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Big No/New Media

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • When Wookieepedia, the official unofficial Star Wars Wiki, was going for their first Featured Wikia of the month on the Wikia main site, there was some consternation when they discovered they were losing to WikiFur, the Furry Fandom's Wikia. This sent them on a wild scramble for more votes. The furries, to their credit, played up their role of villain with the following message on the Wikia boards. "Join us, and together we can rule the Internet as Wookie Fur!" Wookieepedia made the only appropriate response. If only Chewie, rather than Vader, had delivered the last Big No of the saga....
  • The website http://nooooooooooooooo.com helpfully provides a Big No button for use "in dire situations".
  • The reaction of manga-addicts everywhere when Onemanga announced it was going down.
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