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Black Bead Eyes

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The darkness of his eyes is quite a charming feature.

Lucy: "Do you think my eyes are beautiful Charlie Brown?"
Charlie Brown: "Yes, they look just like little round dots of India ink!"

A fairly common trait amongst works with a simplistic art style is that the characters' eyes will be nothing more than a black dot on their faces. Many fans of animated works will be openly familiar with this particular trope since it shows up in both Western and Japanese animation, the latter of which is usually in the form of Super Deformed Chibis. In some cases the characters may get Skintone Sclerae or Cartoony Eyes when a shocked expression is needed.

Could end up causing Only Six Faces or in some cases, the exact opposite. Also guaranteed to show up in a Stick Figure Comic. Might be a way to add a pinch of Moe to the series.

Related to, but not to be confused with Black Eyes. See also Pie-Eyed for an old-school variant.

Examples of Black Bead Eyes include:

Comic Books


Newspaper Comics

Puppet Shows

  • Bear, Ojo and the otters in Bear in the Big Blue House.
  • The bunnies in Jim Henson's The Tale of the Bunny Picnic, most notably Bean Bunny, who went on to be part of the regular cast of The Muppets.
  • Most of the puppets in projects created by Spiffy Pictures, such as Jack's Big Music Show, Curious Buddies, and Bunnytown, have these.


  • Every LEGO minifigure until the mid-2000s.

Video Games

  • Professor Layton, but only for a few characters (including Layton himself).
  • The Mario & Luigi series uses this style for some supporting characters.
    • Paper Mario
    • Bowser Jr, the Toads, Boos, Piantas, Lumas, etc.
  • Features in all of the MOTHER series games, but it's a more obvious stylistic choice in EarthBound and Mother 3.
  • A good variety of Pokémon have this sort of eye. Up until Generation II, a lot of humans had a style similar to this. It took a while for the other adaptations to catch up.
  • Many Kirby characters.
  • Katamari Damacy: The Prince and his many, many cousins have these.
  • Peacock of Skullgirls is the only character in the game to have these. Though in reality, they're not eyes: they're her empty eye sockets.
  • All the livestock in the Harvest Moon games.Also the overworld sprites of characters.
  • The first few eyes that your sackboy gets in LittleBigPlanet are these. Justified in that his eyes really are only black beads or buttons. However, later on you get eyes that go beyond this, such as the cartoon eyes and the neon eyes.
  • The artwork for Harvest Moon 64 had the characters with this style, mixed with Super-Deformed, probably to match the games style. In-game artwork was more detailed though.
  • The Coconut Crew, a group of koala NPCs from Sonic Rush Adventure, had these.

Web Animation

Web Comics

Western Animation

Real Life

  • Some animals have these type of eyes.[context?]
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