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Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny/Quotes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Abe: My friend has ADD, and everyone at school treats him like some kinda leper!

Tom Green: Well, that's discrimination! Hey, do you wanna go take a dump on my parent's bed?
No. Gotta read Marge's book. Can't get distracted. Heh, distracted, that's a funny word. Does anyone ever get tracted? Better call a suicide hotline and ask them.
Homer Simpson, The Simpsons

Rayyan: But we're so close...
Mayor Popowicz: Close only counts at horseshoes. Do Muslim play horseshoes? I find these little cultural differences so interesting.

Rayyan: Can we focus please?
Little Mosque on the Prairie, "Swimming Upstream"
Another Cherished Idol profaned! Such sacrilege has become commonplace with the recent glut of the Underlings. It would bring a tear to my eye if I were not so clearly fit to be tied with these hyperactive mannerisms and severe attention deficit oh my god look a bug.
NPC in The Land of Wind and Shade, Homestuck

Ted: You must have been a terrible student.

Barney: They said I had AD... something. Can we have class outside?!
How I Met Your Mother, "Robin 101"

Wow. I wonder if sending it off to a large gathering of natural predators, with a volatile female escort, is not, in fact, a shortcut to a hideous death... Wow! That cloud looks almost like an oak tree!

Homer: Wait, I'm confused about the movie. So the cops knew that internal affairs were setting them up?
Cultist 1: What are you talking about? There is nothing like that in there!
Homer: Oh, you see when I get bored I make up my own movie. I have a very short attention span.
Cultist 2: But our point is very simple. You see, when--

Homer: Oh, look! A bird! (runs out of the room, laughing, and chases a bird)
The Simpsons, 5F23 "The Joy of Sect"

Ansem: Awww crap. Look, a quarter.

"So I guess what I'm trying to say is PLASTIC BAG PLASTIC BAG PLASTIC BAG..."
Tom Green, Clone High

<AleX> i guess this channel must be a center of activity; when i not rarondn an;sc;ln vialmnv,ma v,xznm f dlJFSMSMMMSMMSM:HHHFRRF
<DerianX> Yes.

<AleX> sorry, i stopped caring halfway through that sentnece
—QDB #25051

Kin: The multiverse is predominantly evil.
Forgrath: What? I was always taught that good and evil are balanced.
Kin: Nope. Evil is winning.
Minmax: Really? That's awful. Is there nothing we can do to...

Minmax: Hey look! There's a version of me with a cool hat!
Not helping at all is a camera that refuses to rotate more than ninety degrees, so if you're faffing about behind the front layer of blocks then you're basically playing with a hessian sack on your head. "I know how to fix this issue," announced that one Atlus employee. "We'll just straight-up reverse the controls when you're dangling off the far side of a block. Wait, I'm confused. What was I fixing again? Ooh, look, a puppy!"
—Zero Punctuation's Catherine Review.
Dug, Up
"Ooh! A fire engine!"
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