Arcana Heart/Characters
Here be the characters of the all-girls fighting game Arcana Heart.
Debuting in Arcana Heart
Heart Aino
Default Arcana: Partinias (Love) |
The mascot of the series, a complete ditz and a loyal worshipper of The Power of Love. Her purpose is... to be just there to help her friends when they're down, but in the process, she makes herself fair game to people who seem to desire her power (or her pureness) for something.
- Anime Hair
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Crossover: In an official April Fools' Flash Game by Arc Systems Works and Examu, Heart is on a date with Ragna The Bloodedge. She also makes a guest appearance in Bururaji, complete with chibi BlazBlue-style sprite. Come 3 she also starts learning moves seemingly ripped straight off Ragna. It pretty much helps that her and Ragna's voice actors had quite a history of voicing roles together.
- Determinator: Once she makes up her mind on doing something, nothing seems to be able to stop the kid.
- Good Is Dumb: As her name would imply, Heart is a very kind, loving and righteous girl, but she's also as sharp as a bag of hammers.
- The Heart: Why of course. Among other things, she's the only reason Saki hasn't went off the deep end after all that's happened to her.
- Idiot Hero
- Jack of All Stats
- Idiot Hair: Heart shaped, even.
- Love Freak
- Martial Pacifist
- Meaningful Name: Her name in Japanese order has a meaning akin to "heart of love".
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Saki and Weiss's blue.
- Ryu and Ken: Or more like Ragna and Jin would be more appropriate—Heart is the Ragna to Saki's Jin.
- The Power of Love: Literally—most of her moves have "love" and "heart" in the name. Partinias is also Heart-elemental.
- Red-Headed Heroine
- Shotoclone: An unusual variation in that she technically has no projectiles of her own, but relies on an Arcana for them. Most (but not all) Arcanas have projectiles, however, including her default one, so she still qualifies.
- Especially since her default arcana has Ryu's projectiles. The serial numbers are barely even filed off.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Saki Tsuzura
Default Arcana: Bhanri (Lightning) |
Heart's aloof best friend (though she won't admit) who has gone studying in England, where she befriended Fiona, whom she unfortunately lost during the separation of the Elemental World. In the process her Arcana would wake in time to save her life, and ever since made a vow to protect her remaining friends, even if from afar.
- Aloof Ally
- Broken Bird
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker
- Captain Ersatz: She really looked a bit like Chikane Himemiya with lighter tint of hair and the same protective instinct.
- Charged Attack: Every of her specials. Even the 'Hold Up' and 'Hold Forward' ones. Excepting her special sidestep.
- Cry Cute: At the end of her story in 3, she broke down in tears upon realizing that all her efforts to gain the sacred stones to turn Fiona back to human was a complete failure, and the rumors behind it could be lies. Thank God there's Heart to cheer her up.
- Extremity Extremist: Prefers to fight with her feet.
- Little Miss Snarker
- My Greatest Failure
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Heart's red.
- Ryu and Ken: Or more like Ragna and Jin would be more appropriate—Saki is the Jin to Heart's Ragna.
- Shock and Awe
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- The Stoic: Usually.
- Not So Stoic: More often than not, when around Heart. Or regarding Fiona.
- Theme Naming: Most of her attacks are named after legendary western weapons like "Brionac", "Claimh Solais", etc.
- Tsundere: Type A -- very heavy on the tsuntsun, but very prone to going deredere around Heart.
- Why Did It Have to be Heights?
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Kamui Tokinomiya
Default Arcana: Anutpada (Time) |
The Millenial Guard who has awakened due to a crisis brought upon by Mildred. She investigates this matter with the help of the ninja girl Konoha... posing as Heart and Saki's sempai, only with ponytail and still carrying her katana Tamayorihime... as if that's not gonna raise some suspicion.
- Counter Attack: Has some attacks like this. One of them inflicts around 90% damage.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Samurai
- Time Stands Still
- Paper-Thin Disguise: No, Kamui, tying your hair back won't hide your identity, especially if you're carrying a sword.
Default Arcana: Moriomoto (Nature) |
A dog-girl who comes from a legendary ninja clan. She is often very happy, going into battles happily and settling them in a well-intentioned manner. Her route is more joking, however, and it's largely all Played for Laughs.
Maori Kasuga
Default Arcana: Ohtsuchi (Earth) |
Second-born of four sisters specializing in exorcisms, called upon by the Japanese Ministry of Elemental Affairs to investigate Mildred's plan.
