Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

"There's juice freaks, and pill freaks, and then everybody's a freak! What you need is grass or a downer or something."
A kinda sequel to Valley of the Dolls released by 20th Century Fox. Directed by Russ Meyer and co-written by Meyer and movie critic Roger Ebert (who described landing the gig as an example of inmates Running the Asylum at the studio), Beyond the Valley of the Dolls is about a musical quartet of girls who go to Hollywood to live with the lead singer's wealthy swinger aunt.
Tropes used in Beyond the Valley of the Dolls include:
- Action Girl: Z-Man, possibly.
- Affectionate Parody: Of the original Valley of the Dolls. But beyond that.
- Anyone Can Die: Casey, Lance, Otto, Roxanne, Z-Man. Harris nearly dies.
- Attempted Rape: Randy tries to rape Pet and Z-Man tries to rape Lance.
- Author Appeal / Ms. Fanservice: Russ Meyer loves topless buxom women.
- Badass: Lance Rock and Randy. Not to mention the naked clairvoyant who's dressed like a motorcycle.
- Badass Normal: Emerson and Harris.
- The Baroness: Roxanne.
- Big Bra to Fill: Every woman in the movie.
- Bi the Way: Casey. I think she's converted by the end of the movie.
- Bond One-Liner: "You will drink the black sperm of my vengeance."
- "You beg for mercy, while the cries of six millions innocents still ring in your ears? They are waiting for you!"
- B-Movie: An all-girl band of hippies and their producer head to Hollywood to collect on some old inheritance where they get lucky and make it big before falling in with the wrong crowd and quickly slip into a life of sleaze and decadence. We're talking 2 weeks here.
- Broken Bird: Casey.
- Bury Your Gays: Casey, Roxanne, Z-Man.
- Camp: To say the least.
- Car Fu: When Randy dragged Emerson around on the roof of his car.
- Catch Phrase: "This is my happening and it freaks me out!"
- "I'd like to strap you on sometime."
- "(sitting in a wheelchair) Checkmate. I can't move."
- "Don't bogart the joint!"
- Combat Stilettos: Z-Man with his knee-high gold boots.
- Death by Sex: Casey, Lance, Roxanne, Z-Man. Subverted with Baxter, Emerson, Harris, Kelly, Susan, Pet.
- Fan Disservice / Squick: Topless Z-Man.
- Genre Shift: Turns into a Slasher Movie for the last 25 minutes.
- Gorn: S&M decapitation, headshots at close range, stabbing a Nazi to death with a sword at the beach.
- Gun in My Pocket: Z-Man forces a gun in Roxanne's mouth while she's sleeping before shooting her. Enter Sigmund Freud.
- He Also Did: Famous film critic Roger Ebert was one of the writers.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Most of the actresses were Playboy models beforehand.
- In Name Only: Has nothing to do with the original Valley of the Dolls novel/film. In fact some have suggested the title of the film should be "Beyond The Valley of the Dolls" - i.e. the film is going beyond the themes and topics of the book and film.
- Infant Immortality: Averted with Casey's abortion.
- Large Ham: Take your pick.
- Made of Plasticine: Lance and Otto.
- Naked in Mink: At least one of the posters shows a bunch of girls laying around several fur coats.
- Playboy: Dolly Read (Miss May 1966), Cynthia Myers (Miss December 1968)
- Recurring Character: Martin Bormann has appeared in a few of Russ Meyer movies.
- Running Gag: After Harris is paralyzed they poke fun at him with unintentionally funny dialogue, showing him struggling to get into a wheelchair during the climactic final battle, and the bizarre river-crossing-on-crutches scene during the ending.
- Sassy Black Woman: Pet.
- Sex Montage: Rolls Royce sequence.
- Shout-Out: Martin Bormann, deceased Nazi.
- Tag Team: Roger Ebert (film critic) and Russ Meyer (the boobs producer).
- Tomato Surprise, Twist Ending: Z-Man is a woman. Or transgender and just had breast implants. It's left vague.
- Troubled but Cute: Harris.
- Villainous Crossdresser: When Z-Man goes on a killing rampage dressed up as "Superwoman".