Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Case 5: Turnabout Substitution
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Case 5: Turnabout Substitution is a fangame based on the Ace Attorney series. A Fan Sequel to Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, it takes the form of a "bonus case" similar to the fifth case of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.
It is notable for being one of the few Ace Attorney games made by fans you can actually play, as the full game (that is, approximately 7 h of gameplay) has been released.
You start out defending the series' lovable old Judge, accused of murdering an infamous serial killer in his prison cell. But as always, things are not as simple as they appear, and the case soon takes an unexpected direction. You'll meet cheerful funeral directors and public figures still stuck in Ancient Greece, decipher hidden messages on mysterious clues, and face a tough-as-nails prosecutor in an epic courtroom battle.
Download it here.
Has its own website, including a (very much needed) walkthrough and behind-the-scenes information.
Fuandon Let's Play's it here
- Anti-Villain: Arguably Paul Strings. See Well-Intentioned Extremist in the main section. Fisher and even Poole might also fall into this category.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: When talking to Rhea Wits about her computer, her hobbies on it include creating scuba-diving simulators, hacking the pentagon's computer, and chatting with friends on the internet.
Apollo: Yeah right, like she knows how to chat on the internet! |
- Badass Grandma: Jessica Poole, the prosecutor. You don't want to mess with her.
- Bare Your Midriff: Rhea Wits
- Bedlam House: Clooney's Prison-asylum.
- Beyond the Impossible: While it's only in an optional phone call, Trucy somehow managed to steal Apollo's wallet when he had it that morning, and she had been half way across the earth for the past week!
- She's a Gramarye. What the hell do you expect?
- Big Bad Friend: Rhea Wits, your new partner, is the killer
- Big Damn Hero: Ema, in the most awesome and timely way imaginable.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Rhea Wits
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: The new judge keeps walking into the wrong courtroom, and loves arguing with himself about the properties of invisibility. He's also quite competent at what he does.
- But Now I Must Go: Jessica confesses to her forging evidence after the case is over, willing to end her career and go to prison.
- Bus Crash: The Judge's brother is one of the killer's victims.
- Catch Phrase: {Insert random quote}, {insert random author} once said, is the Chief Justice's preferred way of expressing his thoughts.
- Rhea says "I know." quite a lot. Usually to tell Apollo that she's miles ahead of him.
- The Cameo: Greeny of Francis Equitas Ace Casanova and Attorney has contributed custom sprites to the fangame.
- And don't forget about Jake Marshall, as well as Phoenix Wright, Trucy Wright, and Thalassa Gramarye, though the last two are only present in phone calls.
- Chekhov's Gun: As well as every other case in the series. The item: While investigating the crime scene of The Judge's murder, Apollo finds two pieces of gum close to each other, in the snow. One lemon, the other strawberry. It's 'fired' later when Rhea mentions how she chews lemon gum and strawberry gum together while giving advice to Apollo during the trial. She dropped the two pieces of gum from her pocket during the murder. See Wham! Line, below.
- Christmas Episode: The case starts December 26. Apollo's gift was being told that Trucy is his half-sister and Thalassa is his mother.
- Continuity Nod / Continuity Porn: As you might expect from a fangame, references to the Ace Attorney series are everywhere. Apollo and Rhea even have an open discussion of the relative merits of Wright trilogy, Apollo Justice, and Investigations if you Examine the right things.
- Courtroom Antics: As if we'd have it any other way.
- Cryptic Conversation: Everything Erlenmyer says is the truth, but most of it is so wrapped up in euphemisms as to be unintelligible, both in-universe and out. Learning to or trying to interpret his babble is a recurring plot point.
- Deadpan Snarker: Jessica Poole, just like every prosecutor before her.
- Darker and Edgier: The differences are subtle, but this fan-made game is significantly less... censored... than the Ace Attorney series. The murders are more brutal, the morals are less black and white, and there is actual mention of alcoholic beverages.
- First-Name Basis: Jessica Poole gets onto this with Apollo when discussing HT-5, but retracts it the next day, much to his surprise.
- Flower in Her Hair: Rhea
- Follow in My Footsteps: Gerald Strings became a judge like his father, but resigns at the end to follow his own path.
- Foreshadowing Several lines that hint at true identity of the Mysterious Bust Killer:
Apollo: Note to self: investigate possibility of Rhea being a sociopath. |
Rhea Wits: I buried my brother with my own two hands. How could I possibly be upset after something like that? |
- Game Breaking Bug: In earlier versions, the 'back' button could sometimes fail to load when interrogating Paul Strings, thus rendering the game unwinnable.
- The game can really start screwing up during the timed section.
- Grotesque Cute: A light example. There is a skeleton Rhea Wits' business card, and Apollo comments on how cute it is.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Fisher.
- Hannibal Lecture: Rhea gives one to Apollo during recess just before the final confrontation.
- His Name Really Is "Barkeep". The Judge, AKA "Udgey" is finally given the actual name of "Judge Chambers." His equally nicknamed brother is dubbed "Arthur Chambers."
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Rhea's parting taunt is what ends up destroying her entire case.
- Hypocrite: During Chambers' trial in which he's accused of killing convicted serial killer Robert Ehrlenmeyer, Poole opens by saying that someone who murders a murderer is worse than the original murderer. When Ehrlenmeyer was on trial, Poole forged a psychological profile in an attempt to prevent him from being declared legally insane because she wanted him to be sentenced to death.
