America's Next Top Model/Characters/Cycle Two
Yoanna House
Yoanna House was a contestant and winner of Cycle 2 of ANTM.
- Cool Helmet: Her iconic picture during the final episode saw her wearing this.
- Formerly Fat
- Friend to All Children: She used to be a babysitter prior to the competition.
- Green Eyes
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- The Rival: To Camille.
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte
Mercedes Scelba-Shorte was a contestant and runner-up during Cycle 2 of ANTM.
Shandi Sullivan
Shandi Sullivan was born in Kansas City, Missouri and used to be a Walgreens Pharmacy clerk, but left the job in order to pursue a modeling career in New York City. Her luck in NYC was quite good, as she was able to balance working as a DJ and taking on small modeling jobs.
As a finalist on the second season of the show, Shandi’s warm and kind personality gained the approval of not just her fellow finalists, but the viewers as well. She started off as one of the weakest models in the bunch, but gradually worked her way up to the Top 3. Her popularity intensified when she passed out due to her low blood sugar level during the third week. She is not without mistakes, however, as she slept with an Italian boy during a photo shoot in Milan. Shandi came clean to her boyfriend about her infidelity, but the guilt and emotional burden were enough to spoil her performance, and on the tenth week, she was eliminated from the competition.
- Alliterative Name
- Beautiful All Along
- Blue Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Hollywood Nerd
- Hospital Hottie
- Meganekko
- My God, What Have I Done?
- Your Cheating Heart: Cheated on her boyfriend with a random Italian model. Then called him to confess while the cameras were rolling.
April Wilkner
Born in Providence, Rhode Island, April Wilkner was a student of the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University, where she graduated with a GPA of 3.95. She is Japanese, Irish, Scottish, German and Welsh. She can fluently speak Japanese and French in addition to English.
As an aspiring model, she tried out for America’s Next Top Model, Cycle 2 in 2003. She quickly became one of the 12 Finalists, but during the fashion show on the first week, April accidentally wore the wrong dress. Jenascia, another Finalist, was quick to rescue her. However, the following day, April failed to wake Jenascia up for their first photo shoot, causing their relationship to sour for awhile. She was eliminated on the ninth week because the judges thought she was too robotic and self-critical.
- Asian and Nerdy
- Brown Eyes
- Nerds Are Sexy
- The Smart Girl
- Tear Jerker: Her elimination.
Camille McDonald
Camille began winning model/beauty contest in her early teens including but not limited to the Stephanie Gibbs Model Search in 1995. A year later she was crowned Miss Teen Florida 1996 as well as Miss Jamaica US 1st runner up in 1997.
As a finalist with ANTM, Camille was not exactly well-liked by the other girls in the Top 12. Both Yoanna and Bethany confronted her because of her bad attitude, and even the judges grew increasingly tired of her arrogant behavior. Before she was eliminated from the show on the eighth week, she and Yoanna patched up their differences, but when Camille hinted to the judges about Yoanna House’s eating disorder, Camille and Yoanna’s friendship quickly dissolved.
- Alpha Bitch
- Badass Boast: Her Wham! Line below, arguably.
- Brown Eyes
- Expy: Of Robynne from the previous cycle, right down to the pageantry background and age, sans the Holier Than Thou traits.
- Ice Queen
- Insufferable Genius
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- The Rival: To Yoanna.
- Wham! Line
Camille: "This is my signature walk. And it's the walk that's gonna make me famous." |
Sara Racey-Tabrizi
Sara Racey-Trabizi was a contestant on Cycle 2 of ANTM.
Born in Los Angeles, Sara grew up in Seattle. Before trying out for ANTM Cycle 2, she was a host at a restaurant and played volley ball.
She was the quiet girl of the group, occasionally seeing a goofy shine, but was dismissed seventh for being too sexy for the fashion industry. She was turned blonde in her makeover and only made it to the “Shake Ya Body” music video.
She had “a gut feeling” she was going home, but she didn’t want to. We all remember her crying when Yoanna was chosen over her, being one of the only times when Tyra personally hugged one of the participants.
Catie Anderson
Catie Anderson was a contestant during Cycle 2 of ANTM.
Born in Wilmar, Minessota, Catie stands at 5 feet, 10 inches. Many people thought that Catie would become the second winner of the show, but she ended up being the sixth contestant eliminated because she failed to produce a good black and white photograph. In addition, her emotional instability served as a hindrance to her growth.