- The Archer
- Chaste Heroine: She's one of the few girls without much lesbian teasing with other girls, although Clarice, in her fits of jealousy, seems to think something's going on with her and Elsa.
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Improbable Weapon User: She fights using spintops... You don't see that often.
- Miko
- Sibling Team: Fights alongside her sisters.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
Mei Fang
Default Arcana: Lang-Gong (Fire) |
A robot-girl in search of her master who was captured by Mildred. She is apparently friends with Kira, however insufferable she may be, and they often work together.
- The Ace: She's said to excel in all school subjects.
- Anime Chinese Girl
- Bare-Fisted Monk: Of the "robot girl" variety.
- Boobs of Steel: Quite literally.
- Dandere
- Gainaxing: During one of her win poses and even in her combat stance.
- Humans Are Morons: One of her lines implies that she might think this.
"Why must we settle this with our fists? You humans perplex me." |
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Mecha: One of her special attacks involves this.
- Lightning Bruiser/Jack of All Stats: She has some decent speed and has powerful combos at her disposal.She very strictly a close-range fighter though.
- Playing with Fire
- Robot Girl/Ridiculously Human Robot
- Stripperiffic She doesn't wear much.
- Talking to Herself: Shares the same voice actress with her own creator, Mei Ling Hua.
- Shout-Out: In 3, she got a color scheme of fellow buxom Chinese lady Litchi Faye-Ling.
- The Stoic
- Thong of Shielding: Front and back, even.
- The Unfettered: She was very determined to find her owner,to the point of fighting any other fighter to gain info.
- Younger Than They Look: She is technically three years old.
Lilica Felchenrow
Default Arcana: Tempestas (Wind) |
A half-demon who lives with her father. She usually goes about searching for fun, and shrugs off work. She was apparently offered some kind of 'deal' from Mildred, which she (obviously) rejects.
- Blow You Away
- Bratty Half-Pint She has shades of this
- Dark Is Not Evil: She's a half-demon, but seems to be a good (if mischievous) girl.
- Difficult but Awesome: She requires a very good mastery of all her moves in order to be played well.
- Fragile Speedster
- Genki Girl
- Half-Human Hybrid/Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Yoriko's blue.
- Rollerblade Good
- Shameless Fanservice Girl: She removes her jacket in one of her victory poses.
- She's Got Legs
- Shout-Out: She has an Etna color scheme.
- The Trickster
- Valley Girl: In the translation, at least.
Lieselotte Achenbach
Default Arcana: Gier (Shadow) |
A girl who lost her family (unknowingly, by her own hands), and whose older sister Elfriede's body was placed on a puppet she carries around. She was hired by Mildred to capture Heart. In truth, Elfriede is very much alive but amnesiac as "Zenia Valov".
- Casting a Shadow
- Creepy Child
- Difficult but Awesome: One of the trickier characters to use,but gets deadly once well played.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Evil Orphan
- Improbable Age: She's an assassin.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Self-Made Orphan
- Sibling Team: Subverted, since her sister is a doll, making her similar to Carl Clover.
- Red Baron: "The Crimson-Eyed Puppeteer"
- Vampire Vords: Back in 1, she spoke with this. She dropped it at 3.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Yoriko Yasuzumi
Default Arcana: Dieu Mort (Death) |
A young occult fangirl who summoned her staff, Mike, from a spell. Unfortunately, she cannot control him that well, and as a result, she often gets into fights due to his manners.
- Butt Monkey
- Cute Witch
- Empathic Weapon
- Meganekko
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Lilica's red.
- Shrinking Violet
- Skill Gate Characters
- Trademark Favorite Food: Donuts are Mike's main source of nutrition (and motivation).
Kira Daidouji
Default Arcana: Niptra (Water) |
A girl who got her PhD at the Improbable Age of eleven, Kira has large intentions... as in to Take Over the World. She fights Mildred for getting in the way with that.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Justified, considering she's perpetually swimming in her water blob, an action generally easier to do barefoot.
- Enfante Terrible
- Evil Laugh: After her Critical Heart Break. Also one of her victory poses... until her foot got stuck for spending way too much time on water.
- Improbable Age: Earned her PhD at the tender age of eleven.
- Improbable Weapon User
- Insufferable Genius
- Making a Splash
- Mighty Glacier: And by extension, Glacier Waif.
- Take Over the World
- Wrestler in All of Us: Partly subverted. It's water blob does the fighting/wrestling for her, but she controls it by performing the body movements such as punching and grabbing, and the blob mimics them.
