American Dragon: Jake Long/Characters
Heroes / Team Dragon

Jake Long
Voiced by: Dante Basco |
At thirteen-fourteen years old, Jake appears to be just your average skateboarding, comic book-loving teen. Unbeknownst to many, though, Jake is in reality, a fire-breathing dragon whose job is to protect a secret world consisting of leprechauns, mermaids, unicorns and other magical creatures.
- Achilles' Heel: According to Fu Dog (and Jake himself), Haley is this.
- Anime Hair
- Anti-Hero: Type II. His tendency to use lethal force against some magical creatures might boost him up to a Type III, though.
- Affectionate Nickname: His dad calls him "Jakers" and several other embarrassing nicknames. Trixie calls him "Jakie".
- Art Evolution: A pretty jarring case; in season 1 his dragon form is pretty big (resembling a Western dragon), but in season 2 his form is much more wiry. The second form is arguably the better design-wise, since it's closer to the depiction of an Eastern dragon and is true to both Jake's true build and personality.
- Beware the Nice Ones / Let's Get Dangerous: Normally, he's pretty laid back, but if you threaten the Magical World and make him think that his girlfriend has betrayed him, you just might end up being thrown into a steel elevator door.
- Big Eater: Shown to be this in "Furious Jealousy". Jake really likes his junk food.
- Breath Weapon
- But Not Too Foreign: Half-Caucasion, half-Chinese.
- Catch Phrase: "Dragon up!" and "Aww man!"
- Dragons Up the Yin-Yang
- For Halloween I Am Going as Myself
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Heartbroken Badass: "Half Baked". Played for Laughs, of course.
- The Hero
- I Just Want to Be Normal: "Being Human".
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- James Bondage: He gets captured a lot. In one episode, he gets captured three times.
- Jive Turkey
- Kid Hero
- Love At First Sight: When he first meets Rose.
- Meaningful Name
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero
- Official Couple: With Rose.
- One Head Taller: Inverted. Rose is a little taller than him.
- Red Scaled Hero
- Secret Identity: The American Dragon.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: Once again, with Rose.
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World
- You Gotta Have Green Hair

Lao-Shi (Grandpa)
Voiced by: Keone Young |
- Badass Grandpa
- Breath Weapon
- Does Not Like Shoes
- For Your Own Good: Although it was never revealed to Jake or any other of the characters, this was the reason why he asked Rose to break up with Jake.
- Meaningful Name
- Miniature Senior Citizens: Jake's grandfather is so small several people during the Halloween Episode mistook him for a kid dressed like an old Chinese wise man. Then again, it was shown in flashback he wasn't much taller than that during his prime. Jake's Mom should be glad the dragon powers weren't all that skipped her.
- Old Master
- Overprotective Dad: He had a special device to spy on Jake's parents when they were dating.
- Wax On, Wax Off: Some of his training techniques.

Fu Dog
Voiced by: John Dimaggio |
A 600 year old talking Shar-Pei, Lao-Shi's only companion and Jake's Animal Guardian. In the 1970s, Fu was a womanizer and a petty thief, but after meeting Lao-Shi, he turned his life around. He's messy and loud and he gambles and harasses women. However, deep down, he has a good heart and is a good, trustworthy friend to Jake.
- A Day in the Limelight: "Fu and Tell", "Nobody's Fu"
- Big Eater: "Two words: I'M HUNGRY!"
- The Gambling Addict
- Heel Face Turn: He was a petty thief in the 1970s.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Loves these.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: He's about as much of one as a G-rated Disney cartoon will allow. He squeezes a giantess' hump, gets excited when it comes to zipping up a woman's dress, asks a sprite to shake her things his way ( her wings), has stated that he falls in love at least six times a day and is shown dating two dogs at once.
- Mentor Mascot
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Really 600 Years Old
- Talking Animal
- What Could Have Been: He was originally going to be voiced by Jay Leno.