- I Did What I Had to Do: Several times, notably with Jessica and Paul.
- In-Series Nickname: Jessica Poole alternates between "Antennas" and "Lady Justice" for Apollo, and Rhea takes right after Trucy calling him "Polly".
- This mirrors the way that Dahlia called Phoenix Feenie.
- Technically, that was Iris, but it is still probably supposed to be a mirror.
- Apollo, in his thoughts, refers to Poole as "Deadpoole"
- This mirrors the way that Dahlia called Phoenix Feenie.
- Kangaroo Court: Just like the good old days, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Rhea, however, gives arguments saying that the defense has an advantage in the Ace Attorney courts by pressuring witnesses with limited time, though, and gets the last part of the trial put on a time limit.
- Killed Off for Real: The Chambers brothers.
- Lady in Red: Rhea is only shown with a red top and with a red rose in her hair.
- Mad Scientist: Robert Erlenmeyer, the victim, is a mentally deranged biology teacher.
- While Erlenmeyer is insane, it's not in the way we are initially led to believe. When we meet Erlenmeyer face to face, he's scared, incoherent, doesn't seem to understand what's going on, and seems incapable of harming a fly.
- Momma's Boy: Gerald Strings, the new judge, is an example of a Daddy's Boy.
- Needle in a Stack of Needles: The mysterious bust killer hid the bodies in a graveyard. That's why they were never found.
- Nepotism: Chief Juatice Strings wants to further his son's career, which is why he frames Chambers.
- New Old Flame: Jessica Poole to Judge Chambers.
- Never Mess with Granny: Jessica Poole
- Ominous Pipe Organ: The theme that plays during Apollo's confrontation with Rhea.
- One-Scene Wonder: Vivian Snow.
- Original Flavour: Turnabout Substitution tries to feel like a real Ace Attorney case, and succeeds.
- Punny Name: In true Ace Attorney Fashion:
- We finally discover the judge's real name: Judge Chambers.
- Some of the victims of the backstory case include names such as Rick Roll and Dan Druff.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Paul Strings, the Chief Justice, must have taken English classes with Redd White and Valant Gramarye when he was younger.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Apollo cuts himself off before he says the last word, not wanting to ruin the chance of going on a date with Rhea.
- Shout-Out: Quite a few.
- Significant Anagram: Rhea Wits' name becomes It Was Her.
- Snow Means Death: The story deals with serial murders. Guess the weather throughout the case?
- Spanner in the Works: Accidentally taking his sleeping medicine and going to the cemetery at night might have cost the Judge his life, but it also derailed Rhea's plan to dispose of Erlenmeyer.
- Straw Feminist: Vivian Snow, Played for Laughs. There's no political message behind it whatsoever, especially since the author actually identifies as a feminist, and the plot is mainly driven by strong female characters. It does, however, serve to establish Snow as a potential suspect by making her seem more important to the story than she really is.
- also Fridge Brilliance as Snow mentions how everyone refers to the murderer as a man. For a lot of the case except when Poole is suspected, Apollo and others refer to the killer only as a man to stop you from guessing Rhea's the killer.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Apollo delivers one to the mysterious bust killer at the end of the case.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: When the Judge gets run over several times. Rhea even admits it was overkill
- The Tape Knew You Would Say That: What you get if you call Phoenix on your cell phone during the first day.
- Time Limit Boss: At the end
- Too Dumb to Live: Recurrent character Mike Meekins makes an appearance. True to form, he lets the Judge through while he's in disguise.
- Tsundere: Poole has elements of this toward Apollo, and is significantly nicer to him when not going up against him in court.
- Unwitting Pawn: The Judge, to Strings and Fisher's plan to spring Erlenmeyer
- Villainous Breakdown: Just like the games that it's based off of. In this one the guilty party attempts to dig their way out of the courtroom, with a shovel!
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Paul Strings, who orchestrates a false murder to get a serial killer he believes to be innocent out of jail, and Jessica Poole, who is willing to forge evidence to convince the court that Robert Erlenmeyer is not insane and thus deserves the death penalty.
- Wham! Line: "Do you know why I always put strawberry and lemon chewing gum in the same box?"
- What the Hell, Hero?: Rhea to Apollo when he decides to defend Erlenmeyer. Of course, there's more to her protesting this than Apollo thinks.
- Xanatos Speed Chess: Even though her execution is sloppy, the antagonist repeatedly adapts her plans to changing circumstances. When spotted by Erlenmeyer, she plays on his mental fragility to have him accuse himself ; when he escapes from prison, she sees it as the opportunity to commit the perfect crime, killing the serial killer accused in her place while the police think he's still alive ; and when Judge accidentally stumbles upon the crime scene, she quickly finds a way to murder him and pin the crime on the unconscious Erlenmeyer.
- Also, while she's sloppy about saying things she shouldn't know or that incriminate her and allowing inconsistencies in her testimony, she's brilliant at covering for them and coming up with innocent explanations for them when challenged.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle: You're able to get Chambers acquitted of Erlenmeyer's "murder" on the first day of the trial. The second trial day is an entirely new case with the roles reversed; Chambers has been killed and Erlenmeyer is the defendant