Fiona Mayfield
Default Arcana: Orichalcos (Metal) |
A British girl whom Saki befriend and was captured by Mildred in what was termed the "Mayfield Incident". She serves her mistress loyally, largely thinking of her as a friend. In any other route, she is fought before Mildred.
"Excalibur! GOMENASAI!]]" |
- Battle Butler
- Cute Bruiser
- Dojikko
- Fragile Flower: Almost always ends up crying after losing to your fighter.
- Glacier Waif
- Meido
Mildred Avallone
Voiced by: Yukiko Kikuchi |
A woman with an ambition of merging the human and elemental worlds and gain god-like powers. She is fought at the end of any route, and, unsurprisingly, is the hardest character to beat in the whole game, given that she has many unblockable attacks.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Affably Evil: Always polite when she meets the other girls. Her treatment of Fiona, however, seems more than just politeness.
- All Your Powers Combined: She has a selection of all the best moves from all of the game's Arcana. Including regular special moves that are supers if used by a playable character.
- Beam Spam
- Big Bad
- Knight Templar
- Light Is Not Good
- Pet the Dog: Her treatment of Fiona.
- SNK Boss
- Spell My Name with an "S": Avallone/Avalon.
- Utopia Justifies the Means
Debuting in Arcana Heart 2
Petra Johanna Lagerkvist
Default Arcana: Zilrael (Light) |
Daughter of the influential Lagerkvist family. On the second Elemental World incident triggered by Angelia, she travels to Kanto to investigate, assisted by nuns Elsa and Clarice in her endeavors.
- Big Good: Can count in 3 as she is the head of the family that actively opposes the ambitious Drexler Institute.
- Dual-Wielding: Uses twin handguns in battle, making her similar to Noel Vermillion, although Petra is far more sophisticated and confident.
- Guns Akimbo
- Holy Hand Grenade
- Impossibly Low Neckline
- Sexy Backless Outfit
- The Ojou: She's frigging rich all right...
- Panty Shot: One of her supers seem to serve as nothing but accidentally reveal her panties while she kicks the enemy.
Zenia Valov
Default Arcana: Almacia (Ice) |
Amnesiac, no-nonsense Russian Special Forces agent sent to investigate Angelia's rampage in Kanto, and ends up clashing with Kamui. Beneath her tough exterior is a Friend to All Children who is somewhat fond of plushies. She is actually Elfriede Achenbach, Lieselotte's older sister, separated at birth and given a complete memory wash. She learned this from Petra at the end of 3 and returned to Lieselotte for a short time.
- Aloof Big Sister: For Lieselotte, but neither of them knew until recently.
- An Ice Person
- Badass: Aside of her no-nonsense personality, the translation of her Critical Heart pretty much sums her up.
- Everything's Better with Penguins: Guess what Almacia looks like...
- Extremity Extremist: She uses very few kicks and mostly relies on punches and her pilebunker.
- Face Palm of Doom: Her Critical Heart.
- Friend to All Children
- I Call It Vera: Her pile bunker is named "Edinorog" (Russian for "unicorn"), and even Zenia sometimes remarks that its blood is boiling.
- Lieselotte, I Am Your Sister
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Cold and efficient, yet shows her warmer side to children and Lieselotte.
- Power Fist: Augmented by a pile-bunker gauntlet.
- Slipknot Ponytail: If she loses, that is, revealing her long hair.
- The Stoic
- Trademark Favorite Food: Cookies.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Elsa La Conti
Default Arcana: Koshmar (Punishment) |
A nun who assists Petra during the second Elemental World incident. She joined the Western Europe Spirit Sector after losing her family to a demon attack. She is very straight forward and sometimes too strict on herself.
- Church Militant
- Fire-Forged Friends: First met Clarice after being ordered to kill her by her employers. The battle ended badly for both, and their lives were saved by their respective Arcanas.
- Depleted Phlebotinum Shells: Pulls out a magical gun for her Critical Heart.
- Expy: The gun and cross aside, her other physical weapons? Holy Water, a whip, a stake, a bible. Sounds like we have a lost Belmont.
- Improbable Weapon User: She normally fights with an oversized cross named Crux.
Clarice di Lanza
Default Arcana: Sorwat (Sin) |
A nun who assists Petra during the second Elemental World incident. She used to be a noblewoman in the elemental world, but boredom drove her to switch allegiances, and later became an agent of the Western Europe Spirit Sector after a rough encounter with Elsa.