Arthur P. "Spud" Spudinski
Voiced by: Charlie Finn |
One of Jake's two best friends.
- A Day in the Limelight: "A Befuddled Mind" and "Shaggy Frog". Also, both he and Trixie share the spotlight in "Keeping Shop".
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Evil Laugh: Has a "talent" for lampshading these. He has one as well. It needs work.
- Genius Ditz
- I Just Want to Be Special: "Shaggy Frog".
- Muggle Best Friend
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Only Known By His Nickname: Everyone calls him Spud. The only one who calls him Arthur is his mother.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Secret Keeper
- Sidekick
- Superpowers for A Day: "Shaggy Frog".
- Unwilling Suspension: Happens to him in "A Befuddled Mind".

Trixie Carter
Voiced by: Miss Kittie |
One of Jake's best friends.
- A Day in the Limelight: "Bring It On". She and Spud also share the spotlight in "Keeping Shop".
- Black Best Friend
- Jive Turkey
- Military Brat
- Muggle Best Friend
- Odango
- One of the Boys
- Sassy Black Woman
- Secret Keeper
- Sidekick
- Tomboy

Voiced by: Mae Whitman |
A hot, popular girl at school, Rose catches the attention of Jake immediately. However, there is more to this girl than meets the eye. She is actually a highly skilled hunter, trained by the Huntsclan to fight and slay dragons. Jake's girlfriend.
- Action Girl
- Anti-Hero: Committing an act of genocide to save the Magical World cements her as this. She's probably a Type III.
- The Apprentice: She is literally at the "Apprentice Level" in the Huntsclan. She's skilled, but Jake is just as skilled, preventing her from ever rising in Huntsclan status.
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Normal
- Birthmark of Destiny
- Blondes Are Evil: Subverted. Not evil, just misguided.
- Blue Eyes
- Braids of Action
- Capulet Counterpart
- Custom Uniform: Her Season One Huntsclan uniform.
- Cute Bruiser
- The Dragon: To The Huntsman, before her Heel Face Turn. Ironic, isn't it?
- Earn Your Happy Ending: At the end of "Homecoming", Jake grants her wish of a normal life.
- First Girl Wins
- Girl Next Door
- Hard Head: "The Halloween Bash".
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted. She wishes for the destruction of the Huntsclan with the Aztec Skulls, but as she soars into the air, Jake uses his wish to save her. Granted, she still gets an Obi-Wan Moment where she smiles down at Jake.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Killer Rabbit: That pretty girl in the picture there is capable of knocking out several mythical creatures with her Waif Fu.
- Acknowledged in-universe and by the rest of the Huntsclan: when he learns of her Heel Face Turn, the Huntsman confronts her armed and backed by four other Huntsclan members who has already slayed a dragon (a big accomplishment, they have often remarked, and a sign of their strenght and skill). It takes Rose FIVE SECONDS to defeat the four Huntsclan members and hold the Huntsman at the point of his own energy lance.
- Love Redeems
- McNinja: Or, as Trixie calls her, "Little-Miss-Ninja-Thang".
- Official Couple: With Jake.
- Only One Name: She was never given a last name. Justified because of her being in the Huntsclan; her last name was originally supposed to be "Killdragonosa", but the writers chose to drop it because of this.
- Parental Abandonment: Rose thinks that both of her parents are dead. Turns out The Huntsman kidnapped her at birth.
- Put on a Bus
- Redemption Earns Life
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: This is what The Huntsman taught her. She no longer believes this.
- Reverse Mole / Fake Defector: In "Homecoming".
- Roof Hopping: As seen in "Old School Training", she has this ability.
- Secret Identity: Huntsgirl.
- She's Back: While there wasn't any Heroic BSOD, she makes a grand return to action in "Hong Kong Longs" after she regains her memory.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: With Jake.
- The Tragic Rose
- Waif Fu
- Writing Around Trademarks: Her Huntsclan moniker had to be changed from "Thorn" to "Huntsgirl" in order to avoid legal trouble.

