Berserk Button/Quotes
"NOOOOOOO! I AM A WOODPECKER! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!" —Woody Woodpecker, The Woody Woodpecker Show, "Downsized Woody"
Jonny: (to Eddy) Your city's corrupted the mind of my pal Plank! SURRENDER, URBAN FIEND!!! (beating Eddy up) —Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy "Urban Ed"
"What happened here?" (he sees the burnt food. Then, angrily crumbles with his hands) WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?!?" —Raccoon, The Nut Job
"It was in that moment that I realized something. A dull, blurred feeling that I'd had since this whole mess began, all of a sudden crystal clear. It had been a long, long time since I hated anyone the way I hated them." —The Punisher, The Slavers
THE BURDEN OF HOSPITALITY IS TOO GREAT FOR ROLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! —Rolf, Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy "Rambling Ed"
"Now why would you go and do something like that? Didn't you see the sign that said do not push this button!" —Mimiron, World of Warcraft
"You know, I'm really easy to get along with most of the time. But I don't like bullies, and I don't like threats. And I don't like you." —Captain Janeway, Star Trek: Voyager
"I am Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt. I am known as a fair man, unless I am pushed. You have just pushed me." —Ibram Gaunt, Gaunt's Ghosts
"If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him." —Sun Tzu, The Art of War
"Gentlemen! If any harm should come to Mrs Jackman, I will kill all of you one by one... and I will take... my... tiiimme!" —Hyde, Jekyll
—Cameron, while choking multiple people to death, The Sarah Connor Chronicles
"I'm gonna lose it on you!" —Rembrandt, The Warriors
"They destroyed my beautiful creation. Now I'm beginning to get really angry!" —Ivan Ooze, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers the Movie
"You know what I hate?" |
"The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or my American heritage as a negative is: I collect your fucking head. Just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, NOW'S THE FUCKING TIME! ...I didn't think so." —O-Ren Ishii, Kill Bill
"Inside the psyche of every individual, there exists a spot. A spot that must never be disturbed. It exists inside even the most coolheaded humans. Where it sits. And waits. And if you think you are immune...if you think nothing you hear could ever offend you...think again." —Introduction to "Mulberry: Offended"
"It is not the expert thrust of Athos nor the cold skill of Aramis nor the iron wrist of Porthos that we have to fear - it is the Gascon's fury -- the wild and unacademic attack of the troubadour - the sword of D'Artagnan." —O. Henry, The Last of the Troubadours
"You made me swallow my gum! It's going to be in my digestive tract for seven years!" —Gideon Graves, Age: 27, Asshole, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
"Do not touch me in that fashion. We may sometimes look like you, but we are not you. Never forget that." —Lennier, Babylon 5
"Everyone is a reactionary about subjects he understands." |
One more joke outta you, and I'll make sure YOU'RE SEEING STARS!!!! —Abigail Lincoln/Numbuh Five, Codename: Kids Next Door
Korax: We like the Enterprise! We... we really do! That sagging old rust bucket is designed like a garbage scow! Half the quadrant knows it, that's why they're learning to speak Klingonese! —Star Trek: The Original Series, "The Trouble With Tribbles", about five seconds before Scotty punches Korax in the face
Chester V: (to Flint) That's what you think! (to Barb) SAVE ME, MONKEY! |
Nostalgia Critic: [This movie has] mediocre special effects that you're more likely to see in one of Linkara's videos! —The Nostalgia Critic, Superman IV review
"Yes. Of course. As you wish ...your MAJESTY!!!!!!!!!" —Scar, The Lion King
"That blue bird caused my misery." —Nigel, Rio 2
Amy: (to Eggman for destroying her bracelet) RAAAAAGH!!! NOW YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!!! |
"YOU MANIAC!! YOU BURNED IT UP!!! DARN YOU! Darn you all to HECK!!!" —Alex, Madagascar
"NO WIRE HANGERS! EVEEEEEEEER!!!!!" —Joan Crawford, Mommie Dearest
{{quote|"Did I mention how much I hate bugs?"
|Raphael, [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 series)|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 cartoon), Episode 47}}
"Don't call me pretty. The last guy who called me pretty ended up looking a lot less pretty." —Duncan, Total Drama Action, "Riot on Set"
"Why don't you take a sh*t in Fiorello LaGuardia's hat and feed it to Joe DiMaggio's crying ghost on Liberty Island, you son of a bitch?" —Jon Stewart, upon witnessing Donald Trump eating pizza with a fork, The Daily Show
"There are three surefire ways to get punched: in Italy, claiming the women are not beautiful, in England, claiming the English are not free, and in Germany, that sauerkraut is not food fit for the gods." —Alexandre Dumas, The Great Dictionary of Cuisine
Pronyma: (dying) "Lord Yggdrasill... Mithos, please..." |
"So I said to him, I said, 'If you pop that gum one more time...' And he did. So I took the shotgun off the wall and fired two warning shots. Into. His. Head." —Chicago, "The Cell Block Tango"
(after Seviper bites her hair off) Jessie: (crying hysterically): "AHHH! Not my hair!!! My flowing hair is my trademark! Now I'm REALLY mad!! YOU'VE MADE A VERY BIG MISTAKE, SEVIPER!!!" (Jessie then beats the crap out of Seviper with her bare hands) |
"I don't want to bore you with the details as they would just... bore you. Oh, but there is one thing I want to tell you. If, for whatever reason, Noel Vermillion is harmed in any way, I will hunt down that person and make them pay... dearly." —Makoto Nanaya, BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Arcade Mode, to Iron Tager as a warning
"DON'T CALL ME "CHIEF"!" —Most versions of Perry White