- Church Militant: And yet she's a demon.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cool Big Sis: Seems to act as one for the other sisters in her convent, if one of her win poses is any indication.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Fire-Forged Friends: See Elsa's entry.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: If those eyes open, beware. The ground even shakes when her eyes open for added effect.
- Fragile Speedster: The most frail character this side of Scharlachrot, but she also has one of the fastest attacks in the game.
- Nun-Too-Holy: Besides the fact that she's a demon (or perhaps because of that fact), she tends to act immoral at times (though she usually means well).
- Psychotic Smirk: On the extremely rare occasion that she opens her eyes, her benevolent looking smile evolves into one. Simply put, you don't want this.
- Say It with Hearts: Or... musical tones, if her text is any indication.
Catherine Kyoubashi
Default Arcana: Median (Magnetism) |
A Japanese-American who fights with a huge robot of her own design named Terry Yodogawa. Despite her comical appearance, she is a genius prodigy who enrolled in MIT's College of Spirit Research at the age of ten. Arcana is Median, the Arcana of Magnetism.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Child Prodigy
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Does Not Like Shoes: It's hard to tell when she's in her mech, since her feet generally aren't visible, but whenever she's KO'd or hops out, then yep, she's barefoot.
- Eagle Land
- Humongous Mecha
- Improbable Age
- Kansai Regional Accent: And yet she's an American (though of Japanese descent). And yes, this gets lampshaded occasionally.
- The Rival: To Kira.
- Shout-Out: Her design and color scheme pretty much screams of a loli, non-pudgy Dr. Eggman.
Dorothy Albright
Default Arcana: Heliogabalus (Mirrors) |
An American magus who works in Las Vegas as stage magician "Dorothy the Wizard". She has a strong sense of justice and helps the American Spirit Department whenever she can.
- Black Magician Girl
- Improbable Age: Was the youngest fighter in the series until Eko appeared, and at the age of nine, she's a popular stage magician in Las Vegas.
- Shout-Out: Her overall theme and her familiars—a scarecrow, a tin man, and a lion—are all taken from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
Angelia Avallone
Default Arcana: Mildred (Halo) |
Mildred's sister bent on avenging the former's defeat.
- Avenging the Villain: She is Mildreds sister...
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Does Not Like Shoes
- Jerkass
- Light Is Not Good
- Spell My Name with an "S": Avallone/Avalon.
- Older Than They Look: Due to being in the magical world, her aging has stopped. She is actually Mildred's older sister.
Debuting in Sugoi! Arcana Heart 2
Nazuna Inuwaka
Default Arcana: Kayatsuhime (Flowers) |
Part of the Inuwaka clan that guards the Kamui, which puts her as rivals with Konoha. Nazuna is the younger, and more responsible sister.
- Canine Companion: Which is really a...
- Big Badass Wolf: That she rides, making it a...
- Horse of a Different Color
- Expy: Of Samurai Shodown's Nakoruru, what with the bird companion. She's actually a combination of both her forms.
- Loyal Animal Companion: Two of them.
- Little Bit Beastly
Akane Inuwaka
Default Arcana: Phoenix (Sound) |
Nazuna's older, laidback sister. Despite her easygoing disposition, she's pretty competent at her job as a member of the Inuwaka clan.
- Cool Big Sis: Despite bumbling here and there.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: She likes slacking off, playing around and not taking things seriously. But when she takes it seriously, she really is that good.
- Catch Phrase: "Sugoi, sugoi". Arguably a Title Drop.
- Kick Chick: Does not throw punches.
- Kung Fu Wizard
- Let's Get Dangerous: You know she means business once she stops taking things easy.
- Ninja
- Little Bit Beastly
Parace L'Sia
Default Arcana: Paracelsia (Life) |
An elven girl and main antagonist of Sugoi!.
- Big Bad
- Dark-Skinned White-Haired Pretty Girl
- Healing Factor: What makes her so incredibly frustrating to fight against.
- Glass Cannon: Can deal ridiculous amounts of damage in even faster time, but a little bit of damage can knock her out. Now the problem is actually hitting her before her health regenerates...
- Meaningful Name: She's named after Swiss alchemist Theoprastus Paracelsus.
- Physical God
- Pointed Ears
- SNK Boss: Tops even Mildred herself in the cheapness department, and when reappearing in 3's score attack mode, has earned the title as being one of the most ridiculous examplles of this in recent memory, possibly even putting most of SNK themeselves to shame.