Haley Long
Voiced by: Amy Bruckner |
Jake's eight year old younger sister who is a perfectionist and never gets in trouble. She has just mastered her dragon form and has just started her training.
- Always Someone Better: Subverted. While she is a better student and is shown to have natural talent with her Dragon Skills, it's also shown specifically because she doesn't have to Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World like Jake does on a daily basis. When she took full responsibility, she cracked under pressure in under a week. Leads to her getting a new found respect for her older brother and the Calling the Old Man Out moment.
- Annoying Younger Sibling
- Attention Whore: Seems to have shades of this, such as in "Fu and Tell". Jake later brings up how much she likes attention in "Switcheroo".
- Berserk Button: In "Being Human".
- Brother-Sister Team: Occasionally. At other times, Jake and Haley are at each other's throats.
- Breath Weapon
- But Not Too Foreign
- Calling the Old Man Out: Does this to her grandfather in "Being Human".
- Child Prodigy
- Damsel in Distress: At the end of "Family Business".
- Girlish Pigtails
- Magic Skirt
- Pint-Sized Kid
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Her dragon form is pink.

Jonathan Long
Voiced by: Jeff Bennett |
Jake's goofy, but loving father who has no idea that he has married into a magical family. As well as being goofy and embarrassing, he is also strict, however, he only is that way because he wants his children to remain safe. For if you hurt his children, beware.
- Amazingly Embarrassing Parents
- Badass Normal
- Berserk Button: Do not hurt his son. You will be entering a world of hurt if you do.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: when the Jersey's Devil attacked him, he mistook it for a bear and run. When the Jersey's Devil attacked Jake, he still mistook it for a bear and threw it down off a cliff with a Swiss Army Weapon fitted with bear spray.
- Papa Wolf
- Secret Keeper: In "Hong Kong Longs", he finds out his families are dragons and magical creatures are real. He accepts it.
- Supernatural-Proof Father

Susan Long
Voiced by: Lauren Tom |
Jake's mother. She has no magical powers, for they skipped her generation. She is reluctant to reveal her family's heritage to her husband (apparently out of the fear that he will abandon her), and to this end, lies to her husband about Jake's business, sometimes letting Jake take the fall.

Sun Park
Voiced by: Sandra Oh |
The Korean Dragon, Haley's dragon master and Jake's Home Economics teacher.
- Hippie Teacher: She doesn't like being called "Ms. Park", says words like "groovy" and believes that violence is for the weak and cowardly.
- Mysterious Watcher: She seems to come off as this towards Jake in her first appearance, before she turns out to be Haley's mentor.
- Technical Pacifist: This exchange during one of her fights:
{{quote|===Chang===: Sun Park, I thought you were all about peace and love. ===Sun===: And what I really love is to give you a piece of this! }}
- What Could Have Been: In the original plan for "Homecoming", she got Killed Off for Real. The Disney Execs didn't dig it.
- The Worf Effect: Appears to be a victim of this. She is easily defeated by Chang (twice), is blasted out of the air by The Dark Dragon in the series finale and even gets attacked by humans with soda cans in "Haley Gone Wild".
- There's a Worf Had the Flu in the third. I mean, a pacifist dragon against humans? That's no sell for her. Also justified with the Dark Dragon and Chang (YMMV on the latter): Chang is quite more experienced and violent than her, and the Dark Dragon in the Grand Finale is so powerful that when he blasted her he was also taking on and winning against dozens of dragons at once, including the only two who had actually managed to defeat him in the past.