- Blue Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Heather.
Xiomara Frans
Xiomara Frans was a contestant on Cycle 2 of ANTM.
Xiomara was born in New York City, where she was brought up by her Cuban mother and Curacaoian father in Morganville, New Jersey. She attended Fairleigh Dickinson University, where she majored in communications and theater. In 1999, she became a semifinalist for the Ford Supermodel of the Year Competition. Xioamara is also an accomplished fencer, and was a Junior Olympic Epee fencer in New York City.
As a finalist for America’s Next Top Model, Cycle 2, Xiomara showed a lot of potential during the first few challenges in the show, but come the fifth week, was eliminated when her photos from the underwater photo shoot failed to impress the judges. Her walk was also criticized, having done so with her eyes unconventionally “bugging out.” Despite not being able to captivate the judges for a long time, her great personality and kindness won the hearts of the other girls in the finals.
- But Not Too Black: Freaked out when she had to darken her skin for a photoshoot so she could look like Grace Jones.
Jenascia Chakos
Jenascia Chakos was a contestant on Cycle 2 of ANTM.
Jenascia was born in Burien, Washington. Before she auditioned for America’s Next Top Model, Cycle 2, Jenascia was working as a waitress for a Hooters Restaurant in Seattle, Washington. Jenascia has a unique ethnic background comprised of Filipino, Greek, English, Indian, Irish and German.
Standing 5 feet, 7 inches, Jenascia was the shortest among the 12 Finalists in America’s Next Top Model, Cycle 2. For the first photo, Jenascia arrived three hours late because the other models did not wake her up when it was time to leave. She felt betrayed by all of them, especially by fellow Top Model finalist, April, whom she had helped the day before. She was not eliminated for being tardy, but was cut out off the show on the fourth week after failing to compensate for her lack of height.
Heather Blumberg
Heather Blumberg was a contestant on Cycle 2 of ANTM.
Born in Moreno Valley, California, Heather was 18 years during her appearance on America’s Next Top Model. Heather kept herself busy with cheerleading, wakeboarding, and watching baseball.
When Heather became a finalist on America’s Next Top Model, Cycle 2, she was known for her upbeat personality and perky behavior. Even though she had such a likeable personality, Heather had a hard time becoming friends with the other girls and often felt like an outcast.
Even though Heather maintained strong performance, she became the third contestant to be eliminated from the show. The judges really felt Heather looked too much like a teenager to have a professional career in the industry.
- Cry Cute: In episode 3.
- The Cutie
- Green Eyes
- Hair of Gold
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Catie.
Bethany Harrison
Bethany Harrison was a contestant on Cycle 2 of ANTM.
The Houston, Texas native was 22 years old during her stint on America’s Next Top Model. Bethany can be remembered most for her frequent references to the size of her breasts and her curves. She’d often remark,”Why can’t people look past my large t*ts to see a model?”
She was the most well-endowed model out of the twelve girls, but her heavy chest was not the reason why Bethany was the second to go home from the show. Her photos were strong, but her performance in front of the camera didn’t impress the judges as the competition progressed.
The judges felt that Bethany lacked the versatility that all models need in order to succeed in the fashion industry. Furthermore, she was criticized for not being able to look ‘high fashion’ enough in her photos.
Anna Bradfield
Anna Bradfield was a contestant on Cycle 2 of ANTM.
Anna was born in LaGrange, Georgia, where she is still a resident, sharing a home with her husband and two children.
Anna appeared on the show as a plus-sized model on America’s Next Top Model, Cycle 2, and was one of the 12 girls chosen to compete in the finals. During her brief stay in the show, her fellow Top Model finalist, Xiomara Frans, gave Anna the pet name “Momma” because of her maternal nature toward the girls; she also tended to clean up after the girls in the house.
Anna was the first to be eliminated from the show after she refused to do the first photo shoot with Nigel Barker. The challenge was to pose as “Eve,” therefore requiring the girls to strip down. The girls would be posing alongside a male model (who is supposed to play “Adam”), whom would be naked as well. Even though each girl would be painted from head to toe, Anna felt that only her husband has the right to see her with no clothes, thus, she refused to do the nude photo shoot.