- Stripperiffic: Let's face it, she only wears a cape, and one square piece of cloth covering from her nipples to her crotch. Now that's Stripperiffic.
- True Final Boss
Debuting in Arcana Heart 3
Default Arcana: Gottfried (Sword) |
An agent of "Valkyria", a branch of the Drexler Institute. She is fortunately saved by Petra and now works as her agent. She's out to save her fellow "Valkyria" agent Scharlachrot.
- Animal Mecha: Gottfried. It was actually a construct.
- Artificial Arcana: Gottfried turns out to be a construct based on Tyr, Norse god of war.
- Badass Adorable: Outside battle, she's a complete, adorable klutz who knows nothing about social life.
- Bow Ties Are Cool: She even keeps it on if she gets turned into a blob by Gier's Arcana Blaze.
- Gratuitous German: It's pronounced Vice, and means White.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- I Just Want to Have Friends
- Not Good with People: Knows next to nothing about society, having grown up in Drexler where she has barely any contact of the outside world. She is currently working to adjust.
- Shout-Out/Homage
- One of her supers lets her ride one of her expanded-sized swords to attack her opponent, reminding many of Jin Kisaragi "surfing" on sword-shaped ice blocks. Her own theme, "White Valkyria", also sounds like Jin's "Lust SIN".
- Her design is also similar to Dark Saber, specializes in summoning blades out of thin air, and "Extend Force Critical Heart" brings to mind the legendary "Unlimited Blade Works".
- Ride The Swordning
- Rapunzel Hair: White-ish, as befits her name.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue oni to Heart and Scharlachrot's red oni.
- Short, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Stoic: Most of the time.
- Not So Stoic: Has her own share of moments. Particularly, if it involves her friends.
- Those Wacky Nazis: Gottfried's moves are named after infamous Nazi officers.
Eko and Kazu
Default Arcana: Saligrama (Luck) |
A girl with the power to bring life to any immaterial object, her favorite use of which is on drawings, creating in the process her fighting twin Kazu.
- A Girl and Her Drawing.
- Art Initiates Life: Eko's power. Kazu is a giant child's drawing.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl
- Make My Monster Grow: Eko's Critical Heart.
- Shout-Out: To Touhou in general. To wit, Eko's Critical Heart looks like a Spell Card on loose, shares the same frilly clothing designs with most characters there, shares the same voice actress with vampire girl Remilia Scarlet in the Touhou Musou Kakyou fanime, and Kazu could be likened to a talking Unzan.
- Token Loli
Default Arcana: Baldur (Fang) |
A girl raised by Drexler Institute alongside Weiß. Unlike the latter, however, she remains fiercely loyal to Drexler.
- Animal Mecha: Her Arcana Baldur. Also artificially created.
- Ax Crazy: Breaks out of it in her ending.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Drexler forced her to gather enough Celestial Stones to activate Ragnarok. In her story, once you defeat Weiß and Ragnarok powers up, she snaps out of it.
- Evil Redhead
- Expy: She's an Ax Crazy lady with a Psychotic Smirk who uses chains, occasionally Laughing Mad, is one of the most evil characters in the series (as much as its standards go) who hates the world, and wants to use an Applied Phlebotinum for that purpose. Pretty much a less Faux Affably Evil Hazama.
- Meaningful Name: Scharlachrot means "scarlet red", in reference to her hair/eye color as well as her bloodlust.
- No Pronunciation Guide: What is her name supposed to be? [1]
- Norse Mythology: Her Arcana is named Baldur, and it is apparently in-story based off Fenrir.
- Psychotic Smirk: She frequently has this on.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Weiß's blue.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Official spelling: Scharlachrot. Because it's too complicated, often spelled as "Scharharlot".
- Stripperiffic: Yeah, really, just look at that getup she's wearing.
- Those Wacky Nazis: Like Weiss, she takes her Arcana move names from prominent Nazi officers. Baldur is not a reference to the benevolent Norse god of light, but to Baldur von Schirach, head of the Hitler Youth. It even has a move called Agosai Schirach (Jawbreaking Schirach).
- Yandere: For Weiss. Probably a result of the Drexler's brainwashing.
- Final Boss
- Humongous Mecha: But just like Gottfried and Baldur, it too is but a construct.
- The One Guy: Although being an artificial Arcana, he may not count.
- Time Limit Boss: No matter what the game timer is set to, you have 60 seconds to destroy it or you get the bad ending and can't continue.
- ↑ German. It's pronounced /ʃarlaxrot/.