The Huntsman (Huntsmaster)
Voiced by: Jeff Bennett |
The leader of the Huntsclan and the #4 threat to the Magical World, The Huntsman is a hateful man whose only desire is to kill every magical creature on the face of the Earth.
- Arch Enemy
- Badass Cape
- Bald of Evil
- Big Bad
- Birthmark of Destiny: And a big one he has.
- Butt Monkey: He was shown to be this when he was a teenager. Of course, that was before his voice changed and he became the man he was in the series; the kind of man whose intensity and hatred made his tormentors cower in fear.
- Complete Monster
- Evil Laugh: Has one every now and then. He's the only major villain with one who never gets it lampshaded by Spud.
- The Faceless: He wears the skull of the first dragon he ever killed upon his head. His face is only shown after Jake slams him into an elevator door, shattering the helmet.
- Fantastic Racist
- Hoist by His Own Petard / Killed Off for Real / Killed Mid-Sentence / Death by Secret Identity
- The Hunter
- Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: The Huntsclan's annual Grand Equinox Hunt.
- Knight Templar
- A Nazi by Any Other Name
- No Name Given
- Politically-Incorrect Villain
- Properly Paranoid: he's either that or Crazy Prepared, given he kept track of Rose's parents for fourteen years in the off-chance she rejected her Huntsclan upbringing and he needed to blackmail her into doing his bidding.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: In Season One.
- Smug Snake: If he thinks that things are going his way, he can be very, very smug. "The Halloween Bash" is a perfect example.
- Stranger Behind the Mask
- Super Strength: He possibly has this. He is shown punching through a brick wall, is barely fazed by being slammed head-first through an elevator door, and he then rips one of the pulleys from the shaft and slams it onto the ground in a fit of rage.
- Villain Ball: Y'know Huntsman, if you had just executed Rose after she gave you the last Aztec Skull and defeated Jake, she never would have had the chance to shoot you from behind and wish for your death.

The Dark Dragon
Voiced by: Clancy Brown |
The #1 threat to the Magical World and apparently the only dragon to ever go bad, The Dark Dragon hates all humans and wishes to overthrow the human race, not to mention to convert all of the world's dragons to his side.
- Back from the Dead
- Bigger Bad: He's the #1 threat to the Magical World, but he only has a speaking role in three episodes (plus one episode where he appeared for no longer than five seconds).
- Breath Weapon
- Complete Monster
- The Corrupter
- Evil Is Hammy
- Evil Laugh: Spud won't shut up about how cliched his laugh is in "Hong Kong Longs".
- Fate Worse Than Death: Trapped inside a temple for 1,000 years.
- Fantastic Racist
- Large Ham: "You have no idea of my DARK POWERS!"
- Misanthrope Supreme
- No Name Given
- Smug Snake
- Shock and Awe: He is shown shooting lightning from his fingers in "Hong Kong Longs".
- Taking You with Me: He tries to do this to Jake and Rose at the end of "Hong Kong Longs" as he's about to become trapped in the temple.
- Tempting Fate: In the series finale, upon defeating all of the world's dragons, he asks if there is anyone who could challenge him. Rose heard him and was willing to accept the challenge.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Look up at his picture.
- We Can Rule Together: His entire plan.

Councilor Chang
Voiced by: Lauren Tom |
A member of the Dragon Council; a dragon from Asia. Chang is harsh and cold when it comes to Jake. Unsurprisingly, she turns out to be a mole for The Dark Dragon, secretly aiding him in his plot to recruit Jake and overthrow the human race.
- Breath Weapon
- Cardboard Prison: She was sent to one after she was exposed as The Mole.
- The Dragon: To The Dark Dragon.
- Large Ham: "TISK, TISK Mister Long."
- Misanthrope Supreme
- The Mole
- Obviously Evil
- Psycho Ex-Girlfriend
- Smug Snake
- Villain Exit Stage Left: Well, more like fall offstage, but it's obvious that her exit in "Hong Kong Longs" was meant to serve as both a defeat and to keep her for a third season (which never happened) where she possibly could have been the Big Bad.
- What Could Have Been: She was originally meant to be Jake's Evil Grandmother, but Disney Execs didn't like this.

Bananas B
The first ever "Hip Hop Helper Monkey", Bananas B takes over as Jake's Animal Guardian after Fu's license expires.

Professor Hans Rotwood
Voiced by: Paul Rugg |
A teacher at Jake's school, Rotwood believes in the Magical World (although his facts about magical creatures are inaccurate). His beliefs got him discredited as a scientist, and he now works as the principal of Jake's school. He has a strong dislike of Jake, namely for Jake's bad attitude.
- Butt Monkey: In "Ski Trip".
- Enemy Mine: He and Jake make an alliance in "The Rotwood Files" to get Sigmund Brock fired. Later, they're forced to work together in "Magic Enemy #1".
- Evil Teacher: Played straight and subverted. In many episodes, it seems that his only purpose is to make Jake miserable and he wants to expose the Magical World to humans, but it is shown that he is not a true threat and even has a true respect for the Magical World.
- Manipulative Bastard: Sometimes, especially at the end of "The Rotwood Files".
- Secret-Chaser
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs: He prefers to be called "Professor".

