing he still likes her all the same. Cue him getting a 3-hit combo.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Class Representative
- Cry Cute: Even after venting out all her frustrations on Junichi for his foolish words and nearly turning her into the nice girl she actually wasn't, the guy actually welcomes it as a sign that the girl he loves is still there, sending her crying in his arms.
- Death Glare: One of her weapons.
- Dissonant Serenity: Part of Becoming the Mask.
- Freudian Excuse: Tied in with her dislike for her bubbly older sister Yukari. While Tsukasa prides herself on being efficient, outstanding and successful despite her true attitude, people still prefer Yukari's easygoing nature despite her many shortcomings. As a result, Tsukasa has always felt some resentment against Yukari, especially when people praise her.
- Happily Married/Babies Ever After: Her epilogue in the anime and Good Ending in the game.
- Hot Mom
- Manipulative Bitch
- Second Year Protagonist
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Student Council President: At the end of her arc in Amamgami SS+.
- Tsundere: Has hints of this towards Junichi after the diary incident.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: AVERTED.
Miya Tachibana
Voiced by: Kana Asumi |
Junichi's younger sister. She affectionately calls him "Nii-nii" but is often chastised by him for this; thus, she calls him "onii-chan" outside the house. She tends to be jealous of girls Junichi spends time with, save their mutual childhood friend Rihoko. Her favorite food is nikuman (pork buns).
- A-Cup Angst: With evidence.
- A Day in the Limelight: Episode 26 is focused on her, and unlike the other arcs and even Risa's episode, there's no romantic development involved. At most, she gets a sudden love confession from a guy in a neighboring class, but she rejects him on the grounds that she's unsure how to handle it.
- Animal Motif: Cats. Even her first name is a derivation of the japanese onomatopoeia for a cat's cry, "nya".
- Annoying Younger Sibling: To Junichi, sometimes.
- Genki Girl
- My Nii-nii Is Off Limits: Most notable with Haruka, whom Miya immediately dislikes. Averted in the case of Rihoko and Miya's two friends, Sae and Ai.
- In a bit of Fridge Brilliance, this is based on the animal motifs of Haruka and her. Also, Cats Are Mean.
- Her hostility towards Haruka is averted in the spinoff manga Amagami: Dreamy Forever where she becomes a Shipper on Deck towards Junichi and Haruka and becomes close to Haruka.
- Signature Laugh: "Nishishi!"
- Third Person Person
- Trademark Favorite Food: Meat buns.
Maya Takahashi
Voiced by: Risa Hayamizu |
Homeroom teacher for Junichi's class.
- Can't Hold Her Sweet Sake
- Christmas Cake
- Hot Teacher
- Shipper on Deck: Supports Junichi if he falls in love with any of the girls.
Masayoshi Umehara
Voiced by: Takuma Terashima |
Junichi and Kaoru's best friend.
- Backstory/Old Shame: Near the end of Tsukasa's arc, Junichi catches him about to burn a letter and tries to stop him. The latter reveals that it was a confession letter from a girl back in middle school, which he never replied to because back then he thought love and romance were "not cool", making it his biggest regret in life.
- Bromantic Foil
- Love Martyr: Helps Junichi with his love life, but fails to get a date of his own.
- Shipper on Deck: Supports Junichi for any girl he's in love with.
- Ship Tease: Hinted between him and Keiko.
Kanae Itou
Voiced by: Yuki Matsuoka |
A friend of Rihoko.
- Name's the Same: Her name is similar to voice actress Kanae Ito, despite both name uses different Japanese characters.
- Shipper on Deck: Supports Rihoko/Junichi.
Keiko Tanaka
Voiced by: Mai Kadowaki |
A friend of Kaoru, who (with Junichi) gave her love advice.
- Love Letter Lunacy: An unfortunate example. Keiko has a crush on a boy in her class but is too shy to tell him so Junichi tells her to write him a letter. However, the guy was an insensitive jerk and shows off the letter to his friends much to Keiko's embarrassment. Thankfully, both Kaoru and Tsukasa calls out on what he did.
- Shipper on Deck: Supports Kaoru/Junichi.
- Ship Tease: Hinted between her and Masayoshi.
- Talking to Herself: With Risa Kamizaki in episode 13 of SS+.
Hibiki Tsukahara
Voiced by: Yuu Asakawa |
Captain of the school's Swimming Team.
- Bifauxnen: She looks good as a Cowboy.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: With Haruka.
- Deadpan Snarker: On occasion.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Haruka.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Calm, cool-headed, and one of the tallest girls in the series.
- Tsurime Eyes
Ruriko Yuzuki
Voiced by: Izumi Satou |
Rihoko's senior and a member of the Tea Club.
