And the Fandom Rejoiced (Sugar Wiki)/Video Games/Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

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The first pair of games, Pokémon Black and White, turned out to be hype-inducing already; however, the first direct sequels in the franchise, Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, are already turning everything about their predecessors Up to Eleven, and that includes this very trope. Let the rejoicing begin!

  • This is the first main-game sequel since Pokémon Gold and Silver, and it'll probably be more of a sequel than that game. Also, the thought of the beloved Pokémon Black and White continuing - and threads being tied - made the fandom really rejoice.
  • This is also one of the first main series games to be localized the same year as its original counterpart. Dated summer for Japan and (northern hemisphere) fall for the United States and other countries.
    • The confirmation that these games are indeed outright sequels, featuring an expanded Unova.
    • New Pokémon joining in the Unova regional Pokédex, some including the Eeveelutions, Riolu/Lucario, Psyduck/Golduck and ... Tyranitar and Metagross!
      • Specifically, 300 Pokémon are in the regional Pokédex. You will not be at a loss for team options in this one.
    • The addition of a Poison-type specialist may seem minor, but there hadn't been one since Generation II.
      • Nor outside of Kanto, for that matter.
    • The female protagonist design has once again become popular within the franchise. The male protagonist's design, on the other hand, seems to be a Love It or Hate It deal.
    • Regular Trainers now have animated sprites. Not only that, but from what few animations we've seen, they're much more animated than the three frames that previous generations had and now have as many frames as animated Pokémon sprites do (not minding the fact that the Trainer sprites stop, of course).
    • The new First Town, Aspertia City. According to the Trivia, Aspertia City is the first hometown in the main series to be a city, to be much larger than other hometowns, to contain a Pokémon Center, to have a Trainer's School, and to feature a concreted path, too. And that's the first town.
    • There will be a World Tournament mode which features Gym Leaders and Champions from previous generations.
    • New formes for the Kami trio!
    • Cheren and Bianca are both confirmed to be back; Cheren will be a Normal-type Gym Leader while Bianca will give you your starter Pokémon. There've been hints dropped that they'll play a fairly important role in the plot as well.
      • N is also confirmed to be appearing in the game with the same scan that shows Cheren, Bianca, and Alder.
      • Ghetsis seems to be back as the Big Bad - being such a Love to Hate villain, fans are ecstatic!
      • And Achroma is working for Team Plasma! I Knew It!
    • Early May 15, some pics from a yet-to-be-released video popped up, showing an animated trailer for the games. Some hours later, it finally showed up on Youtube. Saying the fandom rejoiced might as well be an understatement.