Huntsboys #88 and #89
Voiced by: Kyle Massey and Nicholas Brendon |
Two young Huntsclan students who are able to lie themselves up to apprentice level in the Huntsclan.
- Co-Dragons: They basically serve as this to The Huntsman in Season Two.
- Dragon Ascendant: They are pretty much this in "Shaggy Frog".
- Infant Immortality
- Not So Harmless Villains
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Screw This, We're Outta Here
- Those Two Bad Guys
- Took a Level in Badass: "Shaggy Frog".
- You Are Number Six
- Villains Out Shopping: In the Christmas Episode.

Eli Pandarus
Voiced by: Jonathan Freeman |
The Wizard of Wall Street, Pandarus desires to become the most powerful wizard in the Magical World.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Appears to be one in "A Befuddled Mind"
{{quote|===Jake===: Eli Pandarus! What's a lying, cheating, evil wizard doing in a place like this? ===Pandarus===: You say the sweetest things. }}
- Evil Laugh: Gets lampshaded by Spud in "A Befuddled Mind".
- Evil Sorcerer
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Jafar.
- Smug Snake
- Took a Level in Badass
- Villain Exit Stage Left

Fury, Euryale and Medusa (The Gorgon Sisters)
Voiced by: Hynden Walch |
Three ancient sisters who, when together, can combine their powers to turn their enemies to stone. When separated, they can only hypnotize their enemies.
- Gorgeous Gorgon
- Smug Snake: Obviously.
- Taken for Granite
- Villain Exit Stage Left: Fury at the end of "Furious Jealousy". It really seems like the writers were trying to keep as many options open as possible when it came to villains in the third season (which never happened).
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Fury gets this reaction from Jake when her hair attacks him.

Sigmund Brock
Voiced by: Corey Burton |
Rotwood's old professor who takes his job as principal of Jake's school after Rotwood gets fired. Needless to say, he's more of a threat than Rotwood.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: "Hola students! My name is Sigmund Brock and this school year is going to ROCK!" It all goes downhill from there for Jake.
- Sadist Teacher: After Jake tries to get him fired, Brock takes revenge by going over the intercom and tells the entire school that "Jake Long in Homeroom 217, Locker 8331" was behind it, effectively leaving Jake at the mercy of a very angry student body.
- Smug Snake

Yang (Evil) Jake
Voiced by: Dante Basco |
An evil doppelganger that Jake accidentally makes of himself with a negative dragon chi amplifier. Yang Jake's goal is to absorb all of Jake's other doppelgangers so he can overpower and absorb Jake, becoming Jake Long himself.
- The Assimilator
- Doppelganger
- Did Not Do the Research: Possibly. In Taoist philosphy, "Yang" is associated with light, fire, sky, the sun, masculinity and daytime. It is Yin that is associated with more negative traits. However, Yang is also noted as an "agressive" force - and Yang Jake is more agressive than his counterpart.
- Evil Twin
- Fireball Eyeballs
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Makes one every single time he absorbs a doppelganger.
Yang Jake: Too bad for you, I'm so self absorbed! |
- Kill and Replace
- Killed Off for Real: Most likely.
- Light Is Not Good: He is Yang which is considered light
- Made of Evil
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- Talking to Himself: It goes without saying that since Yang Jake is Jake's clone, Dante Basco voices both Yang Jake and the real Jake.
- Villain Of The Week

Dr. Diente
Voiced by: John C. Mc Ginley |
A dentist working for the Tooth Fairy that betrays her and steals her wand, planning on stealing Haley's loose dragon tooth so he can claim its power.
- Only in It For the Money: He views The Tooth Fairy's job as a business and wants the power of Haley's tooth so he can get back every cent she gave away.
- Killed Off for Real
- Meaningful Name: Diente means "tooth" in Spanish.
- Villain Of The Week

