< Beyblade
- Awesome Music: Oh Yes
- Badass Decay: In the first season, Lee was an absolute beast who could copy his teammates techniques and always won easily before his match with Ray and Tyson. But in G Revolution, he's overly emotional and drives himself war too hard and in general, is just nowhere near as impressive.
- Boring Invincible Hero: Tyson seems like this in G Revolution. The only loss he had that was due to his opponent actually being better, was a tag duel, which he wasn't used to. After the tournament, Tyson is on a huge winning streak against Ray, Crusher, and Garland, all top tier bladers. It gets so bad that you can even predict when he will win. Which is usually always.
- Copy Cat Sue: Daichi, of Tyson.
- And Strata Dragoon is one of Dragoon.
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: It was so popular in America that Metal Fight Beyblade was produced with Western audiences in mind.
- One of maybe three? or four? anime series to be popular in India.
- Ho Yay: Has its own page.
- The Scrappy: Hillary (for daring to be a girl in what was originally an all boys posse) and Daichi (for perceived stealing of the spotlight from the rest of the cast).
- Ming Ming also qualifies. Her pop star status annoys most people and think she shouldn't be beyblading. Including Daichi...until she defeated him.