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Big No/Playing With

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Basic Trope: A character screams the word "No!" at length when faced with a crisis or tragedy.

  • Straight: Bob yells "Nooo!" when he sees the villain stab Alice, his girlfriend.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob runs towards Alice in slow-motion, arm outstretched, with his yell of "Nooo!" both artificially deepened and lengthened for dramatic effect. Optionally coupled with weird facial contortions. Huge potential for Squick (or Narm) here.
    • Bob's "NOOOOOO!" lasts for several scenes!
  • Downplayed: Bob utters a intense, but shorter "NO!" when he sees Alice get stabbed.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is shocked and wants to do something, but can't.
    • Bob is over-dramatic.
  • Inverted: Bob yells "YEEEEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!" as he sees Alice get stabbed.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob looks like he's about shout "No!", but gets cut-off before he can.
    • Bob yells No, but ends in -pe, thereby making it, Nope.
  • Double Subverted: Once the distraction is dealt with, Bob is free to shout "No!"
  • Parodied:
    • Bob's yell of "Nooo!" is so long, he's obligated to take a deep breath during it before continuing.
    • Bob stares blankly for ten seconds before suddenly shouting "Nooo!!!"
    • The screen splits into ten panes, each of which has Bob screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" in unison.
    • While Bob is yelling "NOOOOO", the camera quickly zooms out until the entire Milky Way is in the shot. Bob is still screaming "NOOOOOO". Cue intense camera shake.
    • There are multiple shots depicting everyone in the entire universe — even aliens on other planets — looking in Bob's direction during his "NOOOOOOO".
    • Bob is prompted to scream "Nooo!" by the most minor and trivial of problems.

Bob: "Well, I sure am looking forward to my pizza rolls, I- wait, is that burning I smell? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Bob: "Can I say it?"
Alice: "Not yet. Wait for it... wait for it... NOW""

  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob's Big No blows his cover, sending the villain and possibly passer-by Danny straight for him. Bob may also become hoarse from shouting.
    • Everyone looks at Bob, who now feels incredibly awkward.
  • Reconstructed: Bob's Big No causes him to be spotted by the villain, but Bob still manages to escape.
  • Zig Zagged: Some of the characters get a Heroic BSOD when something bad happens, others scream the Big No. Naturally, if there is more than one battle, the people will switch which reaction they have.
  • Averted: Bob says nothing during moments of tragedy and crisis.
  • Enforced:
    • "This is a dramatic moment, people! Bob, I want you to yell "No!" as loud and as long as you can!"
    • A Large Ham is hired to play the part of Bob.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "... that was the biggest 'No' I ever heard."
    • "You sound like a character from a crappy B-movie with that 'NOOOOO!!!'"
  • Invoked: Bob actively makes sure he's got everyone's attention before screaming "Nooo!"
  • Exploited: Bob purposely yells loudly to distract the guards.
  • Defied: Danny punches Bob out if it even looks like he's going to scream "Nooo!"
  • Discussed: Danny demands why Bob had to go and shout something stupid sounding like that, this isn't some TV Drama. Bob retorts that it certainly was dramatic enough to be in a TV show.
  • Conversed: Danny says "Oh my god, that sounded like that one scene from that show I was watching!"


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