Yan-Yan (Miss Tinkles)
Voiced by: Tia Carrere |
A Chinese Hairless cat and Fu Dog's ancient rival. For centuries, she and Fu Dog have been fighting over Fu's family coin. She is currently posing as Olivia Mears' pet.
- Arch Enemy: Fu's.
- Cats Are Mean
- Fail O'Suckyname: "Miss Tinkles".
- Talking Animal

Councilor Andam
Voiced by: Clarence Williams III |
The Dragon of Africa and one of the members of the world's Dragon Council.
- Breath Weapon
- Dude in Distress: "The Halloween Bash".
- Minor Major Character

Councilor Kulde
Voiced by: Jeff Bennett |
The Dragon of Europe and one of the members of the world's Dragon Council.
- Breath Weapon
- Dude in Distress: "The Halloween Bash".
- Minor Major Character

Sara and Kara (The Oracle Twins)
Voiced by: Tara Strong |
Twin sisters who are descendants of the Oracle of Delphi. Sara sees only bad visions, but is always cheery because, when all she sees is bad, just the slightest good thing can make her happy. Kara sees only good things, but is always depressed because all of the pleasant surprises are taken away.
- Fiery Redhead: Kara
- Goth: Kara
- Granola Girl: Sara
- Hair of Gold: Sara (Season 2)
- Identical Twin ID Tag: In the first season they just dressed differently.
- Non-Identical Twins (Season 2)
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Kara (Season 2)
- Prophecies Are Always Right: Their visions always come true (except for when Disney Channel Executives tell them that one of their visions is going to be false.)
- Talking To Herself: They are both voiced by Tara Strong.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl

Nigel Thrall
Voiced by: Adam Wylie |
A young wizard hailing from the United Kingdom who is the newest transfer student to Jake's school; Nigel has come to New York to complete his training, taking advantage of the magical background of the city.
- Captain Ersatz: Of Harry Potter.
- Fake Brit: His voice actor, Adam Wylie, is American.

Fred Nerk
Voiced by: Adam Wylie |
The Australian Dragon. According to Fu Dog, he was the "new kid" until Jake came along. He and Jake engage in a battle of pranks with one another in the episode "Dragon Summit".
- Breath Weapon
- Fake Nationality
- James Bondage: At the end of the episode.
- Jerkass: Let's see, he's the one who started everything in the episode by tripping Jake and getting him in trouble with the Dragon Council and then knocks a squirrel's nut away.

Voiced by: Kari Wahlgren |
An intelligent mermaid who has a fear of water. Jake befriends her during the Grand Equinox Hunt.
- Ironic Fear
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Along with Bertha, Reggie and Clooney.
- Tailfin Walking
- Unscaled Mermaid

Voiced by: Edie Mc Clurg |
A dimwitted giantess that Jake befriends during the Grand Equinox Hunt.
- The Ditz: "Ovens is hot"
- Does Not Like Shoes/Foot Focus: And they stink too.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Along with Silver, Clooney and Reggie.

An unlucky leprechaun that Jake befriends during the Grand Equinox Hunt.
- Butt Monkey
- Cosmic Plaything
- Leprechaun
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Along with Silver, Reggie and Bertha.

A brownie that Jake befriends during the Grand Equinox Hunt. Do not set off his temper.
- Fiery Redhead
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Hates Everyone Equally: "Y'know, I think we're one pathetic bunch, and I hate each and every one of ya! Even myself!"
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Along with Silver, Bertha and Clooney.

Principal Dolores Derceto
Voiced by: Susanne Blakeslee |
The paraplegic first principal of Jake's school. In "Something Fishy This Way Comes", she starts dating Jake's grandfather. Oh, and she's a mermaid.
- Alliterative Name
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Wanda.
- Obfuscating Disability
- Red Herring
- The Reveal: She's not the Kelpie...
- But she thought Jake was when he was having trouble in school.
- Unscaled Merfolk

Voiced by: Tara Strong |
A friend of Fu's who sometimes helps the Longs. She a half human spider woman.

Voiced by: Ron Masak |
The current Grim Reaper and Fu Dog's old buddy. Just because he'll one day claim your soul doesn't mean he isn't a pretty cool dude.

Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker |
A wealthy leprechaun that owns the Pot O' Gold Import-Export. In the episode "Fool's Gold", Jake starts to work for him.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: A rather mild, non-villainous version. He makes a sale to The Huntsman, telling an angry Jake that it's "just business". Of course, then he finds out what was inside the box that he sold The Huntsman.
- Leprechaun
- Little Green Man
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Yes, Brocomus. Enjoy your money while The Huntsman enjoys using that Aztec Skull that you inadvertently sold him.
Magical Creatures

Aztec Guardian Serpent
This large snake guards one of the missing Aztec Skulls and has an innate ability to get the skull back if it is taken.

The Jersey Devil
Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker |
A magical creature that is terrorizing a village of sprites. While on a camping trip with his dad and friends, Jake has to defend the village from it.

Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker |
A magical creature that escaped from its prison in Mermaid City so it could drain all of Jake's strength.

Voiced by: Dee Bradley Baker |
An evil sorcerer that is masquerading as a puppet-like star of a children's show called "Pooka-Pooka Fun Farm". All children that watch are hypnotized into becoming trouble makers. Jonathan Long knew there was something he didn't like about him.
- Depraved Kids' Show Host
- Evil Sorcerer
- Monster of the Week
- Oh Crap: gets one when Jake breaks Hailey out of his brainwashing AND her supremely pissed at him. Quite comprensible, given it was a Woman Scorned with super strenght and fire breath...
- What Happened to the Mouse?: He was last seen when he was just about to be attacked by Haley. Haley said in the end credit scene that his show was canceled, but we never see what she does to him.

The Krylock Demon
A magical creature that has the head of a snake and the body of a scorpion. It is very venomous, and if its venom is consumed, it will transform the eater into a Krylock Demon.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Its venom is what destroys it.
- Monster of the Week

The Avimitrius
An ancient magical creature that sucks the life out of its victims to stay young. In the episode "Young At Heart", Jake, Trixie and Spud are its unfortunate victims.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Haley even remarks that she could have gone without its guts raining down on her.
- Monster of the Week

Brad Morton
Voiced by: Matt Nolan |
A jock at Jake's school. He constantly torments Jake and also tries to woo Rose whenever he gets the chance.
- The Ditz: He doesn't even recognize the word "parents" in a letter written on a sticky note. No wonder why he was held back in school twice.
- Dumb Muscle
- Establishing Character Moment: Leaving Rose at the school dance for Jake's date.
- Jerk Jock
- Kick the Dog: Abandoning Rose at the school dance for Jake's date.
- Third Person Person

Stacey Wintergrin
Voiced by: Tara Strong |
A cheerleader at Jake's school who is one of the co-captains of the squad. Spud is helplessly obsessed with winning her heart and constantly tries to do so. He succeeds...kind of...
- All Love Is Unrequited: Spud just can't catch a break. Until the end, that is.
- Alpha Bitch: Although this seems to be played straight most of the time, this trope appears to be subverted at the end when she reveals that she was touched by Spud's attempts to win her heart.
- The Cheerleader
- The Fashionista
- Give Geeks a Chance
- Not Brainwashed

Danika Hunnicut
Voiced by: Jessica Di Cicco |
A cute swim team captain at Jake's school. After Rose moves to Hong Kong, Jake decides that Danika is the one for him once he decides to get back into the dating game.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: No wonder why Jake wants her. She's a hotty-hot-hotty!
- Nice Girl
- Red Herring
- Unwitting Pawn

Cousin Gregory (Greggy)
Voiced by: Will Friedle |
Jake's annoying younger cousin who just mastered his dragon form.

Rose's Family
Rose's unnamed mother, father and twin that she was kidnapped from at birth.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Rose's twin. She was never seen again after her short amount of screen time when she was a baby.
- I Have Your Family: Sort of. They aren't actually being held hostage, but The Huntsman knows exactly where they are. And he will have them killed if Rose does not obey.
- No Name Given
- Parental Abandonment: Not that they had any choice in the matter...
- Back to American Dragon: Jake Long