- Expy of those two girls in KimiKiss who joined Nana and Narumi's Udon Lovers Association. They even have [{{[[[Name's the Same]] similar names}}.
- Meganekko
- Shipper on Deck: Supports Rihoko/Junichi
- Those Two Gals: With Manaka
Manaka Hiba
Voiced by: Hitomi Harada |
Ruriko's friend and another member of the Tea Club.
- Expy of those two girls in KimiKiss who joined Nana and Narumi's Udon Lovers Association. They even have [{{[[[Name's the Same]] similar names}}.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Strange Girl
- Shipper on Deck: As above.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Those Two Gals: With Ruriko
- Tsurime Eyes
- Woman in Black/The Quiet One: With shades of Creepy Child.
Yukari Ayatsuji
Voiced by: Aiko Igarashi |
Tsukasa's older sibling.
- Annoying Older Sibling: To Tsukasa.
- Cool Big Sis: The subversion being that Tsukasa doesn't like her.
- Sibling Yin-Yang
Risa Kamizaki
Voiced by: Mai Kadowaki |
A girl who was in love with Junichi since grade school.
- A-Cup Angst
- A Day in the Limelight: Episode 25
- The Atoner: At the end of episode 25, Risa decides to apologize to Haruka, Kaoru, Sae, Ai, Rihoko and Tsukasa for sabotaging their attempts to hook up with Junichi. May or may not overlap with Easily Forgiven.
- Averted in the game, due to her Yandere aspect.
- Forgotten Childhood Friend: Of Miya, who taught her to call Junichi "Nii-nii". They meet in episode 26, where she even asks Miya to call her "Nee-nee", in anticipation of winning Junichi's heart and eventually having Miya as a sister-in-law.
- Morton's Fork: Essentially what Risa was faced with two years ago and her motive for her actions then. Makihara, the girl who stood Junichi up, was planning to humiliate him at their meeting place in front of her friends -- Risa included -- by rejecting him as a prank. Risa was horrified at the possibility of Junichi being Spurned Into Suicide, so the day before she lied to Makihara that Junichi wanted to meet elsewhere, and Makihara waited there instead, resulting of course in Juinichi being stood up. Either way, Junichi ends up heartbroken.
- Secret Character: Arguably the first in this genre and probably the last bastion of the trope for modern video games at large. Her name is always kept hidden, even in the Japanese Amagami Wiki, with forum discussions as the only exception.
- Secret Relationship: Episode 25. She doesn't want anyone to know of her relationship with Junichi due to certain actions she's done as a mild case of Yandere.
- Her Image Song, secret room, is a nod to their meeting place (an unused preparation room).
- Stalker with a Crush
- Where It All Began: Risa caused the famous rejection from two years ago by misleading the girl into arriving two hours earlier.
- In her anime arc, she lies to the girl, named Makihara, that Junichi changed the appointed meeting place, and Makihara waits there instead.
- Yandere: If you reject her, she exposes Junichi's Porn Stash to the school (unluckily, he's got some goods to trade with Umehara), ensuring Junichi never gets a girlfriend for the rest of his life in Kibitou. Even his friendship with Kaoru and Umehara is strained, with the two of them keeping their distance from him for their reputation. Miya likewise does not interact with him in school anymore.
- Fortunately subverted -- big time -- in the anime. She became remorseful, and even decided to let go of Junichi because she thinks he hates her. Fortunately the nice guy would have none of it and forgave her.
Mika Makihara
Voiced by: Hitomi Harada |
The girl who stood Junichi up two years ago. She appears in Episode 25 of the anime.
- Alliterative Name
- Stood Up: Type 4. Exactly what she did to Junichi to jumpstart the series.
- Where It All Began
Jessica Sexy Morishima
Voiced by: Shizuka Itou |
Haruka Morishima's 1-year-older cousin from Britain who comes over for a visit. Like Haruka, she's part British, in fact she appears to be a blonde version of Haruka. Appears in the Amagami SS+ series.
- Blue Eyes / Green Is Blue: Even though Haruka described her as having green eyes, she appears with blue eyes in the anime.
- But Not Too Foreign: Same deal as Haruka, though the former is blonde.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: Her middle name literally is Sexy. Making it even stranger than Haruka's "Lovely".
- Genki Girl: Moreso than Haruka
- Gratuitous English: She is a British national after all.
- Hair of Gold
- Palette Swap: She's Haruka with blonde hair.
- Princess Curls: Again same deal as Haruka.
- Shipper on Deck: Very much supportive of Junichi x Haruka. In fact she actually tries to push them together by warning each of them not to be holding back lest they lose each other.
- Talking to Herself: Shares the same voice actress as Haruka, reinforcing the impression of her being merely a blonde Haruka.
- Back to Amagami